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Famy's interview with the examiner - new season confirmed


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http://www.examiner.com/article/amy-dug ... s-counting


Well isnt this just speshul. Ugh.



Her new song “Baby It’s True†premieres on iTunes sometime towards the end of February. “It’s rockin’ country. It shows that I can sing better than people think I can,†she explained. The song has a grown-up vibe and features a lot of drums and guitars. Concerning its somewhat edgy sound, Amy claimed that she loves it. “I’m OK with rocking the boat just a bit to keep things interesting.â€


Well... anyone want to predict sales? I'm going with somewhere well below "baby beluga"



Like she is with her budding music career, Amy Duggar is also moving forward with a new charity. She has been asked to be its spokesperson and will travel to Haiti from Feb. 4-8 to observe the charity in action. “I love children and my heart is in it,†she explained of her new endeavor. “It overwhelms me to think that children are starving and in need of someone to love them. It breaks my heart,†she added. As fans know, all of the Duggars embrace charity work around the world.


Wait, huh? Famy is going to Haiti? WTF is wrong with helping the kids HERE? Oh wait, right, its not "exotic" enough to tell the examiner.



Amy was dating 23-year-old Reed Taylor from Oklahoma, but they’re taking some time out to concentrate on their careers. Reed is currently considering taking a job at an oil company in Texas. “We both want to continue our life together, but we need space to sort it all out,†Amy explained. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.†Even though her relationship with Reed has cooled down a bit, Amy remains positive about love. “Marriage will come with the right timing, with the right person and when it’s God’s will,†she said during our interview.


Well we kinda figured out the Reed thing. Sounds like she's downplaying the situation, thought. She's hasnt exactly been tweeting about "needing space."



In addition to her new challenges and changes, Amy Duggar is looking forward to the new season of “19 Kids and Counting,†which premieres in March 2013. “It’s going to be a season filled with a lot of laughs and big surprises,†she hinted. “I’m back to my old antics.†She stressed that what fans see on “19 Kids and Counting†is 100% real and totally unscripted. “I’ve always enjoyed being on the show, but I feel like God has a totally new plan for my life. Even though I love my family and I respect them, I must continue to grow into my own person,†Amy said about her new adventures. “In the meantime, I don’t think the Nashville lights will change who I am.â€


Well, fuck! Isnt that a little "fuck you free jinger?" Heres to a final season???



So, how does Amy Duggar manage to juggle so many balls at one time?

I'll just leave these balls hanging...

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“I’ve always enjoyed being on the show, but I feel like God has a totally new plan for my life. Even though I love my family and I respect them, I must continue to grow into my own person,â€

Sooo she won't be on the show? Hmm, maybe there's been a falling out.

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She has claimed on twitter that the show is 100% real. I have a hard time believing that any TLC show is real especially since the Roloffs were caught with storyline cheat sheet. They show might not scripted, but some events are probably staged. I think Famy, the Duggars, and Sean Overbeeke think they can fool anyone and some viewers believe that the show is 100% real. Sometimes you can tell when things are fake. Grandma Mary's surprise party and Boob's speech to Josh before the wedding seemed fake.

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She has claimed on twitter that the show is 100% real. I have a hard time believing that any TLC show is real especially since the Roloffs were caught with storyline cheat sheet. They show might not scripted, but some events are probably staged. I think Famy, the Duggars, and Sean Overbeeke think they can fool anyone and some viewers believe that the show is 100% real. Sometimes you can tell when things are fake. Grandma Mary's surprise party and Boob's speech to Josh before the wedding seemed fake.

Michelle filming the orchestra pit fall - real

Jim Boob rounding up the howlers via the phone - not so much.

100% "real" as in "we did it."

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A reality show need not be actually scripted to be completely fake. It's all in the phony situations and the editing. Michelle's ridiculous birthday treasure hunt as a prime example.

With that said, I have little doubt that the Duggars have recreated events for the camera and that some of the kids - Jackson and Hannie most notably - have been fed lines.

I wouldn't be surprised if Smugs ratted out about how big a piece of her heart Famy gave away this time and Boob finally banned her from the compound or had her edited out of what will hopefully be the last season.

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I agree, a lot of editing goes on with reality shows. Also wasn't there an incident a couple of years ago where Sean Overbeeke got pissed at Amy or Anna's sister Susannah and then kept them away from filming?

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The over-achiever explains that she is happiest when she is busy.
Riiiiiiiiiiight! She's always so sooooper busy. Yeah that's why she has, like, a job and, like, thats why she never had time to be spending every waking minute in Oklahoma with her loverboy. Totally!
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Amy is probably obligated to say it's 100% real by any contracts that she has signed.

I think Reed has asked "for space" and in about 30 days he'll have a new sweetie.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jim Bob has cut Amy out of a lot things especially if he has any inkling about how close Amy and her string of boyfriends have been.

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Oh, Famy. :roll: Something about her just really rubs me the wrong way. I didn't realize that she and her boyfriend were "taking a break." It's been a few weeks since I looked at her Instagram, but last time I did they seemed to be spending a lot of time together.

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Oh, Famy. :roll: Something about her just really rubs me the wrong way. I didn't realize that she and her boyfriend were "taking a break." It's been a few weeks since I looked at her Instagram, but last time I did they seemed to be spending a lot of time together.

It seems that in the last week they have been having problems. Now that it has announced that Reed is taking a job in Texas, my guess is that Reed wasn't going to be able to see Amy that much and problems started there.

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A reality show need not be actually scripted to be completely fake. It's all in the phony situations and the editing. Michelle's ridiculous birthday treasure hunt as a prime example.

With that said, I have little doubt that the Duggars have recreated events for the camera and that some of the kids - Jackson and Hannie most notably - have been fed lines.

I wouldn't be surprised if Smugs ratted out about how big a piece of her heart Famy gave away this time and Boob finally banned her from the compound or had her edited out of what will hopefully be the last season.

Im sorry please can u explain what famy did and how smugs knows?

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Well she took photos of a topless Reed shoving beer cans down his boxers and instagrammed them, and heavily implied she was spending nights with him, so I'm guessing that she once again gave away pieces of more than just her heart.

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Not that there is anything wrong with drinking and pre marital sexy times, but I doubt JimBob agrees.

Anyway, I thought that article confirmed her involvement in the new series, not denied it.

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I wonder if JimBob uses her as example of what happens when you have a child out of wedlock? Ie the child will be morally corrupt. Unlike his pure 19, all born in the sanctity of marriage.

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She has claimed on twitter that the show is 100% real. I have a hard time believing that any TLC show is real especially since the Roloffs were caught with storyline cheat sheet. They show might not scripted, but some events are probably staged. I think Famy, the Duggars, and Sean Overbeeke think they can fool anyone and some viewers believe that the show is 100% real. Sometimes you can tell when things are fake. Grandma Mary's surprise party and Boob's speech to Josh before the wedding seemed fake.

Did you hear this guy on on the media?

http://www.onthemedia.org/2012/dec/28/r ... you-think/

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While I think the duggar aproach to charity is self serving and ineffective. But I don't think its inherently wrong to pick annother county over the USA.

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So to be clear here. What has kept Famy so busy? :?: She occasionally babysits, goes to the gym, goes shopping, goes out with friends, lives in her parents' house, plays with her dog, traveled to Oklahoma to see Reed, goes to Nashville 3-4 times a year.

She is 25 or 26 (older than Josh), has never held a full-time job, rented her own apartment or pursued post-secondary education. Perhaps going on the mission to South America affected Amy and she truly wants to help in Haiti. She may have chosen a more fundy-lite group to go with. It seems, that she is using the mission work as attention grabbing. Amy seems like a typical spoiled young adult who won't do anything unless there is something in it for her. :(

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Well... anyone want to predict sales? I'm going with somewhere well below "baby beluga"

Hey, Baby Beluga is awesome, I listened to it all the time when I was a little kid! The first concert I ever went to was Raffi! He brought out a giant red toothbrush for a song about dental hygiene.

Anyway, even if this show wasn't clearly scripted/structured at certain times, the presence of cameras at all takes away from the reality of the situation. Little things can make a huge difference to the way people behave, I've even read that studies find people act differently in a room with a mirror in it, because it gives an illusion of having company! People behave differently when they know that what they're doing will be witnessed, especially if captured on film. That's just the way it is. There's no 'reality' in television where a camera crew follows people around. I would be less skeptical for a show with hidden cameras, or even just mounted cameras on the walls, but even then... if they know it's there, they're going to modify their behavior. And Amy strikes me as a fairly superficial person, so what she thinks of as 100% real isn't exactly credible.

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Sooo she won't be on the show? Hmm, maybe there's been a falling out.

she also says that she's back to her "old antics" (whatever THAT means) so i'm sure that this is just a CYA statement as she can sense she will be edited down to virtually nothing.

i'm sure we'll be treated to a "cousin amy takes the older girls shopping" montage where they all try on wacky hats at the local big box store and pose for duck face instagram pictures (or something equally vapid) and that'll be the end of it.

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I have a feeling the reason behind the "break" between her and Reed is due to him not proposing. Amy is desperate to get married and fit that typical Christian married girl. The whole "focusing on our careers" is complete bull shit. Remember a few months ago when she said in an interview that she and Reed went ring shopping? Ah, just found the article-

Amy also revealed that she and Reed have actually looked at wedding rings. It looks like the lovebirds are close to getting engaged, but Amy has no clue how Reed will propose. “He’s very romantic,†Amy stated and added that her family might know more about Reed’s proposal than they’re letting on.

This was posted back in August. I think Amy truly thought that by the end of the year, he was going to propose to her and when it never happened, I think she felt duped. I think Reed got out of the honeymoon phase and realized he couldn't afford to take Amy in as a wife at the moment (obviously, with all the Coach purses she parades around in) and decided to hold off on it. Of course, Princess Famy would feel betrayed by that, especially with the whole ring shopping.

Good for you, Reed, for seeing the light. Run, far, run away from the crazies!

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I have a feeling the reason behind the "break" between her and Reed is due to him not proposing. Amy is desperate to get married and fit that typical Christian married girl. The whole "focusing on our careers" is complete bull shit. Remember a few months ago when she said in an interview that she and Reed went ring shopping? Ah, just found the article-

This was posted back in August. I think Amy truly thought that by the end of the year, he was going to propose to her and when it never happened, I think she felt duped. I think Reed got out of the honeymoon phase and realized he couldn't afford to take Amy in as a wife at the moment (obviously, with all the Coach purses she parades around in) and decided to hold off on it. Of course, Princess Famy would feel betrayed by that, especially with the whole ring shopping.

Good for you, Reed, for seeing the light. Run, far, run away from the crazies!

Or maybe Reed laid down the law and said that if they were going to be married, then Amy needed to stay off the tv because he didn't want his life broadcast nationally. If that's the case, I say bravo to Reed for wanting nothing to do with the freak show.

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I think maybe the "taking a break" thing might have happened because Amy doesn't seem to have any career goals other than music. I'm not saying that wanting a music career is a bad thing, if you enjoying playing or singing. She doesn't seem to have any type of fall back plan. Reed has a construction technology degree and he might be at the point where he wants to a steady job/career.

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Given the fact that Amy is a nationally recognized individual, if she had any talent at all, she would have already made it in the music industry.

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What is it about Famy that makes me want to gouge out my eyes? I just find her super annoying, forced, fake, spastic. She always seems to laugh WAY too hard for whatever she's laughing about. Like she's forcing it. Ha Ha Guyz! That's Funny!!!11!! FUNNY!!!!! F.U.N.N.Y!!!1!!

But maybe I'm just a critical bitch.

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