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U.N. Security Council denounces Israeli settlements, U.S. abstains


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Some good news out of the UN today



The United States on Friday allowed the U.N. Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, defying pressure from President-elect Donald Trump, Israel and some U.S. lawmakers who urged Washington to wield its veto.

An abstention by the United States paved the way for the 15-member international body to approve the resolution, with 14 votes in favor, prompting applause in the council chamber.

"Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms," the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has encouraged the expansion of Jewish settlements in land captured by Israel in a 1967 war with its Arab neighbors, said in a statement.

The Obama administration's action broke with the long-standing American approach of shielding Israel, Washington's long-time ally that receives more than $3 billion in annual U.S. military aid, from such action. The United States, along with Russia, France, Britain and China, has veto power on the council.

And on cue Agent Orange is all bent out of shape about this, and all the right wingers both here and in Israel.

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A two state system between Israel and Palestine would be most beneficial. Netanyahu seems not to care that the atrocities Israelis have committed against the Palestines are echoes of the holocaust. Why perpetrate such evil hatred? Many people don't remember that only after WW2 Israel was created as a state in the modern sense.  And that Palestinians were essentially relocated from their homes.

and yes, the Palestinians have committed great atrocities against the Israelis as well.

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Good gravy, Fuckabee just has to get in the middle of things.  An excerpt:


Standing in front of a bright red banner reading "Build Israel Great Again," former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee promised Tuesday during an appearance in the West Bank that President-elect Donald Trump's policies toward Israel would be very different than President Barack Obama's.

Huckabee was in Maale Adumim to lay the cornerstone for a new neighborhood in one of the largest Israeli settlements in the West Bank, just east of Jerusalem. The former Arkansas governor and strong supporter of Israel held a hat with the same catchphrase, and said he would bring one to Trump, whose campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" was the inspiration for the Maale Adumim banner.

Huckabee told CNN that he rejected the use of the word "settlements."


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