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Which Duggar would write the best tell all book?


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Sorry if this topic has already been covered but the question popped up in my head while reading the forums. I'm betting Johanna. The parents have sugar-coated their belief system somewhat for TV but the show won't last forever. She strikes me as enjoying the extra freedom the show has brought her more than the other kids like when they were at the Ethiopian restaurant. She enjoyed the food as well as standing on her chair and watching the dancing. So what will happen when the show ends and the older daughters eventually leave the house especially if the parents revert back to their older ways?

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If that were to happen then I feel sorry for Johanna and the other kids. They've been used to almost a whole different upbringing than the older kids. I don't see the older girls leaving the house any time soon though but you never know.

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I think, Joy Anna would write a very good tell all book if she were ever to escape the movement. She's old enough to remember the pre-tv days which can't have been fun, but young enough to not be used to all the work t hat will be foisted on her once the show is cancelled. Plus she's in the middle of all those boys, so it feels like she doesn't have a real place within the family. That being said, I feel like Johannah is both most likely to leave the movement entirely, and most likely to be the one brave enough to write a tell all book when she does. She just probably wouldn't remember whether or not the Duggars were much worse before the tv show, and I think they must have been.

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Although Justin and James, the Duggars I forget exists all the time, would be a good bet for one of the boys writing a tell-all

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I vote a team effort from one of the younger ones and one of the older ones. I think the older kids are too shell shocked to write a book, but the younger ones don't remember life before TLC, and that's where the juicy parts will come from.

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Jana, John, or Joseph. They're all quiet so they've probably heard quite a bit when no one thought they were nearby to hear, and old enough to talk about really juicy stuff from the early days.

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I agree with Johanna. She's the oldest in the second batch of girls, so when the older set leave, she'll get most of the work. Of course her older brothers won't be expected to do the house work, so it will be pretty bad for her. At least she won't have a dozen siblings to raise, but she might be farmed out to raise her nieces and nephews. It's hard to know where things will end up with her, but it will certainly be downhill once the TLC gravy train stops.

I also think that whichever daughter was in charge of the laundry when they were poor will have a fascinating tell-all. I can't remember if it was Jessa or Jinger, but that's a really big "jurisdiction" for one kid.

And Michelle also mentioned that two of the kids didn't get along as children when they were buddies. It must have been Josh and one of the older kids, maybe Jinger or the boy right after her. The Duggars make such a big deal about being best friends with your siblings, so I would love to hear about that and what happened to make two of them hate each other so much that Michelle gave up on forcing them to be friends and switched buddies around.

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I'd really like a combined effort of all the kids from Jana on down to get the prospective of the entire family life. Life for Jana and John is going to be very different than from Jackson on down. Jana and John will have memories of a sane, loving mother but also will remember the strictness where Jackson and Co will remember un-attached parents who left all parenting up to siblings and who didn't seem to care what they did. So a group effort will be the only way to get the whole story.

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Probably Joy-Anna. Jana does look pretty depressed but with all the brainwashing and "retraining camps" ATI offers, I don't see her escaping and telling the world what really goes on behind closed doors.

However, I have read somewhere, from a family member on Discovery Health, that Joy-Anna is very tomboyish, gets into trouble a lot, supposedly wears pants occasionally, and from some of her pictures, she does look like those typical attitude throwing 13 year old. I can definitely see her escaping and writing a book explaining everything. I don't see her putting on a cute smile for the cameras as if everything is peachy perfect for too long. I give her until she graduates from the school of dining room table until she breaks off.

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I think it would be interesting if one of the older girls would write a book, because they grew up before TLC and have to run the houshold for more than ten years now. All their childhood and teenie years were stolen by them from their parents and I guess they'd have a lot to tell. It would be also interesting to hear something from the lost boys like James or Justin or from Jordyn when she is older. Since she is the absolutely lost child in the family I'd bet she has a lot to tell.

It would be also interesting to see how J'chelle and JB would react and defend theirselves!

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I think it would be interesting if one of the older girls would write a book, because they grew up before TLC and have to run the houshold for more than ten years now. All their childhood and teenie years were stolen by them from their parents and I guess they'd have a lot to tell. It would be also interesting to hear something from the lost boys like James or Justin or from Jordyn when she is older. Since she is the absolutely lost child in the family I'd bet she has a lot to tell.

It would be also interesting to see how J'chelle and JB would react and defend theirselves!

Haha, I could see them doing total damage control, getting on every news station, explaining how their children are living a "sinful" life and are steering away from the Lord, believing in the Devil and making them look bad and horrible parents when in contrary they're an amazing, loving, and caring parents who would want nothing BUT the BEST for their children, blah blah blah.

In other words, the critics will be happy to know the truth about their lives and all the crazy nut job fans will continue to follow Jim Bob and Michelle.

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I doubt any of the Duggar offspring will write a tell-all book, much as I would like to read one. The older kids/adults appear to love their parents and all the kids -even the little, forgotten ones have been raised (trained) to be very close to family. I can, and really, hope many of these kids drift away from the Gothard movement and start attending mainstream churches or even not belonging to a church at all. Amy might be the Duggar to write a tell-all book because she actively strives to be the centre of attention. She won't do it while Grandma is with us.

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I would prefer a book from one of the oldest Duggar offspring, just so we could gain insight to how different their childhoods were compared to the younger set.

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I would prefer a book from one of the oldest Duggar offspring, just so we could gain insight to how different their childhoods were compared to the younger set.


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Joy-Anna: Old enough to remember pre and post-tlc, but not so old as to have been brainwashed into a life of indentured servitude. She's also pretty tomboyish and the 'loner' child you always get in a big family, so I can imagine her being the one to rebel and wear trousers, get educated and not marry.

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I think Joy as well. They had to make a point to say that she is now doing more "girl" things. I know its awkward to talk about a kid's sexuality... but... statistically...

I dont think there will be a book, but she may go live with J'chelle's ebil sister.

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I think the chances of a tell all book by one of the kids is slim, but I think some of the kids will leave the lifestyle. I don't think Smuggar,Jill, Jana, John and Joseph will ever leave. Smuggar loves his celebrity fundie status too much to leave. Jill and Jana are maybes but I really don't see them leaving.

I could see Joy maybe writing a tell all book at some point. I think 10 years from now if People or some other magazine did a "Where Are They Now?" article on the Duggars, some of kids will be mainstream Christians.

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Joy would be the most likely, I think. She'd be old enough to write one when it might still be relevant to more people than just us. She's also old enough to remember the pre-TLC days, but young enough to feel resentful if all the freedom stops when the older girls and the cameras leave. Normally, I think of Hannie as the rebellious one, but I think even if she broke away, it would be too long from now to make such a book relevant.

But I do think Amy is the most likely, at this point. She quite obviously desires fame more than anything else. When the TLC cameras leave and Amy stops being relevant at all, I could see her trying to sell a book and being told it's only viable as a tell all.

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Guest Anonymous

I'd bet on Jenny and Jordyn, although Josie might collaborate if her cognitive abilities catch up to her age. Jenny and Jordyn could give their perspective on life at the bottom of the pecking order, since neither one got to feel special for very long before being supplanted by her successors. As for Josie, if she joins them, she could tell all about her life as a "miracle child" through her eyes, not Michelle and Jim Bob's.

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I think the best book would be from Jana. As the oldest girl she would have the best tales to tell. I feel like out of all the kids she has been worked the hardest. I would love to read books from various Duggar children. Jana would best tell the pre-TLC and early TLC days. Depending on how things fare for Josie then Jenny or Jordyn might have an interesting story about being forced to remain home to raise her disabled sister. And I think Joy would give a good mix between the pre and post TLC life.

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Any book by a Duggar child would have to be ghostwritten. Personally, I'd like to get the insider story from Joy Anna or Josiah.

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I don't know that any will do that--inheritance may be tied to staying quiet. I think one of the older ones--they've had the zealous years of the strict ATI upbringing and they also saw the tv years from a more mature perspective. They will have lived in both worlds....

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whoever it is, they will need a ghost writer! With their "kitchen table" education, the thing is going to be utterly painful to read if they go it alone!

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