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Josh & Anna 58: Losing JB's Money All the Way to the Supreme Court


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It's possible that this is another of JB's tax shelters. I hope it's really not a puppy mill.

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9 hours ago, Howl said:

Important to remember that this is Anna's 2nd time around a big Josh sex scandal.   Earlier there was the Ashley Madison/running around with prostitutes phase and Josh got sent off to IBLP reform school.  It was a huge fall from grace; Josh was a lobbyist in DC and they got recalled back to Podunk, Arkansas. 

Um, seriously? I’m pretty sure every member of FJ knows all of this. Please do not think you’re informing me here of anything I wasn’t aware of. And btw, Josh’s first big “sex scandal” was the one committed against his sisters. Before she married him, Anna was probably told a sanitized virgin version of what happened, but when the crimes were made public, many more facts came to light that even his own victims hadn’t known. It was some kind of kismet that the Ashley Madison scandal followed soon after. 

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7 hours ago, marmalade said:

It's possible that this is another of JB's tax shelters. I hope it's really not a puppy mill.

This crossed my mind while I was falling asleep last night. I'm not saying Anna can't or doesn't have legitimate businesses herself but it sounds dodgy. 

Has she ever done an mlm? That's probably too legit for JB to get behind. (I never thought I'd classify an mlm as "legit" and yet here we are)


(Mlms are predatory by nature. No, I don't think she should actually get involved in one. But it's interesting to me that she hasn't ever been part of one that I'm aware of)

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JB is probably savvy enough that he wouldn't give her the money to invest in one.

Dog breeding is very popular among very religious groups - notably the Amish are notorious around here for having atrocious puppy mills.  I'm based out of New England and every time I see a puppy from "a farm in Pennsylvania" I roll my eyes because it's going to be badly bred, infested with parasites, and fearful from being under socialized.  I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'd guess if Anna is doing dog breeding she will not be doing it responsibly at all.  Responsible breeding doesn't make money and requires a lot of work, something this whole family seems to be allergic to.

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5 minutes ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

Responsible breeding doesn't make money and requires a lot of work, something this whole family seems to be allergic to.

I've heard this before and I'm sure yet another of JB's tax shelters Anna's dog breeding will be as unethical and as dangerous & unhealthy for dogs as the Amish puppy mills are. 

For anyone not familiar with Amish puppy mills https://www.grunge.com/608586/the-truth-about-amish-puppy-mills/

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I do wonder if this a way to keep Anna from thinking too much about Josh. Now that the kids are a little older there is less to do. The youngest will be three in a few months, so Anna is approaching the no more diapers stage if she isn’t already in it. So now add a bunch of animals to clean up after? 

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10 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Has she ever done an mlm? That's probably too legit for JB to get behind. (I never thought I'd classify an mlm as "legit" and yet here we are)

If anyone’s going to be taking some of her income, it’s going to be him!

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23 hours ago, noseybutt said:

Also, not leaving a man convicted of watching CSA or any other sex crime is not strictly a fundie issue. I do think the fundie hobbling and teachings make it more likely the wives will stay, but staying with convicted men happens across the economic and cultural spectrum. It’s wild.

So totally this. Our entire culture is built around women and children not being as worthy as men. Think about how rare rape convictions are, or how many rape kits are sitting around untested. How women don't have bodily autonomy or guaranteed equal rights. Sure, the fundies are terrible, but they're also just occupying a place on the continuum of female devaluation.

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On 6/21/2024 at 1:36 AM, marmalade said:

It's possible that this is another of JB's tax shelters. I hope it's really not a puppy mill.

If so, why does he need another one? Did Jill’s book trigger an IRS investigation? 

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On 6/21/2024 at 3:10 PM, Father Son Holy Goat said:

I do wonder if this a way to keep Anna from thinking too much about Josh. Now that the kids are a little older there is less to do. The youngest will be three in a few months, so Anna is approaching the no more diapers stage if she isn’t already in it. So now add a bunch of animals to clean up after? 

I can’t get behind the “there is less to do” with the kids being older. Raising that many kids as a the only parent at home has gotta be a whole lot of work regardless if you’re no longer changing diapers.

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21 minutes ago, Cam said:

I can’t get behind the “there is less to do” with the kids being older. Raising that many kids as a the only parent at home has gotta be a whole lot of work regardless if you’re no longer changing diapers.

Especially since she's homeschooling.

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I'm so relieved! I knew it was a longshot but with Josh and JB I didn't trust the system. Good on them!

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6 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

I'm so relieved! I knew it was a longshot but with Josh and JB I didn't trust the system. Good on them!

I hope it cost JB a lot of money. 

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I can understand the sentiment behind Anna having less to do as her children grow up. IMO it depends where her mental health is at. If she's adjusting well to the new normal then she's just as busy with her children. But if she's struggling to cope with the day to day life of her current reality she's probably passed off a lot of responsibility/parenting to the older M kids and perhaps Jana or other Duggars/in-laws who may be at TTH frequently. 

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Must be a huge let down for Anna. Now she knows that all avenues to free Josh are closed, and there is no more pretending that maybe he'll be freed and come home. 

Wonder what the kids think? 

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Well it looks like the Supreme Court declined to hear Josh's case


The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from former reality TV star Josh Duggar, who asked the justices to toss out his child pornography conviction.

Duggar, whose family and devout Christian lifestyle were the subject of the TLC show “19 Kids and Counting,” was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison after he was convicted of receiving and possessing child pornography, according to court records.

Duggar argued that a former employee, who had a prior sex-offense conviction, may have been responsible for the illicit material found on his computer when federal agents executed a search warrant at his business in 2019.

But the trial court declined to allow Duggar to introduce the prior conviction as evidence unless he could first establish that the employee had access to the computer.


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So their is a crumb of sanity left in SCOTUS

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1 hour ago, IReallyAmHopewell said:

So their is a crumb of sanity left in SCOTUS

Which means Roberts, Beer Bong, Clearance Thomas, Handmaiden, and Scalito are gearing up for much worse.

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I was glad to see the Supreme Court rejected Josh's appeal.

As for Anna's dog breeding, my initial reaction was to think how good it was to see that she was acknowledging her reality and trying to do something to earn money. I think that was overly optimistic on my part, given the comments here about puppy mills and tax shelters. Maybe the SC decision will be a wakeup call for her.

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7 hours ago, molecule said:

Maybe the SC decision will be a wakeup call for her.

At this point I'm convinced the only thing that will be a wake up call to her is when Josh is released and living with her again. And even then I'm not convinced she'll change anything. 

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Anna and others in Duggardom may very well never leave the comfortable confines of their cult. Cults covered to look like acceptable, main-stream forms of religion seem to abound. I’ve recently read two books by former Mormons. I had no idea how cult-like Mormonism is, how much severe dysfunction is covered up, or, imo, how bizarre their rituals are. It’s not unlike Scientology in some ways. 

From time to time, I feel a need to thank FJ for helping me “disentangle” from my own dysfunctional relationships. Religion didn’t necessarily play a large role in my life, but it did shape me and those around me in ways that aided the dysfunction. Through many, many topics of discussion on FJ over the last five years, I’ve learned what kind of treatment I no longer have to tolerate. I had no idea how societal conditioning & religion had made me so submissive. I have a large family gathering coming up over the 4th holiday, and I’m heading into it knowing I’m a different, stronger person around my siblings than I was a few years ago. For a long time, separating from their cult-like behavior was so difficult, but my independence from them now feels soooo good; so satisfying. I would not have gotten to this place without FJ. It’s not why I joined FJ, but it’s a nice, happy offshoot of being here.

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