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Ian Watkins & his helpers need a horsewhipping *TRIGGER*

laura oz

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I just can't believe what he did, and that the childrens' moms encouraged and allowed it, sexually abused their own children, and gave them over willingly to a child rapist :angry-screaming: :obscene-birdiered: I just want 5 minutes alone with them. I've never read anything quite this shocking. An 11 month old baby?! Dear God, have mercy. They have earned their places in hell. I can't post any of the quotes from the article for some reason, so I'll warn you now that it's horrific and evil. I'm going to pray that they get put in general population :pray:

ETA All 3 are evil and should be destroyed. You can't rehabilitate that.

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He won't, at any rate (general population). He will likely go to a specialist sex offenders' unit. I dunno about the women, but they will attempt to keep their IDs secret because of the fact that outing them outs their kids. There's already been some trouble over the names being mentioned on Twitter:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... abies.html

The thing which gets me is don't they realise it's 100% likely they will get caught? If we suppose that someone is willing to molest babies, I suspect applying to their conscience is going to be a fairly fruitless endeavour. So saying "This is sick and horrible, why would you want to even consider doing that?" is a waste of time.

But OK, you're rich and famous and you want to fuck babies. What about that wouldn't make you think "I'm going, very publicly, to the jail"?

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He won't, at any rate (general population). He will likely go to a specialist sex offenders' unit. I dunno about the women, but they will attempt to keep their IDs secret because of the fact that outing them outs their kids. There's already been some trouble over the names being mentioned on Twitter:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... abies.html

The thing which gets me is don't they realise it's 100% likely they will get caught? If we suppose that someone is willing to molest babies, I suspect applying to their conscience is going to be a fairly fruitless endeavour. So saying "This is sick and horrible, why would you want to even consider doing that?" is a waste of time.

But OK, you're rich and famous and you want to fuck babies. What about that wouldn't make you think "I'm going, very publicly, to the jail"?

The problem is that the vast majority of pedophiles and abusers aren't caught. You'd think that the women involved would have gone straight to the police once this freak began demanding access to their children, but they didn't. I don't know how Watkins was eventually caught, but these babies certainly aren't the first he's abused. Who knows how many other people like Watkins are out there, presenting a normal front in public while doing vile things behind closed doors?

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Sadly, I think you're right, Cleopatra7. Imagine the number of kids too terrified to speak up about abuse. The kids who do speak up and are not believed. It's nauseating.

The recitivism rate amongst pedophiles is horrifyingly high. We just can't "cure" this.

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True, cleopatra. Many abusers are never caught.

I was thinking about Watkins' case because he wanted to rape babies. Raping babies kills them, basically (or damages them so badly it can't be hidden). A hideous thought, granted.

There is no way that can be hushed up. So why did he think he would get away with doing it? What is it that makes people think "I am going to commit a horrendous crime, and no-one will ever know"?

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I know that one form of "treatment" for sex offenders in the US is Depo Provera shots which renders men either impotent or lowers their sex drive tremendously. It was in the news a lot here a couple of years ago, but I seem to remember hearing about an offender who still managed to molest another victim while undergoing treatment. Does anybody know any more up to date information about it? I still say you can't change or rehabilitate this. Either lock them up for the rest of their lives when they commit the first reported offense, or -and I hate to say this- reinstate the death penalty, or just group them all together in one area in jail and let them have at each other. The mama tiger in me would go apeshit crazy if someone hurt my kids that way. I really think I'd be very capable of doing something more drastic than anything the jails or the courts could do. God, I pray I never have to find out what I could be capable of in that situation. When my 1st baby was born, and I was holding him a few hours later & just thinking about how MUCH I loved him, I looked over at my husband and just out of the blue the most overwhelming feeling of protectiveness hit & I blurted out, "I will cut a bitch if they hurt my baby". I was stunned I'd said that & his mouth dropped open with surprise because I'm usually very laid back. Then the absurdity of what I'd said hit me and I started laughing like a loon & that got him started. All this time Little Oz 1 was just looking at me with his one eyebrow raised like I was nuts. He turns 4 soon and he still gives me that look sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fully believe that monsters like that shouldn't be chemically castrated, but fully castrated. It's sickening that anyone could ever do that to a kid.

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This is truly sick.

The problem is (as far as I understood it) that one can castrate monsters like this, that´s for sure. But rape or abuse is not happening because of sex, it´s happening because of power. The abuser wants to humble it´s victim and unfortunately it can be done without a penis as well.

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It's things like this that cause me to question my stance on the death penalty (I'm against it). This things (yeah, I'm really calling things and not people) need to be locked up for life and never released.

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This is truly sick.

The problem is (as far as I understood it) that one can castrate monsters like this, that´s for sure. But rape or abuse is not happening because of sex, it´s happening because of power. The abuser wants to humble it´s victim and unfortunately it can be done without a penis as well.


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No remorse at all from him, which is kind of interesting. It may be worthwhile studying such people.

Apparently in a phone call from prison he was wondering what the big deal was.

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This story is.just so fucking horrible. I wonder if he thought hos celebrity would protect him a large Jimmy Saville? Or that those horrid mothers (who honestly should have been charged with pumping as well as the abuse and given full hysterectomies so they won't torture any more children) talk ant a time when a closed adoption seems wise.

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