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Prophetic Day today, 8/23/11


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So I work in coastal South Carolina. The big news is preparation for Hurricaine Irene. Many people are getting out of town. For some reason, they seem to have been headed to Virginia.

Then...we get news of the Earthquake. People start freaking ot completely. They are now 100% convinced that The Rapture is this weekend. People were falling to the floor, cryinging, speaking in tongues...yes in a doctor's office. War in the Middle East. Earthquakes in Virginia and Colorado today. Riots in the streets. America's credit rating dropping. A moooslim in the whitehouse.

It is quite a scene here.

I am moving to Boca.

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Dear lord, where in coastal SC is this happening? I live just outside Charleston and pretty much no one I know has even given the hurricane a second thought. No one except my husband, that is, who is pulling our boats out of the water. Where are you?

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Again? Really? Didn't we just have a "The rapture will occur on day X" thing recently? I thought the next one wasn't due for a few more years.

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Bwahaha! I would have been laughing my head off. Please tell me you pulled out the videocam!

I took my 6 yr old to the dr. today, and the most exciting thing that happened was...well...nothing. I feel gyped.

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This just in on my facebook:

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I'm way the heck up north in New Haven. I was sitting back in my chair in my cube, taking a cat nap after lunch, and thought one of my co-workers was shaking my chair to bug me. Everyone felt the tremor. I thought it was no big deal, but our building, and all buildings in downtown New Haven, were evacuated to the central green. In less than an hour, we were back to work.

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I, for one, am thrilled about armeggedon coming. I assume the ensuing chaos means that the US government will cease to keep track of my student loans.

I spent about 15 minutes trying to convince my boss that we had an earthquake. It was strange because we were about ten feet away from each other and I felt the shaking and she swore she couldn't feel it. It's strange b/c about 1/2 the people in town I know seem to have felt it, and the other half were like, "huh?" Needless to say, my office didn't evacuate. (There are only three of us, so we were kinda "Enh".) But I know a lot of places in town evacuated.

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Well then, if it's the Rapture, I'm totally going on a bender. Plus it's my birthday, so might as well party like it's the last day of the world.

*Just kidding, I don't think it's the Rapture, because I don't believe in a Rapture.

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seriously? Man, would these people make up their minds.... either they can pinpoint it to the day, or 'no one will know the hour', either they can read all the signs (earthquake), or again ' no one will know the hour'.

Earthquakes.. natural phenomenon (sp?)

hurricane.... see above

stock market and ecomoney....cyclical

muslim in the white house..... you get to vote every 4 years, folks, he's not King for life

I'm pretty sure I'm sitting in my house, with the air condtioning, lights, TV and computer running, water, sewer service with a full refrigerator... no where near a hurricane. And, I have earthquake and mine subsidence insurance.

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Hey, there was an earthquake in colorado, on the east coast - a hurricane headed towards NYC/DC, turmoil in libya... I'm sure some other crazy elsewhere in the world the media hasnt deemed important... ITS THE END OF TIME!!! tuesday... Seriously, shit happens. There's still a mosque on the mount, we're safe. PHEW!

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This just in on my facebook:

I will have to ask my current pug overlords about this. I don't think they will approve at all.

Happy birthday keen23, mine's next Monday. I hope I get to live to it as I'm going to eat my husband's fried chicken, whipped taters, grilled veggies and his famous homemade death by chocolate fudge cake along with tons of ice cream. I have a reason to live for even though I'm turning 41. :D

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Well then, if it's the Rapture, I'm totally going on a bender. Plus it's my birthday, so might as well party like it's the last day of the world.

*Just kidding, I don't think it's the Rapture, because I don't believe in a Rapture.

Happy birthday!

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I am in the no man's land between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. The population consists of retirees from Ohio, descendents of slaves and the descendants of slave owners.

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I am in the no man's land between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. The population consists of retirees from Ohio, descendents of slaves and the descendants of slave owners.

Stay safe this weekend, that hurricane looks like it could very well affect your area. And if you have to evacuate, take care stepping over writhing, hysterical fundies as you leave town. ;)

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I, for one, am thrilled about armeggedon coming. I assume the ensuing chaos means that the US government will cease to keep track of my student loans.

I spent about 15 minutes trying to convince my boss that we had an earthquake. It was strange because we were about ten feet away from each other and I felt the shaking and she swore she couldn't feel it. It's strange b/c about 1/2 the people in town I know seem to have felt it, and the other half were like, "huh?" Needless to say, my office didn't evacuate. (There are only three of us, so we were kinda "Enh".) But I know a lot of places in town evacuated.

I wish that "they" could have given us a warning -- I've been aggressively paying off and would like to think it's not futile.

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I'm on one of the barrier islands in NC..we've gotten all of the hurricane shutters up and bags packed. Yes, we felt the earthquake. I heard not one word about a rapture. Instead, we've all spent the afternoon/evening searching all grocery stores (ok, we only have 3 within 50 miles) to buy up what's left of the beer on the island :) Perhaps we'll be alcohol raptured?! Either way, we're prepared for a hurricane party!!

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No, no rapture!! I have been cleaning for 2 damn weeks for the house appraisal on Thursday and I am going to have fun this weekend!

Rapture party at my house. I got 3 acres of woods and a bonfire pit. (And a bear,but we won't worry about him)

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I'm in VA so I felt it pretty good. I knew right away it was an earthquake (last time there was one, I just felt a big bang, and thought one of my brothers must have jumped off a dresser or something) and um, the first thing I thought was 'is this the end of the world starting?'

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Really, people were quoting scripure, praying, freaking out. Just weird.

As for me, I bought water, batteries, trail mix and some beaded yarn. Plan to hunker down and read/knit/ watch movies. I think i will buy some wine coolers tomorrow.

And then I am moving to Boca.

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I don't believe in the rapture, so that idea doesn't bother me. It is kind of unsettling to realize that the earth's patterns are cyclical and not permanent, though, and I get why people would want to assign meaning to that. Sometimes, I wish I could, just to make myself feel better! :P

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Sigh, one of my facebook friends is going on about the signs of Armageddon.

You know, you can look at any period in recorded history and find oodles of examples of both natural and man made disasters. Earthquakes happen all over the world every day.

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My Facebook is buzzing about the earthquake. My mom felt it at work in central Ohio, but in NW Ohio I felt nothing. Though, I still had to spend about five minutes on the phone reassuring her that I was alright, nothing broke, blah, blah, blah. (Yeah, she's a bit overprotective, but I'd much rather have that than uncaring).

Many of my Midwest friends apparently didn't realize what it was until they saw the news reports. And THEN they freaked out. :roll:

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Also in central/southeast Ohio (outside of Zanesville) and I felt it. It was stronger than any of the little tremors I felt when living in LA. My entire office swayed, and I heard a creaking and rumbling. I felt really seasick. I spent the next ten minutes or so trying to convince my co-workers that I wasn't nuts. They tried to convince me that my office was haunted.

A few fundie-lite FB friends were posting about how it's a sign of the end of the world. Most of them were posting that "earthquakes were occurring all over the country at that moment!!!!1!!!1!" They weren't too happy when someone pointed out that the Colorado earthquake was last night and that the quakes that were "reported" in PA, OH, Ontario, NY, and NC were all the Virginia earthquake being felt hundreds of miles away. Isn't that obvious? One woman also didn't understand the concept of aftershocks.

Seriously, if God wanted to really freak people out, why stop at a 5.9 earthquake? Were fundies shouting when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan? That was a tragedy. This was nothing.

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