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Mike Huckabee on abortion


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I just can't deal with the stupid this man keep spouting.

He's just so laughably stupid.

Fuckabee's latest garbage inspired this post.


GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is open to the idea of using federal troops and the FBI to stop women from having abortions.

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The link wasn't working for me so here's another one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mik ... 63d5a22323

:wtf: Fuckabee, no. No. no. no.

1. Fuckabee would have to win.

2. Fuckabee would have to get abortion criminalized. (Although I think he's just enough of a crazy-ass to do it even when abortion is still legalized.)

3. Fuckabee no longer gets to discuss any instances of federal overreach committed by Obama.

My take, this is all just an elaborate scheme for Fuckabee to get his bestest buds the Duggars paying "jobs" that "God would approve of." The men get to be the abortion police while whichever Duggar girls are pregnant at the time can go into illegal (or legal, because Fuckabee prob don't give a shit) clinics undercover.

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Oh hell, Huckabee's discovered The Handmaid's Tale. :(


I'm married, but I'm getting too old for childbearing so I guess I'd be an econowife at first. Sooner or later though, they'd ship me off to the colonies for reading and having subversive feminist views.

Edited to add: I realize it's not a perfect match to the character in the book, but I just had a flash of Jill Rodrigues as Serena Joy. In particular, the scene where Serena Joy is watching the old tapes of her performances. She's very upset because in the society she helped to create, she is no longer allowed to sing in public.

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I'm beginning to think that abortion may be virtually wiped out or at least very difficult to obtain within twenty years. It has become practically mandatory for Republicans to denounce abortion, Planned Parenthood, contraception, and medically accurate sex education. Meanwhile, the Democrats barely do anything to defend these things because they're still trying to court white evangelicals, although this group has given them the brush off. Simply put, the number of people who want to ban abortion seems to be greater than those who want to protect it, and many white evangelical and Catholic women are leading the charge because they think that only "the wrong kind of women" use Planned Parenthood. Of course, many of these women use Planned Parenthood services for whatever reason, but think that they're different somehow.

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I'm beginning to think that abortion may be virtually wiped out or at least very difficult to obtain within twenty years. It has become practically mandatory for Republicans to denounce abortion, Planned Parenthood, contraception, and medically accurate sex education. Meanwhile, the Democrats barely do anything to defend these things because they're still trying to court white evangelicals, although this group has given them the brush off. Simply put, the number of people who want to ban abortion seems to be greater than those who want to protect it, and many white evangelical and Catholic women are leading the charge because they think that only "the wrong kind of women" use Planned Parenthood. Of course, many of these women use Planned Parenthood services for whatever reason, but think that they're different somehow.

That's a terrifying thought. That's just going to make this country take a huge step backwards. And then women's rights will continue to be trampled on and the Republicans will already try to take away maternity leave (which is already shit in this country). Because that's their logic. You need to have babies but then have no one around to take care of them and be unable to support them.

Before Castro was in power and before Roe v. Wade my grandfather would sometimes help women who wanted an abortion get to Cuba so they could have the procedure there. These republicans either don't realize or don't care that if a woman is desperate enough she will go to another country for an abortion and/or get an illegal/unsafe one.

An old (from the days of George Bush Sr) but still relevant cartoon:


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Oh hell, Huckabee's discovered The Handmaid's Tale. :(


I'm married, but I'm getting too old for childbearing so I guess I'd be an econowife at first. Sooner or later though, they'd ship me off to the colonies for reading and having subversive feminist views.

Edited to add: I realize it's not a perfect match to the character in the book, but I just had a flash of Jill Rodrigues as Serena Joy. In particular, the scene where Serena Joy is watching the old tapes of her performances. She's very upset because in the society she helped to create, she is no longer allowed to sing in public.

I really need to read that book.

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GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is open to the idea of using federal troops and the FBI to stop women from having abortions.

"I will not pretend there is nothing we can do to stop this," Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and an outspoken social conservative, said Thursday at a campaign stop in Jefferson, Iowa. 

Huckabee addressed abortion again at his next stop in Rockwell City, Iowa, where a reporter asked him whether stopping abortion would mean using federal troops or the FBI.

"We'll see if I get to be president," Huckabee said, according to the Topeka Capital-Journal.

"All American citizens should be protected," he added.

On Twitter, journalist Matt Taibbi said he had asked Huckabee the abortion question.

The Huckabee campaign did not immediately return a request for more comment on what deploying troops or using the FBI to stop women from having abortions would look like.

Huckabee has long spoken out against abortion, and last year, he suggested that the issue was worse than the Holocaust. 

"If you felt something incredibly powerful at Auschwitz and Birkenau over the 11 million killed worldwide and the 1.5 million killed on those grounds, cannot we feel something extraordinary about 55 million murdered in our own country in the wombs of their mothers?" he asked. 

http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/55bbc20e ... n=politics

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Better access to birth control, child care, and higher wages are what stops women from having abortions, Huckabee, you shit for brains.

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I really need to read that book.

I believe every woman should. Check your library!

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But he doesn't seem to be open to the idea of using FBI and the federal troops to stop people from molesting their little sisters. What a bizarre coincidence.

I just don't feel like listening to shithead apologists for rape and child molestation try to legislate what women do with their bodies, or anything else for that matter.

Thank god I'm also a British citizen. Even if abortion becomes illegal in the states, it'll still be very legal over there. And to touch on the women sneaking into Cuba, Irish women fly to the UK all the damn time to get abortions. Ireland'd be much better off stopping abortions by being like Spain and adopting more liberal attitudes about sex and contraceptives. Then fewer unwanted pregnancies and therefore fewer abortions.

Oh wait? You mean it's about controlling women's sex lives? Oh, I see.

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I'm 100% certain I'll get reamed for this but I see it repeated all the time and I'm really curious how being anti-abortion is about white conservative men trying to control women's sex lives? What about women who are anti-abortion? And what about white, conservative men who have vasectomies or choose to limit their family's size another way? I'm a white female and I think birth control should be available to ALL women, if they want it. I just would like to know what the rationale is behind that statement that conservative men want to control women's sex lives.

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But he doesn't seem to be open to the idea of using FBI and the federal troops to stop people from molesting their little sisters. What a bizarre coincidence.

I just don't feel like listening to shithead apologists for rape and child molestation try to legislate what women do with their bodies, or anything else for that matter.

Thank god I'm also a British citizen. Even if abortion becomes illegal in the states, it'll still be very legal over there. And to touch on the women sneaking into Cuba, Irish women fly to the UK all the damn time to get abortions. Ireland'd be much better off stopping abortions by being like Spain and adopting more liberal attitudes about sex and contraceptives. Then fewer unwanted pregnancies and therefore fewer abortions.

Oh wait? You mean it's about controlling women's sex lives? Oh, I see.

Of course he can't have the FBI investigating child molesters, he needs to protect his friends. My dad said Fuckabee would care about child molestation if it were little boys (which is disturbing and probably true). Fuckabee probably thinks that little girls tempt their brothers, and big brothers can never be tempted by little brothers because that's gay. He'd probably only care about the male on male aspect there. I cannot stand that man.

I've always hated the double standard that women who have lots of sex and/or get pregnant are painted as promiscuous whores, but no one ever says that about men. And republican men are so quick to condemn women who have unwanted pregnancies and think they shouldn't be having sex, but don't care about the men who impregnate them. Apparently it's okay for men to have sex, but not women. That only leaves gay sex as an option but they're against that too. Haven't quite figured out their logic yet.

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Of course he can't have the FBI investigating child molesters, he needs to protect his friends. My dad said Fuckabee would care about child molestation if it were little boys (which is disturbing and probably true). Fuckabee probably thinks that little girls tempt their brothers, and big brothers can never be tempted by little brothers because that's gay. He'd probably only care about the male on male aspect there. I cannot stand that man.

I've always hated the double standard that women who have lots of sex and/or get pregnant are painted as promiscuous whores, but no one ever says that about men. And republican men are so quick to condemn women who have unwanted pregnancies and think they shouldn't be having sex, but don't care about the men who impregnate them. Apparently it's okay for men to have sex, but not women. That only leaves gay sex as an option but they're against that too. Haven't quite figured out their logic yet.

It's always good to check Plan 2. . . . *After* they get the abortion thang back in the box, it's back to controlling Birth Control (which is what sent Margaret Sanger to jail). Sorta like PETA, who after they save all the animals, want to take away all the companion animals, and make us all vegans.

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If abortion becomes illegal (or illegal for all practical purposes), I am going to learn to do menstrual extraction. That's what we used to do in the late 60s/ early 70s and we may have to do it again.

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In the US, you can always tell when someone really cares about something because they are willing to spend money on it. So, when should I expect to see Huckabee campaigning for policies that reduce the abortion rate by comprehensive sexual education, improving access to free contraception, paid maternity leave for all women, free childcare, etc..

What's that?


If people like him really wanted to reduce abortions, they'd quit all this pearlclutching and get busy doing something productive.

Oh wait, it's 2015. :doh: There's serious cash to be made off of the Republican base by pearlclutching over abortion.

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I'm 100% certain I'll get reamed for this but I see it repeated all the time and I'm really curious how being anti-abortion is about white conservative men trying to control women's sex lives? What about women who are anti-abortion? And what about white, conservative men who have vasectomies or choose to limit their family's size another way? I'm a white female and I think birth control should be available to ALL women, if they want it. I just would like to know what the rationale is behind that statement that conservative men want to control women's sex lives.

Abortion politics in the US have always been closely related to what the proper "place" for women in society should be. The first anti-abortion campaign was the so-called "doctor's campaign" in which doctors associated with the newly formed American Medical Association lobbied to make abortion, which was most legal in the 18th and early 19th century, illegal. While the doctor's main complaint was that they didn't approve of unauthorized medical practioneers, especially midwives, performing abortions, they were also concerned that America's "racial stock" was being diminished because Catholic, Jewish, black, and poor women were supposedly having more babies than middle and upper class white Protestant women of Anglo-Saxon heritage. They thought that if abortion was made illegal, then "the right kind of women" would have more babies, and feared that ready access to abortion made women forget their true "place" in society, which was in the home. Women who had abortions because they wanted a more independent lifestyle were seen as "monstrous" and "unnatural."

This "doctor's campaign" heavily used the idea of the cult of domesticity, which promoted the idea that the home was the proper place for women

http://americainclass.org/the-cult-of-domesticity/ (link not broken because it's an educational site)

However, most people believed that only a certain type of woman could ever aspire to "real womanhood"; women from minority backgrounds or who were poor were automatically disqualified from "true womanhood," as these women were needed to be servants to "real women." Then as now, the biggest promoters of the cult of domesticity were other women, who were quick to judge those of their sex who were not sticking to their proper gender role. This makes sense, as many women had their entire identities bound up in being "lady of the house" and being seen as the pinnacle of womanhood. If there were other ways of being a woman, besides being "lady of the house," then those woman who adhered to this idea were either not special at best, or wasting their lives on minutae at worse. Conservative women who make careers out of telling other women not to have careers (e.g., Phyliss Schafly, Michelle Duggar, Debi Pearl) have a vested economic and psychological interest in promoting and maintaining the cult of domesticity. In general, piety is seen as essential to womanhood, whereas it's seen as option for masculinity. Hence, women who abandon religion or decide to refashion it to make it more egalitarian are seen as very threatening, especially to other pious women.

While it's true that most religious conservatives aren't quiverfull and have small families, there is a belief that people who need help to pay for contraceptives are "sluts" who just want someone else to pay for their consequence-free sex (see Rush Limbaugh's slandering of Sandra Fluke). Responsible people don't need insurance or the government to subsidize their sex lives. I've seen conservative women on TV proudly saying that they buy their contraception themselves, unlike those "sluts" who need Planned Parenthood or Obamacare. The underlying message is that if you can't afford kids or birth control without recourse to a third party to pay for birth control, then you shouldn't be having sex. If you dig deeper in most anti-abortion literature, it becomes clear that a dislike of women's changing role in society is the real issue.

As others have noted, if religious conservatives were really interested in reducing abortions, they would study why women have abortions and make it easier to single mothers to receive support in society. But these same figures decry single mothers for raising children without a father, and blame most of society's ills on them. Either abortion is so horrible that it's worth having more single mothers in society rather than having them abortion, or single motherhood is so shameful that it's better for a woman to have an abortion so everyone won't know about her "fallen state" (indeed, the reason why so many women had abortions pre-Roe v. Wade was because single motherhood was seen as more shameful than abortion). You can't have it both ways.

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Abortion politics in the US have always been closely related to what the proper "place" for women in society should be. The first anti-abortion campaign was the so-called "doctor's campaign" in which doctors associated with the newly formed American Medical Association lobbied to make abortion, which was most legal in the 18th and early 19th century, illegal. While the doctor's main complaint was that they didn't approve of unauthorized medical practioneers, especially midwives, performing abortions, they were also concerned that America's "racial stock" was being diminished because Catholic, Jewish, black, and poor women were supposedly having more babies than middle and upper class white Protestant women of Anglo-Saxon heritage. They thought that if abortion was made illegal, then "the right kind of women" would have more babies, and feared that ready access to abortion made women forget their true "place" in society, which was in the home. Women who had abortions because they wanted a more independent lifestyle were seen as "monstrous" and "unnatural."

This "doctor's campaign" heavily used the idea of the cult of domesticity, which promoted the idea that the home was the proper place for women

http://americainclass.org/the-cult-of-domesticity/ (link not broken because it's an educational site)

However, most people believed that only a certain type of woman could ever aspire to "real womanhood"; women from minority backgrounds or who were poor were automatically disqualified from "true womanhood," as these women were needed to be servants to "real women." Then as now, the biggest promoters of the cult of domesticity were other women, who were quick to judge those of their sex who were not sticking to their proper gender role. This makes sense, as many women had their entire identities bound up in being "lady of the house" and being seen as the pinnacle of womanhood. If there were other ways of being a woman, besides being "lady of the house," then those woman who adhered to this idea were either not special at best, or wasting their lives on minutae at worse. Conservative women who make careers out of telling other women not to have careers (e.g., Phyliss Schafly, Michelle Duggar, Debi Pearl) have a vested economic and psychological interest in promoting and maintaining the cult of domesticity. In general, piety is seen as essential to womanhood, whereas it's seen as option for masculinity. Hence, women who abandon religion or decide to refashion it to make it more egalitarian are seen as very threatening, especially to other pious women.

While it's true that most religious conservatives aren't quiverfull and have small families, there is a belief that people who need help to pay for contraceptives are "sluts" who just want someone else to pay for their consequence-free sex (see Rush Limbaugh's slandering of Sandra Fluke). Responsible people don't need insurance or the government to subsidize their sex lives. I've seen conservative women on TV proudly saying that they buy their contraception themselves, unlike those "sluts" who need Planned Parenthood or Obamacare. The underlying message is that if you can't afford kids or birth control without recourse to a third party to pay for birth control, then you shouldn't be having sex. If you dig deeper in most anti-abortion literature, it becomes clear that a dislike of women's changing role in society is the real issue.

As others have noted, if religious conservatives were really interested in reducing abortions, they would study why women have abortions and make it easier to single mothers to receive support in society. But these same figures decry single mothers for raising children without a father, and blame most of society's ills on them. Either abortion is so horrible that it's worth having more single mothers in society rather than having them abortion, or single motherhood is so shameful that it's better for a woman to have an abortion so everyone won't know about her "fallen state" (indeed, the reason why so many women had abortions pre-Roe v. Wade was because single motherhood was seen as more shameful than abortion). You can't have it both ways.

I just wanted to say that I admire your writing ability and to tell you that you are one of the members that I look for in threads. If you've already posted on a subject, odds are you've made whatever point I was trying to make, only you've made it much more eloquently than I ever could. :clap:

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First do these fools really think by forcing a woman to carry her baby the private adoption rate will go up? Not every teen, low income, or pregnant woman is going to place her baby for adoption. Which is what they're trying to do. They're trying to make it look like they care by supporting domestic adoption yet they cut federal government programs and tell women to keep their legs closed. There might be more kids in foster care if women are forced to carry a pregnancy to term. Or more kids growing up poor or being abused.

Second, what a waste of my hard earned cash for this bs. They can do all this for an unborn child, but don't do shit to create more jobs, improve the foster care system, or help low come or middle class families. Why not fix the failing educational system.

Third, what's with these fools and abortion. If conservatives hate abortion, why not offer birth control and safe sex education. Why only offer abstinence only programs or shame girls for having sex. Why only care about unborn children? What about all the kids in foster care or all the kids who live in low income neighborhoods?

Republican:Women should be publicity shamed for being single mothers

Republican: Why should my tax dollars go to birth control, if you can't afford birth control you can't afford to have sex

Republican: All these illegals(Mexican) in this country should be deported. We can't afford to have them here. They're stealing all of our jobs and living off of welfare.

So much for being pro life.

And I agree that people think only poor slutty women have abortions. Especially black women. Goodness I keep seeing that stupid black lives matter abortion meme. Only women who sleep around then find out they're pregnant get abortions. In reality, married, single, white, black, hispanic, Asian, women in relationships, women who already have kids, women with careers, women with degrees, women who are upper class all seek abortions. Even before roe vs wade women had abortions. However the rich women that had money could get an abortion easily. The woman from a poor background had trouble seeking an abortion.

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And then Republicans want to cut welfare because they don't want their hard earned money going to impoverished people. If they were pro-life they would support welfare and WIC programs. But they only care about the unborn. Once the baby is born, it's on its own.

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First do these fools really think by forcing a woman to carry her baby the private adoption rate will go up? Not every teen, low income, or pregnant woman is going to place her baby for adoption. Which is what they're trying to do. They're trying to make it look like they care by supporting domestic adoption yet they cut federal government programs and tell women to keep their legs closed. There might be more kids in foster care if women are forced to carry a pregnancy to term. Or more kids growing up poor or being abused.

Second, what a waste of my hard earned cash for this bs. They can do all this for an unborn child, but don't do shit to create more jobs, improve the foster care system, or help low come or middle class families. Why not fix the failing educational system.

Third, what's with these fools and abortion. If conservatives hate abortion, why not offer birth control and safe sex education. Why only offer abstinence only programs or shame girls for having sex. Why only care about unborn children? What about all the kids in foster care or all the kids who live in low income neighborhoods?

Republican:Women should be publicity shamed for being single mothers

Republican: Why should my tax dollars go to birth control, if you can't afford birth control you can't afford to have sex

Republican: All these illegals(Mexican) in this country should be deported. We can't afford to have them here. They're stealing all of our jobs and living off of welfare.

So much for being pro life.

And I agree that people think only poor slutty women have abortions. Especially black women. Goodness I keep seeing that stupid black lives matter abortion meme. Only women who sleep around then find out they're pregnant get abortions. In reality, married, single, white, black, hispanic, Asian, women in relationships, women who already have kids, women with careers, women with degrees, women who are upper class all seek abortions. Even before roe vs wade women had abortions. However the rich women that had money could get an abortion easily. The woman from a poor background had trouble seeking an abortion.

One major problem with the "adoption not abortion" idea is that adoption of infants is extremely unpopular with women facing an unplanned pregnancy. The vast majority of women who go through a pregnancy and give birth are doing so because they want to keep the baby. Otherwise, they have an abortion. According to this PBS fact sheet on adoption, only 1 percent of babies born between 1996 and 2002 were given up for adoption. The rate was 9 percent during the so-called "Baby Scoop Era" when white women were basically forced to give birth in maternity homes and give up their children for adoption to "good married couples":

http://www.pbs.org/pov/offandrunning/ad ... _sheet.php

http://babyscoopera.com/ (link not broken because it's a research/education site)

It's also not true that there are tons of unadoptable infants of color languishing in foster care. Healthy infants of any race are adopted almost immediately because they are so rare (black women actually put up their children for adoption much less than women of other races). As other posters have noted, the real problem with adoption is that the children that are in need of homes are older children in foster care, many of whom have emotional difficulties from being in abusive situations at an earlier point in life (for many potential adoptive parents, a toddler is "too old" because he or she may have already been exposed to extreme dysfunction that might have negatively impact on his or her development).

Adoption should be encouraged, not of infants, as most of them will find homes quickly unless they have a disability or a terminal health problem, but of older foster kids. If anti-abortion activists paid more attention to actually existing kids in foster care and less about zygotes and embryos, I might believe that they were really interested in adoption issues.

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