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What do you think will happen to the Duggars?


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When the cameras are finally turned off.


J'Boob and J'Chelle will try and keep up the interest with more books I think. J'Chelle will keep trying for another kid until her womb physically gives up the ghost by either falling out of her fanjo or being surgically removed due to excessive bleeding during a future pregnancy.


Smuggar will sink without a trace once he realises that he isn't going to have any political career and his car lots aren't as successful as he hopes.


The older girls will be married off, I hope that one of them will break free and write a 'tell all' book.


One of middle boys will come out as gay. I hope it is before he is married with kids. I predict it will be Justin.


Josie will need a lot of extra care for her entire childhood. J'Boob will never admit to it though.


Famy will carry on trying for a singing career until she meets the one boy who doesn't run the moment she opens her mouth. Then she'll have a zillion kids and turn into the Duggar version of ThatWife.



Edit: Forgot to add; DOUG PHILLIPS IS A TOOL!

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I think the Mullet will sink further into mental illness. Jim-Boob will buy more hair spray. The children will become more and more lost in their unreal world.

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I'm hoping they will just be too tired to be as strict as they once were. So they ounger ones will have a better chance to escape, because they've had so much worldly exposure. I don't think they can go back to the way they were before because their youngest kids have seen what's out there. The oldest girls will probably be married off quickly to prevent their escape. Joy will go crazy with all the work pilled up on her and start secretly plotting her escape the day she turns 18. Johannah-Josie will get to go to a real school once there are no j'Slaves to teach them and will get a slightly better education than they would have at the SOTDRT. And they will have adults at school that pay attention to them so they know that's not normal. Michelle will never have another baby but she will be constantly trying, well into her 60s. The younger the kids are, the less fundie they will become. None of the kids will have more than 8-9 kids. The average Duggar child will be fundie light with five kids who they send to public school. But many won't be fundie anything at all.

At least, those are what I WANT to happen. Well...to the point that i'm willing to hope that it could realistically happen.

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What the Duggars do after the show would depend on when and why the show ends. If there is some controversy over JFetus' funeral, or Mullet quickly gets pregnant again, she and Boob will go to every media outlet willing to print and air their sob story about how the meanies at TLC made everyone hate them. I agree that they will (ghost)write some more books. If Mullet can't get pregnant there will be some ATI rule-bending about IVF or they adopt.

The older children will be married off as soon as Boob realizes he can't afford to keep them under his roof. If any kids blow, it will be discrete. I don't think any of them will wake up one day and announce that they're atheist, but something more along the lines of wearing pants, having two children, and going to a mainstream church. There will be at least one book or a tell-all TV interview. By the time the younger children are at a brain-washable age, their parents will be too old to be that strict with them.

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I think a lot of the kids will drift away into fundie-lite or mainstream Christianity. The life they are accustomed to just isn't sustainable with twenty kids each, SAHMs and undereducated fathers. Even Josh seems to be a little more relaxed than his parents (not much, I admit, but come on, look who we're talking about).

I do expect at least one of the kids to break away completely. I know it's kind of a common thing to pick one who looks a bit rebellious and pin all of the escape-hopes on that one (Jinger, Josiah, whatever) but I don't think it's totally wishful thinking. Somehow (remarkably, given their parents) there are some intelligent ones in the mix, and they've been exposed to a little more of the world than they might otherwise have been. Reality TV destroys families anyway. Also, if one gets away and does reasonably well in life it would make it easier for others to leave. Hopefully if one or more of them is a gender or sexual minority, they'll be able to leave and be happy/accepted, but I refuse to speculate on which one(s) that could be because it could hurt them and I don't really think you can tell from a TV show. Do they keep in touch with Michelle's lesbian sister? Even if they don't really like her, that could reassure any potentially gay kids that they don't have to lose their family completely (not sure how a trans kid would fair, but I'm guessing terribly).

How J'chelle reacts to the end of her childbearing years will say a lot about her actual philosophy. If she's addicted to baby-making, I expect her to have a breakdown. If she's in it for the fame, adoption efforts! I figure if it's a sincerely held belief that god is in charge, she'll be fine...but I doubt that's the case.

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JB and Michelle will be too damn old and tired to keep up the Gothardism bull. I read somewhere that it's very unlikely for Gothardite kids to actually stay Gothardite forever, so I predict about half of them will break, just judging by the Kellers. I doubt more than one or two will break from Christianity/religion altogether, but most will be fundie-lite or mainstream.

They've been exposed to the world far more than most Gothardites have been. I predict they'll start getting into things that JB and Michelle haven't heard of thanks to living under the ATI rock for so long. I have full confidence that the kids are tech-savvy enough to clear histories, save 'forbidden' downloads to flash drives, password protect everything like iPods, iPhones, etc. JB&M have wayyy too many damn kids to check every little fancy gadget they have.

JB&M will try every option available to keep money coming in. Expect more books, possibly vlogs, more TV shows, etc. And they will lie through their teeth. Years from now when a picture of Josie with green hair goes viral, expect the elderly JB&M to blow hot air about Josie's quirky personality and wacky ways of expressing herself. One of the kids will write a tell-all, and make millions. In the meantime, JB&M will pimp out the kids to various businesses in the area, and take the paychecks for themselves. Joy will be the new J'slave.

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I was thinking they might be smart enough to parlay their fame into a syndicated radio show on parenting. With talk radio being dominated by the right it could work for them. They could remotely broadcast from their home while caring for #21,22,23,24 and 25.

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I was thinking they might be smart enough to parlay their fame into a syndicated radio show on parenting. With talk radio being dominated by the right it could work for them. They could remotely broadcast from their home while caring for #21,22,23,24 and 25.

This too, I didn't think of this.

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This too, I didn't think of this.

Its an easy revenue stream, and with more liberal talk radio going by the wayside (KGO San Francisco was killed off the first week of the month) its very low overhead. They could be features on Dobsons show if its still on. Just think of the sponsors, the Pearls, Chris Jeub et al.

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This too, I didn't think of this.

I could see Focus on the Family picking up something like that. I would suggest ATI/ Bill Gothard utilize the Duggar expertise (read with tongue in cheek), but I think that J'chelle and JimBub have sold out a bit with regards to ATI.

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With John David and and now four teenaged boys in the house, they're going to need more money than ever for groceries.

I have an almost 10 year old lad who is already eating me out of house and home.

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With John David and and now four teenaged boys in the house, they're going to need more money than ever for groceries.

I have an almost 10 year old lad who is already eating me out of house and home.

You better get used to it. My son is 16 and STILL eating everything that isn't nailed down!

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I actually think they will tighten up after TLC goes away. The clothes will become homemade frumpers or hand me downs again. They will marry off some of the older kids but keep the younger one at home without trips or anything beyond a home school convention. They will write books and do rare specials. Josh will try to get a show of his own somewhere but will end up raising his children on poverty. A couple of the kids will escape in the dead of night and there will be interviews followed by a tell all book. Josh always a famewhore will decide to latch on and write his own book about his childhood but since his daddy still owns his car lot it will be full of lies and question the character of the runaway Duggar. It will cause their fans to still insist that Joy is just angry because she was the only girl with all those boys in the middle and her book was full of lies and the Duggars are a wonderful family who encourage all their children to get an education and use soft words to correct.

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Boob and Mullet will likely put out the other books to make some money and I can see them doing "motivational speaking" at churches for love offerings. Josh and Anna will struggle financially due to TLC not being around. The older kids will marry and I think some will turn fundie lite or mainstream Christian. The younger kids will have a hard time adjusting to life without TLC and not going on trips.

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I dare say the show will end soon, as others have said. or at least turn into yearly specials or something...

And also agree that they will definitely try for another baby... I just hope that this doesn't put Michelle's life in danger... although admitedly its the older girls that do everything anyways, I wouldn't want to see them 'motherless'.

As the original poster said, I too think one of those boys will come out as gay.

Jill would be happy to have baby after baby, I wish Jana would break free, but don't see that happening.

Anna would happily have child after child too, BUT Am I the only one who noticed in the latest episode whenever Anna mentioned a 'number 3', Josh didn't seem too keen? I have notice he seems almost a little depressed lately, like "is this all there is to life" kind of thing. Anyone Else?

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I dare say the show will end soon, as others have said. or at least turn into yearly specials or something...

And also agree that they will definitely try for another baby... I just hope that this doesn't put Michelle's life in danger... although admitedly its the older girls that do everything anyways, I wouldn't want to see them 'motherless'.

As the original poster said, I too think one of those boys will come out as gay.

Jill would be happy to have baby after baby, I wish Jana would break free, but don't see that happening.

Anna would happily have child after child too, BUT Am I the only one who noticed in the latest episode whenever Anna mentioned a 'number 3', Josh didn't seem too keen? I have notice he seems almost a little depressed lately, like "is this all there is to life" kind of thing. Anyone Else?

He was probably so much looking forward to the watching whatever he wanted(most likely things he had not been allowed to watch before),and getting food all to himself,that he got bored once he experienced it all for awhile.

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I think that the show is drawing to a close as well. I think (hope) that after it's all over Josh will realize that he needs to find a way to support his family and find satisfaction in what he is doing. While I can't see him attending a brick and mortar school I can see him taking some online classes and not from college plus or whatever the heck it was that they used.

I think as the older kids are able they will move out, get married and have 5-6 kids, become fundie lite, attend an actual church and most likely will either send them to a Christian school or homeschool them with *real* curriculum NOT "wisdom booklets" :roll:

It's not likely that the older group would write a tell all but one of the howlers would. They wouldn't have the attachment to the parents and family that the older kids would and the middle children seem like the most likely candidates for interesting antics. I doubt that many will want to follow in their parent's footsteps and with good reason. Had it not been for TLC their lives would have been nowhere as comfortable or their experiences as vast. Sadly in the end I see Michelle slipping into some sort of mental cocoon, rocking and caring for a baby doll the way should would have a real baby and Jim Boob will lock her up and throw away the key.

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