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Unintentionally funny Thinking Housewife post


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While most posts make me want to scream, this got me giggling:

http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/201 ... more-33530

I strongly suspect that these people have never been to the Middle East.

As a kid, I always associated Bethlehem with the snow-covered villages of Quebec's Laurentian mountains, because that is where I'd be hearing Xmas carols being played while visiting my grandfather.

Then, I grew up, actually visited Bethlehem, and realized that it was an Arab town in the Middle East, bearing no resemblance to my fantasy.

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Bruegel never went to the Holy Lands either, for that matter. He painted the landscape that he knew, that of the Netherlands, not the Holy Lands.

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I don't know. I think the non-Thinking Housewife and her readers are neither wise nor insightful. However, I think they are somewhat well read. I bet most of them realize that the painting does not reflect the actual landscape of Bethlehem in Israel.

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The sockpuppet who controls the TH, Laurence Auster, wrote something about how the Jews want to kill all the Gentiles. Nice!!

TH and LA belong on an Aryan nation website. He's trying to promote his racism & sexism as part of the "right wing" sort of like David Duke.

But he's way, way, extreme.

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Wait -- kill??? I thought he said "dispossess." I am not sure what that means.

According to Wikipedia (which is based on info. Auster puts out about himself so who knows how reliable it is), Auster was born Jewish but converted to Christianity. It also says he has claimed that certain criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic.

Of course, just the fact that Auster himself may be ethnically Jewish doesn't mean that he can't also be an anti-semite. And, given the theory that he and Laura Wood are one and the same, maybe this is his M.O. Pretend to be part of the group you hate (Jews in the case of Laurence Auster, women in the case of Laura Wood) in order to give credibility to your ranting against them.

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