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Do you think TLC or the Duggars are mad at Famy?


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I have been wondering for these past couple of days if Famy has been told off for the pictures she posted. Does anyone else think that Sean might ban Famy from appearing on the show again?

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I think that both are definitely possible. I think that the Duggars (and others) get pretty irritated with Famy and her antics. Not that Boob and Michelle are any better, but I've tuned into some old episodes on youtube and there have some instances where it looked like the family was jus "over" Amy. I think that they will keep her on a short leesh if she's not already on one.

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Personally I think TLC and the Duggars had to know that Amy (and others) looking to prove how 'cool' they were to be associated with the Duggars would post those pics online. They POSED for pictures, I think it is unrealistic for anyone in this day and age to believe that digital photos won't go online, much less when you have a reality tv show in production. Please.

They knew exactly what would happen, and both TLC and the Duggars are just happy that they can both claim that they weren't intending to be media whores.

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I really suspect that had it not been for TLC, Famy would have been cut loose a long time ago. While she is family, she is a loose cannon and is a bad influence on the Duggar girls. I wonder if J'boob owed his sister some big favour and that is why Famy was included so as to kickstart her singing (non)career. I don't think they will cut her loose now though as it would be bad press - doesn't look good to be intolerant. Though I suspect we might be seeing less of her if there are a few seasons left in the show.

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Personally, I feel if they are mad at her its because she ruined the planned photo spread in People magazine. I'm sure there will be one if there isn't already, but they were paid less.

That is just the cynic in me.

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They're posted on their site as well, so if they're mad it's just because she beat them to it. Famewhoreism must be genetic, because it certainly runs rampant in that family.

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Maybe.....but I think it's a little more likely that they used her to leak the photos to maximize publicity. Josh posted a graveside photo, complete with "Just buried my Lil Sis!" commentary.

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Slightly OT--why is she called Famy? Where does the F come from?

"FAME! I wanna live forever, I wanna learn how to fly, high...."

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Personally, I feel if they are mad at her its because she ruined the planned photo spread in People magazine. I'm sure there will be one if there isn't already, but they were paid less.

That is just the cynic in me.

I agree wholehearted with that ^

and everyones sentiments that the whole family just seems to be huge famewhores...

Does anyone else think that Sean might ban Famy from appearing on the show again?

OH Has she been banned before? do tell please!

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I think they are mad like the pot is pissed at the kettle.

Famy gave them a PC "out" to release the pics and the recorded message. Without the prior posting selling them and the other ones we havent seen but know exist to people couldnt happen. I'm sure there are pictures or Jubilee on or near a bible, in JB's hands, in her coffin etc. All the ultrasound pictures, the heart rate printouts... all of those things are now for sale to the highest bidder (people).

If they didnt want them released they wouldnt have RECORDED the letter. They would have asked to collect the handouts with the pictures and they certainly wouldnt have posed for pictures. Josh is a moron, but he marches in lock step with whatever TLC wants. He wouldnt have taken those pictures if it wasnt part of a PR blitz.

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Personally, I feel if they are mad at her its because she ruined the planned photo spread in People magazine. I'm sure there will be one if there isn't already, but they were paid less.

That is just the cynic in me.

I think this hits the nail on the head. I bet Amy will not be appearing for a little while although they will show already shot stuff that includes her. I bet Jimbob is pissed.

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I think this hits the nail on the head. I bet Amy will not be appearing for a little while although they will show already shot stuff that includes her. I bet Jimbob is pissed.

I dont think they've filmed anything. Per futoncritic they arent in development... they wont until they decide if they're picking the show up again.

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I am sure they are not happy with Famy. It seems like she is always posting stuff that they'd rather she didn't. I'm sure she will soon be forgiven since the pictures have opened the whole fetus loss into a pro-life advertisement.

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Slightly OT--why is she called Famy? Where does the F come from?

"Fame" + "Amy" = Famy

It's because she is often perceived as being so involved with the Duggars so as to get attention/"fame".

Calling her Famy would be like.... um.... Referring to your online name as FamoDomini

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While part of me thinks they only tolerate her for the show I believe they "allow" her to leak info for publicity. If they were mad about doing stuff like posting the pictures they would've tried to rein her in awhile ago and she cares about fame way too much to go against them over something like this.

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They probably aren't too happy with her, but I do think that after a short ban, shell be allowed on just for lack of something new.

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I agree with many of you that the photos were most likely "intentionally leaked" via Amy and Josh to push forward the Duggar's Anti-abortion agenda.

BTY, I consider the Duggars as "anti-abortion" rather than the more widely used term, "pro-life. I consider myself "pro-life" because I am pro-women having the right to choose the fate of their bodies, having children when it suits them and not at anyone else's request or demand. I am also pro-children- like them even though I have none.

The Duggars are so negative that in my mind they are "anti" while I am "proâ€, which I realize twists both terms bass-ackwards from accepted meanings, but that's how I feel.

My hunch is that the Duggars allowed the leaks as a way of testing the waters to see the response to the Jubilee 3-ring circus amongst fans, the media and strangers.

The LA Times just did an article (separate thread) about the funeral and pictures semi-praising the Duggars & pointing out how beneficial it is for parents to grieve a lost pregnancy or child ...while ignoring the whole deception (privacy vs. interviews, etc.) issue nicely.

It wouldn't surprise me if they simultaneously were negotiating to sell other, non-published photos and their story to People or another rag in addition to their political agenda. Boob may be planning to run for political office at the national level once the TLC express leaves the station. Duggars- so many agendas, so little time....

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I think that at this point TLC still sees any negative press as good publicity at this point. As long as no advertisers pull out, I don't see TLC being unhappy.

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I agree wholehearted with that ^

and everyones sentiments that the whole family just seems to be huge famewhores...

OH Has she been banned before? do tell please!

I think she was sort of banned for awhile after the rifflegate pictures.

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