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Texas Funeral Director in Hot Water over Casket Selfies


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Then this happened at a Texas funeral;



When Rose Molina and her family buried her 32-year-old cousin on Saturday, it was a difficult time. But what they say the funeral director was doing caused them to be even more upset.

After he cousin’s body was loaded in the hearse, Molina says she noticed the funeral director, David L. Jones, taking a selfie with the vehicle behind him.

When she asked him about the picture, Jones told her he was just fixing his tie, but when Molina went to his Facebook page, she found numerous photos of him with hearses and caskets behind him.

The Texas Funeral Services Commission says Jones could face a $5,000 fine or a warning if he violated a code of conduct, according to KTRK.

You would think FDs would know by now that when it comes to funerals they're under a GD microscope, but I guess not. 

I know the one my family normally uses would not do that nor would put up with employees doing that either.


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How 'bout we take a moment to recognize the wonder that is this man's beard? No doubt he is an all around dapper young fellow, but that beard! See below:


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2 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Then this happened at a Texas funeral;


You would think FDs would know by now that when it comes to funerals they're under a GD microscope, but I guess not. 

I know the one my family normally uses would not do that nor would put up with employees doing that either.


So a family member questioned what you were doing, and you then proceed to paste your newest picture on your Facebook page?!? :doh:

I've lost count of how many skeevetastic things have been discovered because the perpetrators posted their dumbassery on social media. 

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1 minute ago, Cartmann99 said:

I've lost count of how many skeevetastic things have been discovered because the perpetrators posted their dumbassery on social media. 

Right? This guy I went to high school with, did some time after ig'ing a selfie from a storage locker full of stolen property. Including a flat screen he'd lifted the night before.

Who needs detectives, when the dummies do it for you?

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Also, my Spidey senses say that these pictures are the tip of a freaky iceberg.

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22 minutes ago, RosaLuxcyborg said:

Right? This guy I went to high school with, did some time after ig'ing a selfie from a storage locker full of stolen property. Including a flat screen he'd lifted the night before.

Who needs detectives, when the dummies do it for you?

I guess now detectives just need to watch social media for those dummies to post selfies of themselves.

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1 hour ago, ADoyle90815 said:

I guess now detectives just need to watch social media for those dummies to post selfies of themselves.


2 hours ago, RosaLuxcyborg said:

Right? This guy I went to high school with, did some time after ig'ing a selfie from a storage locker full of stolen property. Including a flat screen he'd lifted the night before.

Who needs detectives, when the dummies do it for you?


I think they probably already do.  Where I live here in Iowa someone got nailed for sharing a photo of himself on line with a handgun, which he wasn't allowed to have as a convicted felon.

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

I think they probably already do.  Where I live here in Iowa someone got nailed for sharing a photo of himself on line with a handgun, which he wasn't allowed to have as a convicted felon.

Pretty sure in some places they have people who just watch socmed streams, but even where they don't I'm sure one of the first thing you'd do with a person of interest is Google their public profiles.

We have lent an enthusiastic hand in the creation of a global surveillance state. 

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5 hours ago, RosaLuxcyborg said:

Oh let's hope so.

 I'm scared that his "activities" may have directly involved the clients at the funeral home.  :pb_sad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was expecting selfies in front of open caskets, or the decedent on the makeup table when no one was around. As in next level "Weekend at Bernie's" type antics. From the families' perspective (beyond the same day fb post), how would they know who was in the hearse? I agree it's tacky, but not repugnant to me. That is one righteous beard, though.

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17 hours ago, Geechee Girl said:

I was expecting selfies in front of open caskets, or the decedent on the makeup table when no one was around. As in next level "Weekend at Bernie's" type antics. From the families' perspective (beyond the same day fb post), how would they know who was in the hearse? I agree it's tacky, but not repugnant to me. That is one righteous beard, though.

I admit that my interest in "true crime" books and documentaries may be coloring my perceptions, but his pictures reminded me of the trophies that some criminals keep to remind them of their victims. I think these are probably his "safe" pictures, and that he has hidden the more graphic ones. :pb_sad:

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