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Boy Scouts end ban on gay leaders


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this sure got the gay hating GOP riled up all those men wanting to fondle boys. makes me think the are really thinking of themselves.

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It's about time, but if they really wanted to be inclusive, they would quit discriminating against atheists and agnostics, but I guess it's baby steps from here.

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It's about time, but if they really wanted to be inclusive, they would quit discriminating against atheists and agnostics, but I guess it's baby steps from here.

I think that ending the atheist/agnostic ban will happen pretty soon as well, hopefully before the end of the decade, as atheist families are becoming more visible and vocal. Conservatives may make good on their threat to withdraw from BSA and form a new organization. There are actually a number of scouting organizations and movements, and BSA and the GS are simply the two largest and most visible ones in the US (I remember reading about scouting groups geared specifically to pagan families and progressive families in the NYT, but I can't find the article right now). The question is whether enough conservatives would want to abandon the established BSA for something unknown, especially since I doubt that the status quo would change much for BSA troops sponsored at conservative churches.

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My husband and I were talking about this. When we have kids one day and if they are in Girl or Boy Scouts all we care about is if they are with a responsible adult that will watch over them and teach them and treat them as we would.

I did hear that if it was church sponsored that they could still discriminate. I HATE people hiding behind there religion. In KY close to where I live this county clerk is refusing to give marriage licenses to ANYONE right now. Its a big uproar. She is claiming she is upholding her religious beliefs :roll: .

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