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Duggars Exploit Holocaust Again


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The Duggars have founded some organization to end abortion through a slick website--which they said they were inspired to do after visiting the Holocaust Museum in DC.


It's going to take a lot of showers and tea for me to calm down after reading this.



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Guest Anonymous

'After touring the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. in 2010...' is shamelessly followed by stuff that has nothing to do with the Holocaust. Guess what? The Holocaust is not a rhetorical tool.

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I can not look. That is just so incredibly disgusting; the two things aren't related FFS. How can they be so insensitive and just......I don't know I just feel icky now & pissed.

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I left a comment, time will tell if it gets posted.

To equate abortion and the holocaust is to minimize the rape, torture, suffering, and murder the Jews and others went through at the hands of the Nazis. If you want to carry the torch against abortion that is one thing, but do not minimize the deaths of those who were killed simply because they were Jews as a part of your cause. No fetus has numbers burned on its arm. No fetus is starved and frozen to death. No fetus is used as target practice. No fetus digs its own grave and watches as its family is murdered.

There is seriously no low these people will not bow to.

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I just posted a question asking them if they would offer to adopt a baby to prevent it from being aborted. I doubt it will get approved or even answered.

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A few people object in the comments, but almost everyone else mindlessly repeats the line that "the Jews had no choice, and neither did the babies who were aborted." (Did that line come from 180?) The mindless repetition makes me picture a group of anti-abortion zombies rising from a graveyard.

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A few people object in the comments, but almost everyone else mindlessly repeats the line that "the Jews had no choice, and neither did the babies who were aborted." (Did that line come from 180?) The mindless repetition makes me picture a group of anti-abortion zombies rising from a graveyard.

Such a dumb argument. My bed has no choice in me sitting on it. Does that mean beds should be compared to people who get sat on against their will? Bugs have no choice in being squashed. Should I campaign against squashing bugs by comparing them to workers who die in industrial accidents? No. It doesn't matter how valid my outrage over beds being sat on or bugs being squished is. It's still offensive to compare them to people who can experience pain and humiliation, and have a conscious existence for death to wipe out.

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It's still offensive to compare them to people who can experience pain and humiliation, and have a conscious existence for death to wipe out.

According to "Rebekah," that actually makes the Holocaust less of an evil act than abortion:

The only difference I see between these two holocausts is that the first was killing those who had breathed the air around them, smelled flowers, loved, saw and experienced while the other is killing those tiny children who have never had a chance to experience what the beauty and love of this world!

I wonder what she would think of Gisella Perl -- "worse than Hitler," perhaps?

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According to "Rebekah," that actually makes the Holocaust less of an evil act than abortion:

I wonder what she would think of Gisella Perl -- "worse than Hitler," perhaps?

OMFG. I just...can't...

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"LifeUnited.org was formed as a coalition to unite the pro-life army to use technology with top quality online pictures, diagrams and videos to educate today's world that each child is a special creation of God," says Michelle Duggar.

Oh yeah...I'm SO SURE there will be no misleading photos of full-term children or articles about how abortion causes breast cancer. :roll:

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I just posted a question asking them if they would offer to adopt a baby to prevent it from being aborted. I doubt it will get approved or even answered.

I think your comment got through. My comment about how Jews (i.e. the people targeted for genocide in the Holocaust) don't believe that abortion is murder and thus comparing the Holocaust to it is a major analogy fail has not.

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It honestly boggles my mind that people believe this crap. I'm too pissed to check the website currently, maybe tomorrow.

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This is the "letter to the father"that appears in the website the Duggars endorse.

It makes me so angry - it's manipulative and divisive and needlessly emotive and JUST SO WRONG.

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I can't keep copying stuff over, it's making me too angry.

But the website the Duggars are endorsing is this http://www.lifeunited.org/. Its blatant anti choice propaganda, with no attempt made to seem credible and balanced. Hopefully that will at least limit the harm it is able to do.

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This is disgusting.

A tiny little ball of cells is nothing like a living human being.

The fetus has no self awareness or thoughts, it doesnt have enough of a developed brain to think or feel. It doesnt know what is going to happen, it cant fear the future, it doesnt know what it is going to miss if it wasnt born.

The already born people who died in the Holocaust? They could feel pain, they could feel fear. They knew they were probably going to die. They experienced life and knew all of the things they would never get to do again. They watched family members die. They are not like fetuses, they have awareness.

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I remember the days before Rose v Wade. Were abortions done? You betcha. The wealthy had their abortions done by physicians while the rest went to back-alley abortionists or self-aborted. Women died or were maimed. If they manage to overturn Roe, this is the situation that will exist once again. All of this really brings back sad memories for me. When I was young I worked as an aide at our local hospital. This was before Roe. There was a beautiful young woman brought in who had hemorrhaged after a botched abortion. The next day she was dead. She had a husband and two small children. An unnecessary death and pain and anguish for her family.

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So what about the competing sperm that did not make it to the egg? Do those not count as unborn babies that need to be saved? What about when women have periods, do they desereve to be punished for killing those babies because they were stupid and young and didn't want to be a mother at that age? How will you anti-choicers save them? What about miscarriages? Should a woman be killed because of that?

Do men deserve to be punished for ejaculating their unborn sperm? If no, then why not? What kind of culture do unborn babies have? What were their accents, their homecountry of coming out of the womb, their societal expectations, what language did they grow up around/learn/speak the most? What religion were they? Or were they not affliated with a religious organization/agnostic/atheist?

Do people who don't believe in a deity are less than worthy of the privileges that most people who believe in deities, particularly the Christian God for granted? If women are only going to use taxpayer money to by crack, drugs and spend on themselves, then why make them have an anwanted baby? What if they baby is abused/neglected because the mother didn't want her or him? If adoption is always the better solution, then why aren't you pro-lifers buying up to your necks in babies? Why do most of you adopt from other countries rather than from your home country? Is it because the adoption system is hard here (in America)?

If so, then why do you think that adoption is a better alternative? What will be the punishment for abortion doctors and women who have and perform abortions? Will they be killed/put in prison for life? What about the other criminals? How will the population census of America be updated?

Why don't you teach men not to rape women because their supposedly big strong alpha-males who have to have women controll their "urges" by dressing modestly? You anti-choicers never really think your agenda thru, don't you?

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I just don't get why and how they use everything to bring up the abortion issue. Don't they have like handlers or a publicist? OR someone saying this is not a good idea and shove a sock in their mouths?

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Only desperate fundies and politicans bring up the abortion issue to gain more support. Because other than that, people wouldn't have a reason to support them.

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'After touring the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. in 2010...' is shamelessly followed by stuff that has nothing to do with the Holocaust. Guess what? The Holocaust is not a rhetorical tool.

This. I've been to the Holocaust Museum and not one thing in there made me think "Oh, you know, abortion is just like this, let me endorse a pro-life propaganda organization!"


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This IS the couple that bought into the Creationist museum and Banana Man (Ray Comfort's) whacked theories. This IS the couple that spawned Josh Duggar. Really, they're just more media wise, but if Jim Bob ever gets an instagram I bet he'll parrot the same crap as Josh does on a daily basis.

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Based on the time stamps of those "approved" my comments were not accepted.

SHOCKED! We cant let people know there are differences and the all mighty duggars can have a #logicfail!

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