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Kelly C. and Aaron sell buses (or not)


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I'm on a roll. Here is a large full-color article about the Crawfords after the storm. I apologize if it's already been posted.

Interestingly, two of the Crawford businesses mentioned did not come up when I googled them. That includes Aaron's building business (3:23 Builders) and Bria's photography business (Savy Shots).

I will say that Aaron did a nice job on the house.

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I have a friend with 9 kids--not fundy; she and her husband are both from large families and wanted a large family. She is a SAHM and he is a corporate big wig at a fortune 500, so the kids are well fed, well clothed, have real beds and have decent college funds. She refused to drive a bus, but knew that, since she did a ton of chauffeuring of not only her kids, but her kids' friends, that she needed something larger than their 12 seater van. She dreamed about a limo, woke up the next morning, found one used, and bought it that afternoon! We rib her incessantly about her "family car" but it has come in handy--we looked hot on our last wine tour! :lol:

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I am so confused....so is this like a car lot where they are buying busses and then people buy them? Or do they wait for orders from people and then go find one? Here is a thought: GO GET A REAL JOB. Good lord, I don't understand how this would make you money in the long run. Am I missing something?

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Unless they've taught those little children to wield a hammer or hold the nails, the family ain't making those tables.

Whoever is building them, they're pretty tables. I would buy something like that for my patio. I just wouldn't buy it from Kelly and Mr. Kelly. I know that sounds mean considering all the children they have, but I don't believe that having more money is going to stop Kelly from starving her kids or making them pay her for donated clothes.

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I am so glad they are selling up the safety features on these buses. Letting the kids walk around in them, pulling babies out of carseats when ever, very smart. Extra great since I am not even sure where they would fit all the carseats in those things, since you aren't supposed to put them on the side seats. These fundies, always thinking about the safety of those precious bundles.

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