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hilarious god is not dead recap


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I remember my Intro to Philosophy class. It focused on what knowledge is and it's relationship to the self.

We discussed arguments over the existence of God. But the professor never took one stance over another. Mostly he presented the arguments for the existence of God, though. Spent a lot of time on Descartes and Berkeley, picking their arguments apart, finding flaws and virtues.

Never once did my professor say there was no God. Never once did he say there was a God. Mostly, he never really gave his opinion. That wasn't the point of the class. That's not really the point of most classes, especially in philosophy.

The writer of this article is correct: those behind this movie have never taken a philosophy class, and probably have never even been to college.

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I remember my Intro to Philosophy class. It focused on what knowledge is and it's relationship to the self.

We discussed arguments over the existence of God. But the professor never took one stance over another. Mostly he presented the arguments for the existence of God, though. Spent a lot of time on Descartes and Berkeley, picking their arguments apart, finding flaws and virtues.

Never once did my professor say there was no God. Never once did he say there was a God. Mostly, he never really gave his opinion. That wasn't the point of the class. That's not really the point of most classes, especially in philosophy.

The writer of this article is correct: those behind this movie have never taken a philosophy class, and probably have never even been to college.

Thats because you probably went to a real university and not the University of Fundie Boogie Men where all the professors hate God, drugs are served in the dining hall, abortions are required in the women studies department, and the dorms are full of witchcraft.

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Reading that recap is ten minutes of my life I'll never get back. Normally, it wouldn't take me so long, but I had to keep going back and forth trying to figure out WTF was going on. Not sure if I have it yet.... :lol:

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What really stands out to me in this movie/review is that Christians come off as SO SCARED and intimidated by atheists and they think atheists feel the same about them. I don't know if real life Christians feel that way, but as a real life atheist, I don't care if every person around me is a Christian. Makes no difference to me and I'm not trying to convince anyone they need to believe what I believe, or don't believe as the case may be.

This movie sounds hilarious, but it makes me sad to see Dean Cain (aka SUPERMAN! lol) in it.

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Thats because you probably went to a real university and not the University of Fundie Boogie Men where all the professors hate God, drugs are served in the dining hall, abortions are required in the women studies department, and the dorms are full of witchcraft.

More to the point, xtian universities spend all their time telling you what to think. telling you anything else is wrong, haraguing and belittling anyone who disagrees with them. Only difference, they make you sign the statement that there is a god before classes even start.

If you listen carefully, what someone says about other people tells you a lot about themself.

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As a Christian woman, I can tell you I am not one tiny bit intimidated or scared by athiests. Why should I be?That makes no sense! The recap was entertaining. I haven't seen the movie, but I might have to just out of curiosity. Then I can finally have that awkward discussion with my sister where I have to admit that I no longer believe the fundie-lite stuff that she does.

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It seems the bar for Christian movies is very very low.

Case in point: fireproof

I felt the awkwardness physically. It was like nausea and my muscles involuntarily seizing and an adrenaline rush all in one awkward two hour movie.

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Well, having seen a lot of the movie(Thanks Norwegian Cruse Line) I can tell you it's funny. Except the end, which is just exasperating.

It did ruin my Kevin Sorbo love for good.

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I want to see this movie, but I'm waiting for it to come out on HBO or whatever movie channel. I only want to see it because I like Kevin Sorbo (don't judge!). My friend watched it and said it was pretty awful.

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Any philosophy professor who tells their students to write down GOD IS DEAD in a lecture is really just trying to get a rise out of them to prompt some real discussion. This film takes place in an alternate reality where teachers hate students who participate.

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This recap is great. I'm glad I didn't have to waste time watching the actual movie, this was much better. :D

I was surprised at how "normal movie-like" it was. I thought it would be more preaching-type stuff. Also, the class is completely unrealistic. Is that how Christians think that evil colleges work?

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Well, having seen a lot of the movie(Thanks Norwegian Cruse Line) I can tell you it's funny. Except the end, which is just exasperating.

It did ruin my Kevin Sorbo love for good.


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Case in point: fireproof

I felt the awkwardness physically. It was like nausea and my muscles involuntarily seizing and an adrenaline rush all in one awkward two hour movie.

I love how Kirky-poo made such a big deal about how he's so faithful to his wife that the kiss between him and his on-screen wife was really a carefully-framed shot of him kissing his wife. I think he was uncomfortable acting like someone else was his wife. Acting. It doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

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I'm shocked how many Christians thought that this was a good movie.

Me too! Every time I saw "God's not dead!" posted on Facebook by an otherwise reasonable person, "Another One Bites the Dust" ran through my head.

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Me too! Every time I saw "God's not dead!" posted on Facebook by an otherwise reasonable person, "Another One Bites the Dust" ran through my head.

I've noticed that the most sane and rational branch of my fundiegelical side of the family have all clicked that they will attend a big event of it on FB. I feel really disappointed - I''m hoping it is just to support the people organising it, because these are reasonable people.

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Best part of the article: SAD TROMBONE :lol:

i so wish i was brave enough to post that on facebook, i might just for a select group of the snarky ones.

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i sent the rebuttal blog link to my e-mail so i can read it from home (cuz i don't have time to read ALL THAT at work, and it looks really interesting). but i did read the recap and holy wtf. somebody thought this was a good idea for a movie?

then again, i think the only standard for christian movies these days is "is it about god?" and they're in.

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