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Lori Alexander 15: Leaving A Fire With Her Makeup Bag


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Title courtesy of one of the last posts on the previous thread. Lori was facing a fire, and among the things she grabbed, she made sure to have lotions and makeup.

Lori still knows it all (or is she a know-it-all), is still judgy, and is still submitting to Ken's (questionable) judgement.

Carry on!

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She's lazy, and she is allergic to the idea of doing anything besides bossing and controlling others.  That's why she wants other women to clean their houses "heartily, as unto the Lord", and hers is only "tidy" according to Ken.  That's why she harps on other women about cooking "nutritious" meals for their families, yet she only made Big Salads for hers.  

The woman doesn't have a maternal bone in her body- she just doesn't want to work.


I couldn't agree more. I think she also wanted to control her children, sure, have a nanny, but under her supervision! 


Of course Lori needs her makeup bag! How else is she supposed to practice that non-attention-seeking shamefacedness? 

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This comment was deleted from Lori's Facebook:


"There aren’t any women in the Bible that preached the Word to large gatherings of women." 

You are right. Actually, many of the women listed in the Bible actually taught, advised and prophesied to men too. :) 

Deborah & Huldah were married prophetesses called by God to teach and advise Israel in the OT. Even the Kings came to them for advice. Isaiah calls his wife a prophetess. 

Anna, a prophetess in the temple in the NT, joyfully declared that the redeemer was here to everyone in the temple and the community when she met baby Jesus in the temple. 

The Samaratan woman at the well dropped her water pots and ran through the entire town, proclaiming and witnessing and telling everyone that she met (even the men) about her encounter with Jesus at the well and who He was. 

God uses women in a variety of ways. There are other amazing and unique women listed and told about in scripture and I highly suggest studying them all one day. :) Blessings!

Now why do you think that Lori would delete that?  

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3 hours ago, Koala said:

This comment was deleted from Lori's Facebook:

Now why do you think that Lori would delete that?  

I can't imagine the mental gymnastics required for someone to ignore multiple stories about the same thing in the book that they allegedly center all their beliefs on, then pretend that thing has no precedent. 

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I had written a nice long post, even posted it. But I've changed my mind. I don't want to have anything to do with this woman's writing.  Me reading them and commenting on them is no different from her sitting for 4-5 hours listening to "false teachers".  What's the point? She thinks she's right, well, she can get on with it. 

She's lost readers lately since she "gave a voice" to bitter men. I hope more and more women are able to see the hipocrisy in Lori's writings and find truth elsewhere.  

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16 hours ago, Koala said:

God uses women in a variety of ways. There are other amazing and unique women listed and told about in scripture and I highly suggest studying them all one day. :) Blessings!


Oh! I hadn't noticed the first time I read this that this clever author threw Lori's "blessings!" right back at her!

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26 minutes ago, polecat said:

Oh! I hadn't noticed the first time I read this that this clever author threw Lori's "blessings!" right back at her!

Yep, and Lori knows what "Blessings!" means.  It's Lorispeak for, "screw you".

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If you don't want to waste a click on Lori today, don't bother.

She's mostly blathering on about Michael Pearl:


He’s a big, kind of gruff guy but man, can he preach the Word of God.

How does Lori manage to make "preaching the word of God" sound dirty?


I loved listening to Mike teach about the Lord


He’s a GREAT story teller 


 This big, old gruff guy was moved greatly by the Lord 

Okay, we get it.  Lori thinks Michael (or Mike as she sometimes calls him) is a big, gruff, manly, command man.  Awesome.  *gag*

Even better?  He's a big ol' misogynist, and he says completely inappropriate things in public settings!  Just like Lori!:


 The Pearls take the Bible seriously and women were not allowed to speak during the service. 


At one point, Michael asked for testimonies of any who came to know the Lord that week. He said if a wife came to know the Lord that the husband stand up and share for her.


I wasn’t offended in the least that not one woman spoke during this church service. It didn’t demean women at all


One time Debi was late to one of the sessions so she walked gracefully and cutely up the aisle to the front and he said, “That woman still turns me on!”

Why do I get the feeling that Lori has Michael Pearl posters on her wall?  Maybe a notebook doodle or two that reads, "Lori Pearl".  Two grosser people, there never have been.

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Well, today Lori is singing the praises of Michael Pearl.  Ugh, Don"t get me started. How can anyone listen to that man? When I heard how he treated his wife on their honeymoon and that he teaches hitting infants younger than a year old, I refuse to read or listen to anything from him.

My husband is a pastor of a conservative Baptist Church. He doesn't believe in women as senior pastors, but he respects women. He would allow a woman to give a testimony, and has even had me give the sermon in his absence. Our church would never hire a woman as senior pastor, but is not threatened when a woman speaks.

The president of the seminary he attended had his wife speak in chapel occasionally, but she chose to speak from the bottom of the stage instead of from the pulpit. 

Lori doesn't get that one can honor a position that he/she believes is reserved for men and still value what a woman has to say. I'm not ordained, nor a senior pastor, but my husband values me enough as his helpmate to have me share what God has put on my heart. I'm not usurping his position of authority just because I speak.

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I realized this morning that if Lori can't get herself away from a potential danger by herself, then she has less sense than my 12 yr. old. Seriously. We had lots of "what would you do if?" conversations before she became a proud latchkey kid at 11. I threw every possible scenario at her  til she said, "Mom, I'm not stupid, you know."

And your documents can be replaced. House fires happen every day & people manage to replace documents. You start with a driver's license, which in my state can be replaced by comparing your face to the DMV photo. 

But congrats, Lori, for having less common sense than a sixth grader!



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12 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

My husband is a pastor of a conservative Baptist Church. He doesn't believe in women as senior pastors, but he respects women. He would allow a woman to give a testimony, and has even had me give the sermon in his absence. Our church would never hire a woman as senior pastor, but is not threatened when a woman speaks.

The president of the seminary he attended had his wife speak in chapel occasionally, but she chose to speak from the bottom of the stage instead of from the pulpit. 

Lori doesn't get that one can honor a position that he/she believes is reserved for men and still value what a woman has to say. I'm not ordained, nor a senior pastor, but my husband values me enough as his helpmate to have me share what God has put on my heart. I'm not usurping his position of authority just because I speak.

Yeah, that's really just a step or two ahead of what Michael Pearl does.  Your husband "allows" women to give their testimony, but you reiterate twice that your church would never in the history of evah hire a woman as senior pastor.  

Well of course they wouldn't!  Can you imagine putting a silly little woman brain in charge?! Pfffttt....women in authority...what will they think of next?

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I think the point is that even in most very conservative churches, views like Lori's and the Pearls' are not the norm.  I have attended churches that did not allow women pastors because they viewed those passages very literally (too literally, imho--I don't agree); however, the resemblance to Lori and "Mike's" teachings ended right there.  Submission to abuse, the weak, "easily deceived" woman, the right of men to dominate, the idea that women should be silent, meek doormats---none of that automatically goes hand in and hand with the belief that women shouldn't be pastors.

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13 minutes ago, Emilycharlotte said:

 Submission to abuse, the weak, "easily deceived" woman, the right of men to dominate, the idea that women should be silent, meek doormats---none of that automatically goes hand in and hand with the belief that women shouldn't be pastors.

Why can't women be pastors?

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We are Catholic so only men can be priests, but women can and do proclaim the Word of God. Even if we're strongly pro life and against abortion, Jesus and Pope Francis teaches us to love one another, so we try to love and understand people and avoid condemning them. 


Now that I think about it, Lori Alexander sounds and seems like Serena Joy of the novel, The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. In this novel, fertile women live as handmaids of powerful men who have influential but often infertile wives like Serena Joy. According to Wikipedia: "Serena Joy is a former televangelist and the Commander's wife in the fundamentalist theocracy. The state took away her power and public recognition, and tries to hide her past as a television figure."

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In the comments of yesterday's post, Lori continues to contradict herself:

Lori on gifts:


They aren’t biblical terms at all, are they? In the chat room this morning, I shared a meme that read: “Spiritual Maturity isn’t measured by how high you jump in praise but how straight you walk in obedience.” God wants us to be obedient to Him. This brings Him glory, not “unleashing power within” or “discovering your gifts and dreams.”




I figured out long time ago what my gift was...teaching. 


Ken has told me that I have the gift of prophecy many times 

Well, maybe Lori's gifts bring glory to "Him".  

Lori on mothers today, and their obsession with their i-phones:


TV could be a distraction but it got boring very quickly to me because there’s not the interaction with others like the Internet provides.

Umm yeah.  Good thing Lori was so easily bored by television.  If not, she could have easily been distracted.



When I was a young mother, I would watch several soap operas. I would tape them every day so I wouldn’t miss an episode. During the children’s naps, I would watch people do things that are unbiblical and far from anything resembling purity. I was so addicted, however, that I was easily able to justify it by saying to myself that I deserved to be entertained and have time for just me. When Alyssa, my oldest, was five years old and no longer took naps, she began watching them with me. 

Lori on parenting your own children:


Before I got sick when my youngest was only a baby, I was running all over the place but then was forced to slow down and be at home the majority of time. It was good because I was able to parent my own children

Oh, really?


Lucy was a Nanny sent from heaven who never wanted to let Cassi cry, so she held her hours a day.

Lori on women in the Bible:


I have women trying to convince me I am wrong by giving me examples of women preaching in the Bible but there are none. Yes, they excitedly shared the Good News of Jesus rising from the dead but they were not preaching the Word of God as they want to interpret it.

If they're wrong, then why delete their comments?  Why not address them?  After all, a teacher is expected to answer her "student's" questions, right?  Blessings!

Lori on how to create an echo chamber:


I have gone through my Facebook newsfeed and unfollowed every single person that was consistently negative (especially politically) and now only read good and uplifting things or things that I care about but I understand why you did what you did!

Smart move.  If you're "Always Learning!" you definitely want to make sure to surround yourself with people who agree with you and only talk about the things you care about. Confirmation bias....pffttt. 

And finally, Lori weighs in on where the IF conference got its name:


I actually have no clue what IF is referring to so I made up what it should mean

Research skillz: Lori haz them

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29 minutes ago, Koala said:

Lori on how to create an echo chamber:


Smart move.  If you're "Always Learning!" you definitely want to make sure to surround yourself with people who agree with you and only talk about the things you care about. Confirmation bias....pffttt.

The title of her blog has changed from "Always Learning" to the "Transformed Wife." Seems like she views the learning portion as over - she did go viral, ya know - and now shes transformed!

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I could be wrong(and @Cleopatra7  or one of our other Catholic FJers, please don't hesitate to correct me if I am), I think it's because since Jesus and His disciples were men, they believe only men should be priests.

The previous two priests at my Episcopal church were women, and they were both AWESOME.

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@Joyce @Free Jana Duggar- I don't mean to put you on the spot.

To clarify my position- When we are told, "women can't" or "women aren't allowed", that's our queue to start asking why.

When we are pacified with, "women can't do this, but hey, we'll let you do this instead!", we need to start asking why.

"Because that's the way it's always been done", or "Because we're Catholic/Baptist/etc." does not = a sufficient answer.


4 minutes ago, smittykins said:

I could be wrong(and @Cleopatra7  or one of our other Catholic FJers, please don't hesitate to correct me if I am), I think it's because since Jesus and His disciples were men, they believe only men should be priests.

Do they reject tennis shoes? After all, Jesus and his disciples didn't wear them.

At some point we have to recognize this for what it is- the continued subjugation of women. And we make it easy for them by chiming right in with, "Oh, women aren't allowed!".  

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New male reader at her blog:



Cliff says:

February 6, 2017 at 4:37 pm

My wife and I have been avid readers of your blog (and the comments) for a year or two.Being male, I have considered it inappropriate until now to comment.


So, what all of a sudden now made it appropriate?! I would love to know. I guess God convicted his heart. 

From the post today:


"After this week, I bought all of his CDs and wrote all over my Bible learning from this great man of faith. It has been life transforming for Ken and me. Debi helped change our marriage and Mike changed how we see the Lord and who we are in Him. God is using them in powerful ways because they are willing vessels for him. The conference was free because Michael doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone, just as the Apostle Paul was a tentmaker so he wouldn’t be beholden to anyone. They preach the Gospel clearly and with authority and this is why this was my favorite church service ever!"

So the conference was free but he charges for all his books and CDs! Big deal if its free, its not like that makes him a better person. A step up would be if he gave everything for free, for the Lord and all!

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@Koala : I agree. 

I am Catholic and I really like my church for the most part.

That's why it hurts to see her cling to ridiculous explanations like "the apostles were all men". I believe that the Holy Spirit is still at work revealing the truth about God - and she sure chose a lot of badass female Saints to do so, among them Saint Theresa of Avila, who was  very vocal in critizing what was wrong in her time both with the church and in the kingdom of Spain. 

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And another contradiction:



God is clear on His roles for women in the Church. They serve others whenever and wherever there is a need. They teach their children the Word



we are given 2 reasons why women are not to teach nor be in authority over men. Men were created first, therefore they are the leaders and women are easily deceived. If these are the reasons women should not be teaching men the Word, do you believe it's okay for women to teach other women the Word?

So what she's saying, is that women are too easily deceived to teach men or other women "the Word".

Why then, can they teach other women?  If women are so easily deceived that they can't teach men, how much more dangerous is it for them to teach other (easily deceived) women? Wouldn't it be safer for them to teach men, who would be way too smart to fall for their foolish ideas?  And what about children?  Why would God want an easily deceived woman teaching an even more easily deceived child?

Why does Lori quote scripture at men she disagrees with?  Why does she dedicate entire posts to illustrating why they are wrong and she's right?  Since she's easily deceived, shouldn't she just accept whatever men tell her?  

If she can't teach other women the Word, why does she use it so often to try to validate her point?  

Crazy making...just pure crazy making.

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