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Who make up the ATI Royalty?

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Let's start a list if the upper crust of ATI. I always read so-and-so's family is ATI royalty, but not sure who is all included I this group and what qualifies.


Obvious family: The Duggars


Would the Bates be considered royalty?

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Definitely Duggars and Bates.

-Kellers maybe? I think their "fame" started because of Anna. It escalated after Priscilla announced her engagement. I'm assuming because she's married to one of Gothards boy toy.

-I've heard the Paines are up there too in ATI.

Aren't the Websters part of ATI too? If so, count them in as ATI royalty.

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Anna and Priscilla upped the Keller family in the ATI social order, otherwise the Keller's have John Schrader and some children who left the fold.

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As for Board of Director families the Paines and Bates are the only ones we talk about.


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In the ATI royalty stakes, Bates and paine outrank Duggar, and both Duggar and Waller outrank Keller.

It seems to me that the ATI Board of Directors is getting rather geriatric with the exception of Paine, Billy Boring (love the name!) and Bates who are comparatively young. Turnover on the board bears watching.

For the Fundie Wedding Watchers here, clues may be found in playing Where's Gothard? If he is there presiding and getting cakes, ATI royalty -- or at least aristocracy.

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Doesn't Pa Keller somehow work for ATI now? His prison ministry is now used as some sort of paid ATI youth trip. There have been lots of pictures out there of ATI youth visiting Pa Keller's FL prison.

I've always wondered if David started this up and how and if Pa Keller gets paid. You know Gothard is charging big bucks for these young people to go minster at the prison. I hope Pa Keller gets a cut.

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Doesn't Pa Keller somehow work for ATI now? His prison ministry is now used as some sort of paid ATI youth trip. There have been lots of pictures out there of ATI youth visiting Pa Keller's FL prison.

I've always wondered if David started this up and how and if Pa Keller gets paid. You know Gothard is charging big bucks for these young people to go minster at the prison. I hope Pa Keller gets a cut.

Is "Pa Keller's FL prison" similar to Stevie's prison (i.e., Maxhell)?

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Don't forget the Staddon family. Esther and one of the boys at Headquarters plus Robert. Gotherd was at Robert and Kendalyn's wedding as I remember.

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For the Fundie Wedding Watchers here, clues may be found in playing Where's Gothard?

OK, now I want to see a Photoshop of Gothard in Waldo's shirt and hat.

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Is "Pa Keller's FL prison" similar to Stevie's prison (i.e., Maxhell)?

No. In the Florida prison that Mr. Keller visits the inmates most likely do not all have life sentences. In Steve's they do. No hope of parole or time off for good behavior, as there isn't any in his view.

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OK, now I want to see a Photoshop of Gothard in Waldo's shirt and hat.

It would be easier to find Gothard, just follow the feeling of creepiness that emanates from him

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Doesn't Pa Keller somehow work for ATI now? His prison ministry is now used as some sort of paid ATI youth trip. There have been lots of pictures out there of ATI youth visiting Pa Keller's FL prison.

I've always wondered if David started this up and how and if Pa Keller gets paid. You know Gothard is charging big bucks for these young people to go minster at the prison. I hope Pa Keller gets a cut.

Very interesting. Links to pics and any details of ATI visits with Mike K, please? TIA.

IIRC, Pa Keller runs Freedom in Truth Ministries to prisons and visits bearing bibles and tracts like his Breaking the Bonds of Addiction "book." I thought I saw somewhere that drive-bys like David Waller were only allowed to visit lower security prisons, as when the Pecan and Priscilla made fools of themselves sharing their brush with the law at a women's prison.

I think Pa Keller is lower level in ATI because of his rather spectacular failure rate in brainwashing his children:

Esther = John Shrader. John says that Gothard is a false prophet.

Rebekkah = Josh MacDonald. Josh says they are Conservative Christian and not Gothard.

Daniel = Candice. Shunned.

Priscilla = Pecan Thief. In up to their necks.

Anna = Josh Duggar. Possibly drifting.

Susanna - unmarried. Say no more :)

2 minors - Status TBD.

So 4 out, two still in, and two who could go either way.

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Very interesting. Links to pics and any details of ATI visits with Mike K, please? TIA.

IIRC, Pa Keller runs Freedom in Truth Ministries to prisons and visits bearing bibles and tracts like his Breaking the Bonds of Addiction "book." I thought I saw somewhere that drive-bys like David Waller were only allowed to visit lower security prisons, as when the Pecan and Priscilla made fools of themselves sharing their brush with the law at a women's prison.

I think Pa Keller is lower level in ATI because of his rather spectacular failure rate in brainwashing his children:

Esther = John Shrader. John says that Gothard is a false prophet.

Rebekkah = Josh MacDonald. Josh says they are Conservative Christian and not Gothard.

Daniel = Candice. Shunned.

Priscilla = Pecan Thief. In up to their necks.

Anna = Josh Duggar. Possibly drifting.

Susanna - unmarried. Say no more :)

2 minors - Status TBD.

So 4 out, two still in, and two who could go either way.

I know there are formal group shots outside of the prison, including Gothard and some Duggar girls (I think Jana & Jinger?). Here is one to start.

David Waller commented under the picture.

"Our prison Journey to the Heart volunteers gathered for the first time for some orientation and prayer. What a beautiful location right in the yard of the Keller’s home."


Here is a picture I found on another thread:


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I know there are formal group shots outside of the prison, including Gothard and some Duggar girls (I think Jana & Jinger?). Here is one to start.

David Waller commented under the picture.

"Our prison Journey to the Heart volunteers gathered for the first time for some orientation and prayer. What a beautiful location right in the yard of the Keller’s home."


Here is a picture I found on another thread:


Many thanks! I'll follow up on this one.

Sorry for the following thread derail everyone.

I admit I had a freaking fit at the second pic. The thought of those sheltered ATI young 'uns actually visiting "Marion!" :pink-shock:

Then I realized that the photo op is not of the "Marion" in Ohio, which used to be a horror show and Super-Max. The Ohio Marion was down-graded to medium security in the late 2000s -- due to scandal, prison riots, and justified (IMO) cruel and unusual punishment accusations re. the facilities -- or lack thereof.

This "Florida Marion" is just the "Medium, Minimum, Community" Rehab-ish Correctional Institution in Florida. The ATI young 'uns are probably visiting the minimum and community inmates. That jives with my vague memory of someone saying that Keller' hanger on drive-bys were forbidden to the higher security CIs. Still thumping my head trying to remember where I saw that bit. Whether Pa Keller is really visiting the Maximum Correctional facilities is still up for question.

Even bigger derail: FYI, Super-Max's are still horror shows beyond your worst dreams. Forget rehab. although there are a few prison guards who still try to do their best. Super Max CIs may house "animals" in the maximum security and death row sections but -- even animals are better treated than those inmates. Also some of those inmates may be innocent. See "Innocence Project." After being subjected to the conditions in many of the US Super-Maxes, even the innocent can lose their minds and become "animals." There are some people who should never, ever, re-enter society, but I still cringe at the way inmates are treated.

End derail. Back to the ATI Royalty discussion.

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Others I consider ATI "royalty" are the Hogan, Pierpont, and Speed families.

Back in the day, the Voeller family was ATI mega-royalty. There's also the Bell (EXCEL) and Reed (COMMIT) families.

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Are the Keilens (Brandon courting with Michaela Bates) quietly sitting in the upper echelons?

No idea, but I think Brandon is in the second photo: first row on his knees, second from right. And isn't that Chad's younger brother on his left?

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Brandon Keilen. Jessa is also there, I think? In the light blue coat, right below what I think is Jana.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Brandon Keilen. Jessa is also there, I think? In the light blue coat, right below what I think is Jana.

That's Jinger in the back, too.

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Many thanks! I'll follow up on this one.

Sorry for the following thread derail everyone.

I admit I had a freaking fit at the second pic. The thought of those sheltered ATI young 'uns actually visiting "Marion!" :pink-shock:

Then I realized that the photo op is not of the "Marion" in Ohio, which used to be a horror show and Super-Max. The Ohio Marion was down-graded to medium security in the late 2000s -- due to scandal, prison riots, and justified (IMO) cruel and unusual punishment accusations re. the facilities -- or lack thereof.

This "Florida Marion" is just the "Medium, Minimum, Community" Rehab-ish Correctional Institution in Florida. The ATI young 'uns are probably visiting the minimum and community inmates. That jives with my vague memory of someone saying that Keller' hanger on drive-bys were forbidden to the higher security CIs. Still thumping my head trying to remember where I saw that bit. Whether Pa Keller is really visiting the Maximum Correctional facilities is still up for question.

Even bigger derail: FYI, Super-Max's are still horror shows beyond your worst dreams. Forget rehab. although there are a few prison guards who still try to do their best. Super Max CIs may house "animals" in the maximum security and death row sections but -- even animals are better treated than those inmates. Also some of those inmates may be innocent. See "Innocence Project." After being subjected to the conditions in many of the US Super-Maxes, even the innocent can lose their minds and become "animals." There are some people who should never, ever, re-enter society, but I still cringe at the way inmates are treated.

End derail. Back to the ATI Royalty discussion.

For Pecan Boy this is extra special a trip to the MEN'S prison. Around all of those hardened criminals.

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Many thanks! I'll follow up on this one.

Sorry for the following thread derail everyone.

I admit I had a freaking fit at the second pic. The thought of those sheltered ATI young 'uns actually visiting "Marion!" :pink-shock:

Then I realized that the photo op is not of the "Marion" in Ohio, which used to be a horror show and Super-Max. The Ohio Marion was down-graded to medium security in the late 2000s -- due to scandal, prison riots, and justified (IMO) cruel and unusual punishment accusations re. the facilities -- or lack thereof.

This "Florida Marion" is just the "Medium, Minimum, Community" Rehab-ish Correctional Institution in Florida. The ATI young 'uns are probably visiting the minimum and community inmates. That jives with my vague memory of someone saying that Keller' hanger on drive-bys were forbidden to the higher security CIs. Still thumping my head trying to remember where I saw that bit. Whether Pa Keller is really visiting the Maximum Correctional facilities is still up for question.

Even bigger derail: FYI, Super-Max's are still horror shows beyond your worst dreams. Forget rehab. although there are a few prison guards who still try to do their best. Super Max CIs may house "animals" in the maximum security and death row sections but -- even animals are better treated than those inmates. Also some of those inmates may be innocent. See "Innocence Project." After being subjected to the conditions in many of the US Super-Maxes, even the innocent can lose their minds and become "animals." There are some people who should never, ever, re-enter society, but I still cringe at the way inmates are treated.

End derail. Back to the ATI Royalty discussion.

For Pecan Boy this is extra special a trip to the MEN'S prison. Around all of those hardened criminals.

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how much do ati board directors make? any guesses?

I can't believe Gil would have just up n left his job at Nabisco unless there was something extra special in it for him via Goturd.He has an extra large family to support,after all.but he had to fit the image,and obv. he was much wanted,what with the sheer no. of kids he has,plus he n Kelly fit the mold,so to speak.

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how much do ati board directors make? any guesses?

I can't believe Gil would have just up n left his job at Nabisco unless there was something extra special in it for him via Goturd.He has an extra large family to support,after all.but he had to fit the image,and obv. he was much wanted,what with the sheer no. of kids he has,plus he n Kelly fit the mold,so to speak.

He left Nabisco a substantial amount of time before he was appointed to the Board of Directors. My (totally uninformed) guess would be that the Directors are paid. ATI is raking in the cash, and it can't all go directly to Gothard who, despite his many weirdnesses, doesn't seem to have a taste for particularly luxurious living.

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