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Why are Pageant moms so religious?


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I was having a mini marathon of watching toddlers and Tiaras and over time I noticed how many references to Chruch and Jesus the Mother's make usually several times pre episode.

Like loud prayers to Jesus that costumes and flippers(things to put on the girls teeth)arrive on time, and several girls remarked on how they could wear some dresses to church and other church references.

Also I rember one epsiode where at the end the Mother said, she wanted her daughter to walk up to someone and tell them about Jesus. Also there was a saying about the bigger thr hair the closests to Jesus.

Is it because most of these mom's are southerns/Texans?

Or is it something deeper?

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Pageants seem to promote very traditional gender roles--they usually have only girls and expect them to look pretty and be poised. Maybe they appeal to people who have socially conservative beliefs, and people with socially conservative beliefs tend to have the dominant religion of the area?

Although I think "the higher to hair the closer to Jesus" is a joke that is usually made in a self-deprecating way.

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Most of them seem to be Southern. I think their level of religiousness is probably normal in the Bible Belt.

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I'm Catholic and I pray daily, but I could never think to bother God with something like glittery dresses, dime-store trophies and dubious titles. Maybe it's the way I was raised, but I grew up not praying for things like toys or boyfriends or the lead in the school play, rather, I prayed for courage, strength, peace, etc.

For atheists/agnostics, pretend for a moment that there is a God in the biblical belief - all-knowing, all-seeing, etc. With that belief, I would feel trite and greedy if I "asked' for "things" like popularity or material things. Even as a dumb little girl and a moody, emotional teenager, I kind of always believed that you create your own "good luck" - working hard, finding opportunities for growth, etc., and that you didn't bother God with greedy requests. After all, if I had prayed that it snowed the next day so I wouldn't have school, would someone end up in an accident because they had to drive to work in that weather? Who was I to be asking for something like that?

I do believe that asking for courage, etc., is different, because I'm asking for help in developing these qualities in my heart and mind. But that's just what I believe. If someone else wants to wish that they win the Ultimate Nacho Supreme plastic crown, that's their choice. However, someone could say that what I pray for might be selfish. So there you go. An ambiguous answer that just further DOESN'T answer anything.

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Most of them seem to be Southern. I think their level of religiousness is probably normal in the Bible Belt.


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I'm Catholic and I pray daily, but I could never think to bother God with something like glittery dresses, dime-store trophies and dubious titles. Maybe it's the way I was raised, but I grew up not praying for things like toys or boyfriends or the lead in the school play, rather, I prayed for courage, strength, peace, etc.

Excellent post. Now tell the duggers this as they don't seem to get that message.

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I was raised Baptist, but I'm the same as you with my prayer SnarkyKitty. I would never dream of asking God to let me win the lottery, but rather something like "Please let Family Member X survive the injuries from the accident. If they don't survive, please give the family the strength to get through this sad and trying time together."

I did grow up with a lot of folks who would pray for stuff like a prom date, so the over-the-top Toddlers and Tiaras moms weren't even a blip on my radar.

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Whenever I see the toddler and tiara pageant moms I think of this old SNL skit:


Jesus don't let the rice get sticky. I just noticed they even use "countenance" in this one!

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Agreed. Plus I think some of them believe that incorporating religion into the whole thing makes it more respectable. If they are somehow "glorifying god" or if they win because "god wants them to", they're not just being pushy psychos, they are responding to a higher power.

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Most of them seem to be Southern. I think their level of religiousness is probably normal in the Bible Belt.

Afraid so.

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I think it is a result of prosperity doctrine. Abundant life, name it and claim it, and all that.

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Agreed. Plus I think some of them believe that incorporating religion into the whole thing makes it more respectable. If they are somehow "glorifying god" or if they win because "god wants them to", they're not just being pushy psychos, they are responding to a higher power.


And, I think it comes with being an ostentatious drama-whore. If you're going to make a big show out of everything, why not religion too? You don't have to be more religious than usual, you just gotta flaunt it more.

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Taking into account geography, socioeconomics, and their interest in traditional gender roles, I would be surprised if most pageant moms weren't religious!

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Also I rember one epsiode where at the end the Mother said, she wanted her daughter to walk up to someone and tell them about Jesus.

Was that the episode where the super-Christian mom had her two-year-old daughter's life all planned out for her? She thought pageants would give her the skills to please her husband and lead people to Jesus. I found myself wishing that her toddler would grow up to be a Buddhist lesbian with no interest in either Jesus or primping for men. :lol:

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I agree that a lot of it is cultural - in the southern States, retaining a certain form of Christianity is socially acceptable - indeed, socially necessary.

In other cases, I think it has something to with the fact that women in patriarchal Christianity are afforded very few ways to truly express themselves. Their true selves, personality, likes and dislikes are carefully groomed by parents or husbands. Only certain specific kinds of achievements are celebrated (such as child bearing or caregiving). This works for women who have a natural talent for raising children and desire to do so. However many women are not naturally like that, and desire other things (or things in addition to) the "mom" identity. I suspect that many womens' personalities and dreams are so stifled they are not even aware of who they truly are, especially in the case of younger women.

Once these women have children, it is an opportunity to live vicariously through those kids. I suspect that some conservatively religious pageant moms are trying to prove themselves through their daughters' accomplishments, to make up for their own frustrated dreams or lack of professional accomplishments. But maybe I'm just projecting, putting my own particular personality in their place.

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It's because the same shallow, self-centered mindset that attracts pageant moms is the same mindset that attracts a segment of very shallow and self-centered Christian. It's a sad, pathetic need to feel superior and holier than thou to those around you.

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