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The Duggars in Israel


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Okay, well, I just got back from a free trip to Israel, so I was curious about the Duggar’s free trip to Israel and how it compared to mind (other than the fact that I didn’t have to sell my privacy for it). I am super jet lagged right now, so I’m sorry if this is rambly, but I just miss FJ and wanted to post about this.


Tiberias is trashy and touristy so it makes sense that the Duggars would like it.


The funny thing is that apparently different groups of Christians argue about where Jesus was actually baptized, as well as where the Mount of the Beatitudes is, and where Jesus was crucified and buried and resurrected etc. I'm sure the Duggars don't have a clue.


Also, if you riding camels and going to the Dead Sea, you aren't exactly exploring Jerusalem. Just saying.


I do not understand what is wrong with Jim Bob. What kind of fucking moron wears jeans in the Dead Sea? I was wearing a bathing suit and I felt disgusting enough as it was.


On the other hand, I wouldn't have minded the Duggars' swim burkas when I went to the Dead Sea, because it was really freaking cold. The Israelis who were there with us thought we were crazy.


Also, wtf was with Grandma Duggar just bagging up mud to bring back stateside? That was so fucking weird.


But I did think those Israeli guys kind of, sort of, not really flirting with the J'slaves was hilarious and Jim Bob's possessive way of trying to protect was delightful in the sense that is showed what a patriarchal dick he is that he has to protect daughters that 3/4 were over the age of 18 at the time and the last was very close to turning 18.


Dude, what the fuck. "We're getting ready to see the old city of Jerusalem with the old wall around it and all the old buildings?" Get a fucking grip and at least try not to sound like the idiot that you are, The old city is holy for about 4 billion people on this planet, including, supposedly yourself, try and actually understand that instead of being like "LOL THIS SHIT IS OLD" (okay, I know that he would never say the word shit, but I am paraphrasing).


Jim Bob, trying to figure out shekels and the exchange rate is also utterly hilarious. You are an adult human being who has traveled to several countries as has been repeatedly broadcast on TV, figuring out how currencies match up against each other is NOT a difficult concept. BTW, I love 10 shekel coins. I mean, you hand somebody a coin and it actually buys you something, it is amazing.


Yo, most people don't give a shit about your show, especially not random vendors who work in the old city. But I'm jealous that they probably went to quarter in the old city other than the Jewish one, which I've never been allowed to do as yet.


I thought it was really weird that they didn’t see anything Jewish. I mean, I didn’t see anything Christian (but my tour guide who was fricking awesome talked about it a fair amount), but like it’s a Jewish state, even if you aren’t Jewish you should try and understand it as that. Even if you disagree with it being a Jewish state, which I’m sure the Duggars do not.


Ugh. These people ruin everything. But maybe I’m being extra bitter because I am jet lagged and therefore don’t feel well (also, probably due to getting dehydrated after an epic hike in the Negev about two days ago).


Also, it made me miss Israel. Oh well, there are also lots of reasons I’m happy to be back home.

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Hi! I love Dead sea salt for baths, and dead sea mud and other products. You have no idea how good they are. And how expensive, sweet jebus!!!!! I would have used up my baggage allowance for bringing back mud only.

See the mud is very alcalic. Our body gets more and more acidic as we get older thanks to crappy nutrition and bad habits like smoking and stuff and the skin tries to balance out the acid level inside the body. Apply it on your skin and it'll neutralize the toxins that are pushed out of our body through your skin. I used to get mud treatments with real mud from dead sea, this is how the beautician explained it (I know, everythings for sale, right, but actually a nutritionist confirmed the acid-alcaline theory to me). That's just my explanation. But the point is: It's horribly expensive everywhere else in the world!

ETA: I went through the entire text. You probably Do know how good that mud is : )

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Hi! I love Dead sea salt for baths, and dead sea mud and other products. You have no idea how good they are. And how expensive, sweet jebus!!!!! I would have used up my baggage allowance for bringing back mud only.

See the mud is very alcalic. Our body gets more and more acidic as we get older thanks to crappy nutrition and bad habits like smoking and stuff and the skin tries to balance out the acid level inside the body. Apply it on your skin and it'll neutralize the toxins that are pushed out of our body through your skin. I used to get mud treatments with real mud from dead sea, this is how the beautician explained it (I know, everythings for sale, right, but actually a nutritionist confirmed the acid-alcaline theory to me). That's just my explanation. But the point is: It's horribly expensive everywhere else in the world!

My issue more than the fact that she was taking the mud is how much of a big weird deal they made out of it. If she'd taken it home without a whole segment of the show being on it, it probably wouldn't seem so strange.

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While near the Dead Sea (at least in the area where they got re-baptised) did you see any mega-sized rats like on that episode? They seemed larger than house cats!

Yeah, the whole "not showing anything Jewish (or even Arab for that matter)" was a bit weird. Aside from the woman guide they had at the Jerusalem market and the doctor for Josie we didn't see any interactions with Jews...I know that it is the birthplace of Christianity, but Christianity is the 3rd most practiced religion in Israel and a lot of them left in the 2000s, so...

The bit when Grandma filled bottles of water with Dead Sea mud was beyond bizzare I admit. Disgusting! :?

Loved the "Everybody different living together and respecting each other, just like New York!" weirdness spouted by Jim Bob on entering Israel. Wtf was that about? It made no sense. :think:

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My issue more than the fact that she was taking the mud is how much of a big weird deal they made out of it. If she'd taken it home without a whole segment of the show being on it, it probably wouldn't seem so strange.

Well free advertisment for companies exporting dead sea mud. There's always a reason if they drag something out.

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When JimBob went swimming in his jeans, did he bring a separate change of clothes with him? I hope that he didn't expect to just dry off in that. When I went to the Dead Sea on birthright, they gave us stern warnings not to let the water or its residue be on our skin for more than 30 minutes without washing it off. They were right--I got in the shower at around the 30 minute mark and it didn't stop the intense burning.

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I thought it was really weird that they didn’t see anything Jewish.

Indeed. As someone who would like to visit Israel at some point myself, I found their travel episode disappointing for that reason.

Though, I suppose their whole show is supposed to feature them, spotlight on them, all about them, all the time, so I didn't expect too much - but for a travelogue, yeah, just skip it.

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We were in Israel in December, and the kiddies and I watched the episode online for a good laugh.

It's really not that hard to figure out currency conversion. We kept joking about JB's inability to do so and saying "...and these people are HOMESCHOOLING!"

I'm picturing grandma's suitcase being filled with mud when a bag bursts, or her getting stopped at customs when they ask about soil samples. Just stop at the Ahava factory already.

A big part of our time in Jerusalem this trip was filled with guides repeating the various time periods: Canaanite, Israelite, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Early Muslim, Crusader, Mamaluke, Ottoman, British, Israeli. It's a bit more than just, "that's old". The city walls themselves are relatively recent - built by Suleiman the Magnificent during the Ottoman era.

My kids, who are otherwise fussy eaters, happen to love grilled fish and chicken and hummus, so they laughed over the restaurant scene as well.

We've done the mud slathered all over thing, and it's fun!

Yes, Dead Sea is cold in the winter, but the water is actually HOT in the summer. I preferred the winter weather, since it was still around 80 degrees and sunny. Summer is insanely hot in the Dead Sea area.

They are Christian, so it made sense to me that they saw Christian sites. To be fair, we skipped the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and all of the Christian sites in the Galilee, even though we were right there. Hubby and I discreetly visited the Dome of the Rock in the 1990s, but I doubt that the Duggars and a film crew would have been welcome there even if they were willing to see it.

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We were in Israel in December, and the kiddies and I watched the episode online for a good laugh.

It's really not that hard to figure out currency conversion. We kept joking about JB's inability to do so and saying "...and these people are HOMESCHOOLING!"

I'm picturing grandma's suitcase being filled with mud when a bag bursts, or her getting stopped at customs when they ask about soil samples. Just stop at the Ahava factory already.

A big part of our time in Jerusalem this trip was filled with guides repeating the various time periods: Canaanite, Israelite, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Early Muslim, Crusader, Mamaluke, Ottoman, British, Israeli. It's a bit more than just, "that's old". The city walls themselves are relatively recent - built by Suleiman the Magnificent during the Ottoman era.

My kids, who are otherwise fussy eaters, happen to love grilled fish and chicken and hummus, so they laughed over the restaurant scene as well.

We've done the mud slathered all over thing, and it's fun!

Yes, Dead Sea is cold in the winter, but the water is actually HOT in the summer. I preferred the winter weather, since it was still around 80 degrees and sunny. Summer is insanely hot in the Dead Sea area.

They are Christian, so it made sense to me that they saw Christian sites. To be fair, we skipped the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and all of the Christian sites in the Galilee, even though we were right there. Hubby and I discreetly visited the Dome of the Rock in the 1990s, but I doubt that the Duggars and a film crew would have been welcome there even if they were willing to see it.

Well, it definitely was NOT that way earlier this week. Also, it makes sense to me that they saw the Christians sites, too. But, like, they're in the old city, and they're not going to even see the kotel, which is part of the Temple they want rebuilt so that Jesus can come back and do whatever he's going to do. Also, that shit would be right up their alley, in that it is incredibly sexist in the exact same ways they are. Forcing women to be modest for men and not letting women study.

Also, like, why not go to Masada? It's not exactly like it's a Jewish holy site, either, just part of Jewish history. But it's also really cool ruins from Roman times. It's the kind of thing that anybody should see regardless of religious affiliation or what they think of the story itself, because it is a stunning view and the ruins are amazing.

Also, like I said, I might not make much sense, because I am jet lagged and also recovering from dehydration, so I feel awful, but can't go to sleep.

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To defend them - Jewish sites/activies my have been filmed, but had to be cut since Josie drama took up most of the second half of the episode.

Oh course, Michelle did sound really bummed about having to stay a few extra days in Israel. Girlfriend was jew'd out.

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We were told that we lucked out with the weather for the Bat Mitzvah!

Masada is amazing for the history and archaeology, but it's a bit like wandering around Jonestown. We found a Bat Mitzvah program that specifically didn't harp on the suicide cult aspect too much.

Were you on Birthright?

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