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Jim Bob says "my child might be a scientist..you never know"


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I was watching the little extras on the TLC website. There was one video after they had just announced #20 on the Today Show. Boob and Jichelle said something like


"People have said wow you have so many kids. But each one of our children are a blessing and they are happy to be here. You never know, this child might be a scientist that ends up curing cancer or an astronaut."



YEAH RIGHT. Ugh. They are so DELUSIONAL!!! AS IF they would EVER let one of children obtain a decent education, let alone attend college. The only likely outcome for those who stay in the lifestyle are early marriage, more kids than they can comfortably support, lifelong ignorance, and struggling to make ends meet. That's if they are lucky enough to find someone to marry. Joy and Jana know this. No wonder they are so depressed.

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Do these people even believe in science???

A "scientist" as in someone who finds rocks and then decides they're 20k years old? You can do that with a college minus edjumakation!

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I was watching the little extras on the TLC website. There was one video after they had just announced #20 on the Today Show. Boob and Jichelle said something like

"People have said wow you have so many kids. But each one of our children are a blessing and they are happy to be here. You never know, this child might be a scientist that ends up curing cancer or an astronaut."

YEAH RIGHT. Ugh. They are so DELUSIONAL!!! AS IF they would EVER let one of children obtain a decent education, let alone attend college. The only likely outcome for those who stay in the lifestyle are early marriage, more kids than they can comfortably support, lifelong ignorance, and struggling to make ends meet. That's if they are lucky enough to find someone to marry. Joy and Jana know this. No wonder they are so depressed.

Actually, one of their kids might break free and manage to get a decent education. It can happen. It isn't likely but it can happen. Hannie could manage to get a degree in Bio-chem and do research. Josiah might become get away and manage to get a career as a fashion designer (I am being silly tonight, too much partying last night).

I can happen. Stranger things have happened.

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Ah, magical thinking. You are such a good friend to the Duggars.

Jim Bob, darling,

One has to go to COLLEGE--yes, REAL college--to become a scientist. And it doesn't end there: to "cure cancer" or "become an astronaut," one has to get even MORE education! Yes, really! One of them worldly, heathen MDs or PhDs. Can you believe it?


a helpmeet to a real scientist (whose PhD is from one of the eeeevilest, librulest universities of them all!!!!666!!!)

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If any of their children become scientists, it'll be despite their parents and their upbringing.


Sometimes I wonder though if JB and the J'uterus aren't unknowingly aiding in their kids escaping Gothardism. They preach anti-science bullshit at home and then rave in public about how their kids will be scientists, doctors, etc. The kids can't be so sheltered as to have no knowledge of the double-speak.

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Ah, magical thinking. You are such a good friend to the Duggars.

Jim Bob, darling,

One has to go to COLLEGE--yes, REAL college--to become a scientist. And it doesn't end there: to "cure cancer" or "become an astronaut," one has to get even MORE education! Yes, really! One of them worldly, heathen MDs or PhDs. Can you believe it?


a helpmeet to a real scientist (whose PhD is from one of the eeeevilest, librulest universities of them all!!!!666!!!)

This! I work in cancer research and I only have a BS. Yes, the work I do is valuable, but without an advanced degree and YEARS of experience I could never single-handedly cure cancer. In fact, it's very unlikely that any single people will cure cancer because it's so complicated and each different type of cancer is so different. Not that I would expect dim-bulb to understand that.

It really bothers me that they give this as an "excuse" for having so many kids. If any of their kids come close to curing cancer it will be DESPITE their upbringing not because of it.

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I went to a Bible Baptist school for one year in third grade. I was really fascinated with Earth science especially the "big bang" after a field trip to the very ebil Natural History museum with my ebiller former public school. I mentioned this to my dimwitted 3rd grade teacher after a science lesson that was probably about the earth being 6,000 years old or Dinosaurs walking with Adam and Eve. She told me that scientists just hadn't been saved. I was that school's problem child ;)

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"People have said wow you have so many kids. But each one of our children are a blessing and they are happy to be here. You never know, this child might be a scientist that ends up curing cancer or an astronaut."

Aside from the obvious, one of their kids could turn out to be an ax murderer, or the next Genghis Khan, or a pedophile, or a jewel thief. You really never DO know.

(And "happy to be here"? What of it? If they weren't here they wouldn't have an opinion one way or another!)

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Aside from the obvious, one of their kids could turn out to be an ax murderer, or the next Genghis Khan, or a pedophile, or a jewel thief. You really never DO know.

(And "happy to be here"? What of it? If they weren't here they wouldn't have an opinion one way or another!)

I think of this when I hear stories about CPCs that tell women not to abort their babies because "you could be carrying the next Lord."

Or a serial killer. And statistically, your baby is more likely to be a serial killer than the next Jesus.

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I think of this when I hear stories about CPCs that tell women not to abort their babies because "you could be carrying the next Lord."

Or a serial killer. And statistically, your baby is more likely to be a serial killer than the next Jesus.

If you're carrying the second coming, and nobody bothered to so much as inform you, let me just say that God and his angels have gotten really, really slack lately.

Seriously, they don't have to come down in person, God could just email you a little note! "Btw, you weren't that drunk. It's the new Jesus! Have fun in the next nine months - oh, and although you could thwart me by visiting PP, you probably shouldn't. I can't send down the lightning, budget cuts, but I'll be REALLY annoyed."

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I went to a Bible Baptist school for one year in third grade. I was really fascinated with Earth science especially the "big bang" after a field trip to the very ebil Natural History museum with my ebiller former public school. I mentioned this to my dimwitted 3rd grade teacher after a science lesson that was probably about the earth being 6,000 years old or Dinosaurs walking with Adam and Eve. She told me that scientists just hadn't been saved. I was that school's problem child ;)

When I went to church as a kid,I would ALWAYS ask questions that the adults couldnt answer. And Im glad I had that mindset because it enabled me to grow up and get a feel for what religion or spiritual path works for me. One of the questions I remember asking,is if I was sinning when they made me pledge allegiance to the American flag. They told me they'd get back to me on it. But instead they removed me from the kids class and put me in the youth group 2 years earlier than was allowed.

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In order to be a scientist who cures cancer, they would have to take classes on things like evolution. So... no.

and do research using embryonic stem cells, which is of course a big no-no for them. :snooty:

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This reminds me of the classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special where the elf wants to give up making toys to become a dentist. I can see Jim Bob frowning upon any of his commodities leaving the cult to become scientists or anything requiring an actual college degree like the head elf frowned upon the elf becoming a dentist...

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I'll eat my hat if any of those kids end up a scientist. It'll take YEARS of schooling, competitive graduate school admissions, an extremely competitive job market (to even land a position and get grants), and you need a very open mind. Plus, creation scientists are not generally accepted in the scientific community.

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Sadly, while there are chances that one of the kids might grow up to do something worthwhile with their life, it's more statistically probable that they will fade in obscurity, lacking education, social skills and a desire to better themselves. They will marry people equally uninterested in living intereresting fulfilling lives, raise children carbon copies of their parents and die obese and disease ridden from too many ttcs and chikenetti dinners.

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