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Man's Father advertises for a wife for his son

Black Aliss

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Apparently this guy really wants an heir and so far his son, age 48, has not been able to find the right woman--politically conservative, HWP, not too tall, willing to stay home and raise kids. . . (wait. what? In Salt Lake City, Utah he can't find someone like that?). So he placed an ad in the Coeur d'Alene Press (CdA, Idaho is very conservative) and will be interviewing interested applicants this coming Saturday. Ladies, please, no shoving.


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I'm still trying to wrap my brain around a 40-something guy letting 70-something Dad do the interviews....

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This just reminds me of the marriage markets in China, where parents just sit out in the park with big posterboards advertising their children to potential spouses/let's be real here and just say other parents.

Though I also found a pretty interesting article about an Indian mother who put out an arranged marriage ad for her son, who is gay.

I think that this sort of ad seems silly and shocking to us (and frankly I think this guy's dad needs to get off of his case), but this sort of thing is very common in other parts of the world.

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"I look just like my picture, except I now have grey hair."


Dad is looking for a suitable wife to meet the needs of his son, whom he meets so infrequently that he doesn't even have a recent photo ?

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2 hours ago, Geechee Girl said:

@Black Aliss What is HWP?

Height and weight proportionate.  So, it's OK to weight 190 pounds if you're 6"2 but not if you're 5'5", or to put it bluntly in this cae - "no fat chicks".  

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Dang! Alrighty then. I haven't ventured into the world of online dating. Now I wanna know all the acronyms.:my_biggrin:

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They didn't mention wether already having kids is acceptable or not. If fat chicks need not apply, what about mothers? Usually men who say no fat chicks also refuse to date mothers. I am not surprised that not a single personaluty trait was mentioned. I guess that doesn't matter to them. This guy doesn't seem to be too upset by the ad when questioned about it.


I wonder if they are Mormon. Mormons believe that any two true believing church members can and will create successful marriages just as long as they don't question the church at all, because that's a sin. Also to Mormons the man has to be sealed to a wife before he dies in order to get a lot of the perks like having multiple wives in heaven. Women will always be sealed to a husband wether or not she married in life or not in heaven. It would explain the deperateness in it and being in Salt Lake only just makes it seem more likely.

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5 hours ago, MatthewDuggar said:

Height and weight proportionate.  So, it's OK to weight 190 pounds if you're 6"2 but not if you're 5'5", or to put it bluntly in this cae - "no fat chicks".  

I was going to guess, "Hot, White Protestant." :pb_lol:

I mean... This guy's dad is an ass for doing it without asking if it was ok first. If he's ok with it though, I guess it's ok? A little bit? I still think it's odd and really overreaching, but if the son is ok with it I guess it's ok.

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1 hour ago, McDoodleDoodleDoo said:

I wonder if they are Mormon. Mormons believe that any two true believing church members can and will create successful marriages just as long as they don't question the church at all, because that's a sin. 

The thing is, if he's Mormon he could just join the church-sponsored LDS online dating site, right? And if dad doesn't know boundaries, dad could have set up a profile there. The magazine ad seems less efficient to me. 

And really weird not to post a recent photo, especially since criteria is given to women about their appearance.

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9 hours ago, Geechee Girl said:

@Black Aliss What is HWP?

Height and Weight Proportional. It's a euphemism for "not fat". For years I thought it meant Hard Working Person!

1 hour ago, McDoodleDoodleDoo said:

They didn't mention wether already having kids is acceptable or not. If fat chicks need not apply, what about mothers? Usually men who say no fat chicks also refuse to date mothers. I am not surprised that not a single personaluty trait was mentioned. I guess that doesn't matter to them. This guy doesn't seem to be too upset by the ad when questioned about it.


Having kids was mentioned in the ad as negotiable.


I wonder if they are Mormon. Mormons believe that any two true believing church members can and will create successful marriages just as long as they don't question the church at all, because that's a sin. Also to Mormons the man has to be sealed to a wife before he dies in order to get a lot of the perks like having multiple wives in heaven. Women will always be sealed to a husband wether or not she married in life or not in heaven. It would explain the deperateness in it and being in Salt Lake only just makes it seem more likely.

No, the guy is Jewish, but not observant. His complaint is that Jewish women are too liberal for him. Which makes his father's choice of looking in Coeur D'Alene even more delicious because, yes, the Idaho panhandle is very conservative, but it's also one of the most overtly anti-semitic areas in the US.

Here's the full text of the original ad:



You will probably be between the ages of 34-38 but that can be flexible.

You will be attractive being height and weight proportional. Ideally, you will have no children from previous marriages but that is also flexible.


• You must be willing to move to Salt Lake City as that is where my business is located.

• You must be politically conservative. This is very important to me. If you voted for

Obama or plan to vote for Hillary you are not for me.

• I am 5’5” and if you are 5’8” & like to wear high heels it may not work.

• Religion is open.

• I would expect that if we have children you would be a stay at home mom.


I own two health food stores in Salt Lake City. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and moved here ten years ago for my business. I am Jewish but not very religious in a formal sense although I am spiritual. I own my own home.

I have asked my father to screen people for me. He will be at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. You may call for an interview on my behalf on Friday June 24th at 208-765-4000. When calling the Resort ask for Arthur Brooks. Interviews will take place Saturday June 25th. Please bring a short one page description, background and a current photo.

The end of the advertisement states:

This is absolutely not a scam. The person or persons selected will be given round trip air ticket as well as first class lodgings. You may bring a chaperone if you wish; mother, father, friend, etc. Their expenses will also be paid. We will go out on a dinner date and go from there.




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1 hour ago, McDoodleDoodleDoo said:

They didn't mention wether already having kids is acceptable or not. If fat chicks need not apply, what about mothers? Usually men who say no fat chicks also refuse to date mothers..



 Ideally, you will have no children from previous

marriages but that is also flexible.




He is not a Mormon, he's Jewish. 



Reached while on a trip to California, Baron Brooks described his father as “nuts,” “neurotic,” “passive-aggressive” and without boundaries, comparing him to Larry David’s character in the TV series “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

“That’s my dad: stumbles into stuff, has a loud mouth, thinks he does the right thing, and then it all blows up in his face.”

Brooks also said his father has been ill and really wants a grandson to carry on the family name.

“Ever since he went into congestive heart failure he’s done some really kooky stuff,” he said. “And this one takes the cake.”





“He knew I’m a political conservative, OK?” said Brooks, who also is Jewish. “And most Jewish girls are quite liberal, and that doesn’t work for me. You probably are going to get more like a Midwest-type values in Idaho – somebody’s who more right of center than you would, say, in Los Angeles.”


He added that he’s seeing “two different ladies right now, but nobody that I’d probably marry.”


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On 6/23/2016 at 4:35 PM, Seren Ann said:

Here's another shot I found thanks to google :

The photo in the ad is very old.

Oh yeah, he looks just like that photo in the ad! And Dad is basically expecting model material who isn't too tall, is thin and pretty, has active ovaries and a uterus in excellent condition, and is politically conservative. Sure, that'll work. 

Can't say I'd be too turned on by the bachelor in question even if he was a liberal 6 footer that likes a chick with meat on her bones - while his father seems to be a few candles short of a menorah, insulting him like that to the media was not cool in my opinion. If he had called the old man eccentric that would be one thing, but he sounds like an asshole. And I can imagine the women he's currently dating are pleased to find out their man friend doesn't think highly of them either. 

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On 6/23/2016 at 5:31 AM, AmazonGrace said:


"I look just like my picture, except I now have grey hair."


I caught that too, and it makes me wonder what else is different from the picture.  


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Update: even with the story going viral and being picked up by Fox News, no less, Dad got only 12 responses.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/23/2016 at 4:00 AM, Geechee Girl said:

@Black Aliss What is HWP?

Happy White Person?

Holy Walmart Peon?

On 6/29/2016 at 4:53 AM, FloraKitty35 said:

I caught that too, and it makes me wonder what else is different from the picture.  


Traditionally, gray hair is usually/often accompanied by some wrinkles and a few extra pounds. At least in women. Like most men, this one and his daddy probably think he is just "more distinguished."

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