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Univeristy of AZ student slut-shaming for Jesus


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Because Godly women are never raped right? Heck, women in the missionary field get raped and murdered. Being 'Godly' protects no one.


This dude most likely has several screws loose, but I am finding it REALLY difficult to feel any empathy for him.


I am convinced that people like him have either raped someone, or are wanting to. There is no logical reason to say someone deserves to be raped for having the audacity to go to college, though I admit wishing someone should shove red-hot pokers into the assholes of people who rape babies.

I am darkly amused that he thinks the way to be raped is to be a good lil' woman with your ass in the kitchen when it's not like fundies are immune. Look at the many victims of Gothard.


As a survivor....I don't even....I am not a violent person but.......I sincerely hope that it never happens to someone he loves but I have to wonder what his response would be. Yes it's childish but :obscene-birdiered:


Nothing more counterproductive than giving an attention whore more attention.


of ours he is only following the only parts of the bible he wants to follow. These idiots love to hear themselves talk and love the attention they get. They think they are impressing god look how persecuted and hated i am god? myself I doubt god is impressed with him making himself hated in such a useless way. Trying to follow the bible blind with no thought of the current world is useless.

As a survivor....I don't even....I am not a violent person but.......I sincerely hope that it never happens to someone he loves but I have to wonder what his response would be. Yes it's childish but :obscene-birdiered:

I understand completely what you mean. It's a catch-22 of emotions on this, but I feel the same way.


Really? I want to believe this is all a ploy for attention aka Westboro. But I actually think he may be worse.


Can we lock this guy in a room (soundproofed, so the rest of us need not listen) with Steven Anderson for a shout-off? Maybe they'll wear one another out.

ETA -- I wonder how his grades are.


We all know Jesus was a big ole slut shamer. I mean, the woman taken in adultery? He totally shamed ... oh, wait, no He didn't. And then there was the chick at the well -- we ALL know how much He slut-shamed ... crap, nope, that one won't work, either.

Camel-Toe Man needs to find something productive to do with his time.

This dude most likely has several screws loose, but I am finding it REALLY difficult to feel any empathy for him.

I agree w/ u!!


In case anyone's interested, this tool has a Twitter and a blog:




He is begging fro money so he and his friends can go to Eurpoe to spread his message. Why don't these people get a job so they can support themselves and their hobbies? :angry-banghead: He needs to meet up with PP, match made in heaven.


of course its always the women. no mention of the male fornicators or men in immodest clothing. its all on the women. no mention of the men who rape either. no mention of the fact that they are also violating moral laws. if women deserved to be raped, do the rapists deserve to be celebrated?


From the bio on his blog:

"Later I had a vision that I was combing the desert looking for the glory of God and then I said I wonder what Moses saw that day?"

When some dude's holy vision reminds me of a scene from Spaceballs, I can't take him seriously.


He's a protege of the notorious Jed Smock. Those of you who went to large universities (University of Texas at Austin, represent!) in the last 35 years will likely have seen a picture of this guy, or his wife Sister Cindy in the campus paper or actually out standing and yelling at people.

What makes this interesting is "Bro. Dean" drove up from Tucson (UofA) to Tempe (ASU) to harass the students there. ASU has made it more inviting for preachers by putting up large covers over the main campus quad (with solar panels on top) and there's shade despite the hot Arizona sun. (We hit 102 over the weekend.) Why anyone would drive up from Tucson just to preach at ASU students who are simply not interested in his garbage, I have no idea.


I want to sign this petition that sends him away however I don't want him anywhere near me because I would go to jail. First they go to school in Arisona what do you expect everyone to dress like. Then his comment about how the woman would not have gotten raped if she stayed at home and stayed an Orthodox Jew. When are these idiots going to learn rape can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime. Also I think that saying someone got raped because they were dressed provocatively is just an excuse to make rape "ok" because they signed up to be physically violated when they got dressed.

He's a protege of the notorious Jed Smock. Those of you who went to large universities (University of Texas at Austin, represent!) in the last 35 years will likely have seen a picture of this guy, or his wife Sister Cindy in the campus paper or actually out standing and yelling at people.

UT Austin representin'!

I think I have seen this guy in the past -- a real screamer/biblewaver. He would station himself by the main crosswalk on Guadalupe and essentially insult people walking by and tell them why they were going straight to hell; it was high decibel and quite personal.

I want to sign this petition that sends him away however I don't want him anywhere near me because I would go to jail. First they go to school in Arisona what do you expect everyone to dress like. Then his comment about how the woman would not have gotten raped if she stayed at home and stayed an Orthodox Jew. When are these idiots going to learn rape can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime. Also I think that saying someone got raped because they were dressed provocatively is just an excuse to make rape "ok" because they signed up to be physically violated when they got dressed.

I hate it because it makes it sound like rape is just out there, like the weather. "What's it look like outside?" "Damn, it's raping cats and dogs out there!"

Rape is a choice that the rapist makes. Blame the rapist for making that decision. The rapist is going to hell.


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