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Johnette Benkovic talks about sexual abuse


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In the wake of the Benedict Groeschel meltdown, EWTN is trying to put themselves on the right side of sex abuse of children. But I don't think they even know how to do that. Johnette interviews two women, Crystalina Evert and Cristina King, both of them professional "chastity speakers" who were abused as children. Counseling is briefly mentioned. However, it turns out that what REALLY heals you from sexual abuse is going to confession, attending a magic retreat where you get preached at, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. (For non-Catholics, this is where the wafer that supposedly embodies the flesh and blood of Jesus is put on the altar in a fancy gold case, and people go kneel in front of it and worship it as God. Like, for HOURS at a time. The longer the better.)

Then Johnette went off on a tangent about a new saint named Laura Vicuna. She and her mother had to flee Chile for Argentina because her father had been involved in some kind of political conflict that resulted in enemies wanting to kill his family. Alone and destitute, her mother took a job in a hotel to support her two daughters. The hotel manager demanded that the mom have sex with him, and promised in return to pay for the girls to attend religious school. (And how fucked-up is that? Mom sells her body to let you go to school with nuns.) Then Abuser Guy started demanding sex from Laura too. When she refused, he beat her up. Apparently Mom did not notice. Laura then offered to let God take her life if he would save her mother from this sinful relationship. So then she got TB and died. And Mom went to confession and returned to the sacraments. Yay. Laura is referred to as a saint who "died for the dignity of all women."

Now, the wiki about her says she died of TB. But Johnette claimed she died from being beaten savagely by her mother's abuser. So, somebody is making shit up here. But it hardly matters. What's the takeaway for abused women here? "You should have just died. Then God would have been a lot happier with you." Oh, and also, God makes deals with little girls whereby he gets to kill them in return for making their mothers stop having sex so they won't go to hell. WHAT I DON'T EVEN . . . .

The good news: there are several more episodes scheduled. I do feel I would rather die than ever be a Catholic again, so they've succeeded with their message to that extent.

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Johnette Benkovic makes me feel stabby. Just what we need...a new saint for abused women. "Yes, die my pretty! Die quickly so that Mommy dearest can become pure again. Die for the dignity of all womenz."

Oh Blessed Mother! I have seen the truth and Johnette has led the way. Blessed be the name of Groschel.

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Unfortunately, this is nothing new: Cf. Saint Maria Goretti, who died forgiving her rapist, who killed her because she refused to put out. Because it's so much holier to die than survive as a "non-virgin."

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Johnette Benkovic makes me feel stabby. Just what we need...a new saint for abused women. "Yes, die my pretty! Die quickly so that Mommy dearest can become pure again. Die for the dignity of all womenz."

Oh Blessed Mother! I have seen the truth and Johnette has led the way. Blessed be the name of Groschel.

I thought we already had a saint who had been raped and forgave her rapist before she died (St. Maria Goretti). Why do we need Bl. Laura Vicuna?

If the Catholic Church wants people to take it seriously, it needs serious saints. Not these chaste examples of female virtue.

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I thought we already had a saint who had been raped and forgave her rapist before she died (St. Maria Goretti). Why do we need Bl. Laura Vicuna?

If the Catholic Church wants people to take it seriously, it needs serious saints. Not these chaste examples of female virtue.

Exactly. In one of his columns several years ago, Fr. Richard McBrien of Notre Dame University wrote about the dearth of non-virginal saints.. There are so few of them. In fact, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is St. Elizabeth Seton, who was a widow.

And then there's the "saint-of-the-month" concept, in which people are beatified because they were popular political figures or part of a cult of personality.

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