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Sarah Palin on Slavery and Obama Care


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Someone shared this on Facebook: facebook.com/sarahpalin/photos/a.10150723283643588.424640.24718773587/10153399385408588/?type=1

The fact that the parties essentially flip flopped during the Nixon administration aside, and it should really be "North and South" rather than "Democrats and Republicans"...apparently supporting Obama Care is on par with supporting slavery.

I really don't feel like making enemies with this idiot, but apparently the fact that it's Republicans who are obsessed with the confederate flag doesn't mean anything?

But seriously comparing affordable health care to slavery :wtf:


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Update: the person who shared the Sarah Palin post also posted an article about symbols of the confederacy that may be taken down because of all the backlash against SC flying the Confederate flag, and she's sad that people are trying to erase history. Oh and according to one of her friends the white supremacist (democrats?) turned it into a symbol of hate. Okay then.

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but she invented word salad so thats something.

I don't get how people expect to be taken seriously if they quote her or share her "expertise."

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To anyone who thinks the Confederate flag symbolizes history and not racism: look at Maurice Bessinger and how he flew the flags at all of his restaurants. He was very into southern history, the kind of southern history that was seen in The Birth of a Nation. So, if slavery is the history you want to preserve, I'm sorry to tell you that it's 2015 and it's over.

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Sarah Palin is also the one who released a map with crosshairs on Gabby Giffords' district before her assassination attempt.

She's a whackadoodle if there ever was one. I'd love to see if she can run for office now.

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These meme assumes that neither political party has changed their ideology or platforms at all since 1865.

Because that makes sense.

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Is it awful that I want her to run for President, win the Primary, and wind up in a debate with Hillary Clinton?

If anything, it would employ Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for life.

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I love how conservatives are now taking credit for liberal ideology. The irony is delicious.

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Is it awful that I want her to run for President, win the Primary, and wind up in a debate with Hillary Clinton?

If anything, it would employ Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for life.

I'm actually kind of afraid of the primary...there are so many whack jobs running that it could divide the vote weirdly and we could end up with someone completely awful winning the primary. I am wondering if Palin is going to run for president since she's putting herself back in the spotlight.

A Tina Fey and Amy Pohler reunion would be amazing though.

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