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4 Month Old Needs Thoughts and Prayers


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On a site a write for, one fellow writer has a 4 month old niece Bailey, going through a rough time. Every time it seem she makes progress, she has a set back. Her glucose level keep shooting up and down. This has gone on for two weeks and no answers. Someone suggested cystic fibrosis. The dad is self-employed which mean hardly no income, but I feel that is low on the totem pole now. Thoughts and prayers would be a great help and I will give updates when possible.

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No update today and Im busy freelance writing during the week. There's a Go fund me set up for them but will post it later.

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She has GSD 1a the worst kind of glucose storage disorder. She will have to deal with it the rest of her life but it is treatable. According to updates, she had a feeding tube inserted into her stomach and is recovering. Her sugar levels are remaining steady and if all goes well, she may go home early this next week.

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She is back in PICU. The experiments with different feeding methods cause spike/drops in glucose levels. Her parents are seriously considering a liver transplant.

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I'm so glad to hear she's doing better. What a tough road for her and for her parents.

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She had a vomiting and diarrhea episode since coming home, but no other issues.

I'm glad she's doing okay! An old friend of mine has a baby about the same age who has been in and out of the hospital. It's so hard to see anyone, especially a baby, have so many health issues.

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I'm glad she's doing okay! An old friend of mine has a baby about the same age who has been in and out of the hospital. It's so hard to see anyone, especially a baby, have so many health issues.

Babies cana't tell you how they feel so it is more difficult.

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Babies cana't tell you how they feel so it is more difficult.

Yeah, you just have to figure out what's wrong...I can't imagine how hard it would be to have a sick child. My friend's baby had had failure to thrive issues and has to be on a feeding tube since she can't swallow.

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