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Chris Hyndman


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To my fellow Canadians: Regarding the sad and strange circumstances regarding the sudden death of Chris Hyndman. What are your thoughts? DH maintains that if this were a 'typical' married couple where the wife went over the terrace balcony to her death, her husband would immediately be under suspicion. Steven and Chris were a much loved couple in Canada and I would be astounded and devastated if anything nefarious were suspected here.

So, do you think he was sleepwalking? It's a bit weird how the police aren't really saying too much, yes? Thoughts?

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I'm ashamed to say when I first heard "found dead in an alley" my thoughts went to something else. I hope, as tragic as this is, that it was just that. Sleep walking. But if I were married to someone with that serious a sleepwalking problem I would put alarms or something on a door.

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I would, too. It is very strange. Was he even in his pj's? I'm not sure if this had been revealed (police say foul play not suspected but aren't divulging any information whatsoever!). Would go along with sleepwalking theory. If not, then I just don't know. Seems like a wonderful guy. Man, I hope there's nothing worse to come out if this.

ETA: my mind went there, too. An alley just brings up bad connotations. I guess we have to wait to hear. Very sad, though.

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His own mother has spoken about his lifelong sleepwalking problem. I doubt his mother would make up or exaggerate a story to help out her son's murderer. Stranger things have happened I guess, but I do think it was probably a tragic accident.

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I was utterly shocked about Chris' death, but nobody seems to be suggesting foul play. The fact that the sleepwalking explanation came from his mom makes it seem plausible.

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It was only 6 floors up, so if suicide had been the plan, I imagine he would have chosen something more certain. Sleepwalking is very possible. Poor man.

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The comment about Chris' sleepwalking came out of the blue. Nobody was saying anything about the details and then his mother mentions this! We may never know! Terribly sad, however it happened,and as a " nice" Canadian I don't want to speculate out loud! LOL!

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yesterday was listening to a replay of a talk show (640?) where it was discussed that, in an interview many years ago, Hyndman mentioned he had terrible problems sleeping and a medicine cabinet full of sleep aides.

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I watched their show when I got home from work. It was inoffensive background noise. They came across as nice men who would be fun to hang out with.

So how exactly did he die from his sleep problem? Overdose? Fell off the balcony? I don't understand.

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There has not been any further information, as far as I know. He obviously did have a history of sleep and sleepwalking issues but there has been no report about cause of death. He fell over their terrace balcony, but how that happened is still, publicly, a mystery. Anything other than that is speculation at this point.

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