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Catholic Activist Lauren Handy found with five fetuses kept in her house


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I genuinely can’t get over this story. Catholic anti-abortion activist Lauren Handy apparently had five fetuses (kept in coolers???) inside her DC home. 


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WTF???  Apparently the fetuses were given to police because the group believes they were aborted "in possible violation of the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act and the Born Alive Protection Act."



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I’m not surprised at all. I’ve read that abortion providers know these anti abortion nuts will go through their dumpsters so I think they are usually very careful about what’s thrown away. But obviously this woman broke in and stole them. Just think of all the people who bombed or murdered abortion providers since the 70s. These people are sick. 

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1 hour ago, Dandruff said:

I'll be interested to find out whose (if it can be determined) and how they got there.

However it happened, it was completely illegal and I hope she & whoever else was involved get a whole bookcase thrown at them.

Apparently, the house at 409 6th ST SE in DC is owned by Federalist Society wanker David Morrell, currently with Jones Day, formerly one of 45ʻs legal counsels and law clerk for Clarence "Treason" Thomas.


Nothing says pro-life like hoarding fetuses in your rented house...

Edited by hoipolloi
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Handy says the fetuses were named and given a funeral mass, that there are fetuses which haven't been turned over to police, and the anti-abortion activists will hold a news conference Tuesday to answer questions about the fetuses:


I'm starting to wonder who called in the report about a biohazard in her home.  On the one hand, I'm pretty sure they don't want to go to jail.  OTOH, I expect them to make the most of the media coverage.

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There was the one time when Rick Sanscrotum and his wife brought home their miscarried fetus. So yeah I agree a lot of these people are not right in the head.  (Speaking, of course, as someone who is probably not right in the head either).  

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I wonder about her position. From what I've heard from people its hard enough to be accepted in national anti choice groups as a Democrat, one girl I know says she was actively harassed by people she once worked with for being anti-Trump and called worse than an abortionist etc. And that was just for being a Catholic style social justice Democrat wanting to support higher wages, education, job training, health care etc. so women can choose life on their own. Her words not mine. She is cis and het. She said she refuses to work with national groups anymore because she thinks they are just anti choice not anti abortion.

But yeah to be pro trans in the anti choice community...  I would guess that would require being anti Trump and the like but I could be wrong. I wonder how that goes down.

There has to be some sort of shadiness going down. They don't just put biological materials from abortions out in the back dumpster. If they're late term feti/fetuses I could see them obtained from possible miscarriages and stillbirths of anti choice individuals, or that an anti choice medical provider was used to procure them or some other deception and lies. 


But nothing says truly "respecting life" like stealing human tissue (or babies in their view) and leaving it to decompose in coolers in your closet am I right? 

Edited by zee_four
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8 minutes ago, zee_four said:

But yeah to be pro trans in the anti choice community...  I would guess that would require being anti Trump and the like but I could be wrong. I wonder how that goes down.

I think the standard-issue antis are recruiting "alternative" looking non-fundies to put forward a more gen-Z friendly face. Probably more folks like Morell bankrolling this stuff if you dig into it. Their press contact is Randall Terry!


And apparently she's not the only person hoarding fetuses... the video is on this guy's FB page if you wanna see something gross. 



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I'm so sick of this shit. The abortion issue is a religious issue, not a secular issue. Up until the late 70's, the abortion issue was considered a "Catholic Issue". The fundies jumped on board as a cover for their racist bullshit when Ronnie Ramjet was elected in 1980. 

You don't want to have an abortion, don't have one. You don't want to use birth control, don't use it. However, you have no right to make a law without consulting the rest of us. 

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43 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

There was the one time when Rick Sanscrotum and his wife brought home their miscarried fetus. 

Not necessarily too weird... its rare, but I have read of others who have done this before burial or cremation. 

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9 minutes ago, MayMay1123 said:

Not necessarily too weird... its rare, but I have read of others who have done this before burial or cremation. 

Yes me too, particularly with late miscarriages and stillbirths. I am honestly not sure whether I would or not. The difference of course being that the people taking them home are their family, not a random person taking them for religious reasons and then apparently storing them.

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I wonder if there is a specific legal strategy here. 

If they are charged with, for example, desecrating a corpse or any other statute relating to a corpse, it could be used to promote a "personhood of the fetus" argument. 

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From the article @closetcagebaby posted:


Tweets from the group stated that it plans to address the claims surrounding the "5 deceased children" at a press conference in D.C. on April 5.

From the article @Dandruff posted:


In a statement on her Facebook page, Handy said the fetuses were named and given a funeral mass.

Placing the fetuses in coolers and leaving them in a basement reveals that the group saw them as objects. If they viewed the fetuses as children who had been murdered, they would have taken the remains somewhere and given them the dignity of burying them.

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People can do what they want with their own fetuses. They can have a funeral, cremate and keep the ashes, donate them to science, or just leave them with the clinic. That’s their choice. But stealing other peoples fetuses is all kinds of fucked up. It’s just sick. 

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29 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

But stealing other peoples fetuses is all kinds of fucked up. It’s just sick. 

It is and since none of these assholes so far has indicated that he or she has any personal connection to one or more of the fetuses, the remains are nothing but trophies for them, to be flaunted and used as they wish.

Really hope they get prison time for this.

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2 hours ago, NachosFlandersStyle said:

I think the standard-issue antis are recruiting "alternative" looking non-fundies to put forward a more gen-Z friendly face. Probably more folks like Morell bankrolling this stuff if you dig into it. Their press contact is Randall Terry!

Oh they definitely are which is how I got in contact with this girl. A lot of young pro choice people are rather complacent, most of the reproductive rights activists are in their 40s and older. Not all of course but on average. When I was at Brown from '06-'08 which is super super liberal the Ivy version of Reed and Hampshire and Oberlin, and worked with Students for Choice we had as many active members as the snti choice group. Less than 10. The anti choice griup was pretty much every anti choice GOP person on campus. Most people on campus didn't get involved because they assumed it was a non issue and that everyone but a minority of whackjobs supported reproductive rights. And these were pretty socially and politically active people.  A lot of millennial grew up taking reproductive rights for granted IMO.


Because of that the antis have been really insidious at recruiting high school and college students and have a strong social media impact. Its really concerning and I think a lot of people don't realize it until its too late like now

It was these 'Students for Life' and 'Women for Life' this girl I know was involved in. She's also Native and was smart enough to eventually realize she was being used for her tokenness. They wanted her to appear at legislative and clinic protests (which she hates) but never actually listened to her points about supporting women who want their babies but can't because of financial issues, lack of education/jobs, domestic violence, lack of health care etc. She was involved since high school in like 2010 and said after Trump it got really bad. She was the only one at a national 'Students for Life' concerence coinciding with the March for 'Life' in Jan 2017 who refused to stand up and cheer and 'show her love and support for Trump' and pose for a video for him. She sat respectfully but not smiling. After that she said the major theme in the national movement was "unless you support Trump you're anti life and pro abortion". And this girl is religious she was brought up Catholic and is now LDS. And so many people still attacked and harassed her.

So while they want 'alt looking gen Z' types it seems they megachurch youth pastor types with tattoos and colored hair but who are heterosexual and cis. The Hillsong types. The believe unless you support the GOP and Trump you are for abortion. They even attack the handful of old school SJ Catholic dems as baby killers. So unless someone supporting trans spaces and LGBTQ rights still votes for Trump's GOP the national heavyweights won't support them. Even then most of the people in the movement won't support them its very much so a pro het pro cis space from what I hear and what I've seen and researched myself.

They can try to hide like fundies do with mainstream social media and appearances but their true colors always show eventually. 


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No matter which way you slice it, it’s just fucking WEIRD. Like even if you believe they’re babies, not just fetuses, you still think it’s okay or normal to have them in your house in coolers for YEARS?

Stealing medical waste and storing it in your home for years in order to do some political gotcha is…something. These people are honestly just fucking creepy. 

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I saw something about this. It’s definitely a weird, weird story. 

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18 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Placing the fetuses in coolers and leaving them in a basement reveals that the group saw them as objects. If they viewed the fetuses as children who had been murdered, they would have taken the remains somewhere and given them the dignity of burying them.

Or called the police and been public about what they were doing. This is just theatre, using them as props.

17 hours ago, zee_four said:

never actually listened to her points about supporting women who want their babies but can't because of financial issues, lack of education/jobs, domestic violence, lack of health care etc.

Well they don't care about those. Or babies. Just foetuses, and not really even them.

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Storing dead bodies in coolers is something is something that serial killers do.  

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On 4/1/2022 at 6:41 PM, zee_four said:

But yeah to be pro trans in the anti choice community...  I would guess that would require being anti Trump and the like but I could be wrong. I wonder how that goes down.

There has to be some sort of shadiness going down. They don't just put biological materials from abortions out in the back dumpster. If they're late term feti/fetuses I could see them obtained from possible miscarriages and stillbirths of anti choice individuals, or that an anti choice medical provider was used to procure them or some other deception and lies. 

I grew up in the Roman church so I got the full on indoctrination and when I was younger called myself pro life.  What really brought the house of cards down for was sarcasmOpen.png.57b665c97d9686439e8d872e7ec3689a.pngthe bottomless depths of concern sarcasmClose.png.dd1ea9c8906693560f8f43b8bd3b10e5.pngthese reich to life toads have when it comes to post birth humans. 

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