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"Sit down before you readthe rest of this post. Braced? Fundies actually campaign against set theory"

August, I'll be honest I did not think that this was a thing. I mean really, set theory? So I googled around a bit and you are absolutely correct. Fundies do protest set theory. I found a good article talking about just this thing: boingboing.net/2012/08/07/what-do-christian-fundamentali.html.

I've seen how fundies fetishize the past but I had not thought to extrapolate this idea to other aspects of life like math. Here is a link to a diatribe against modern art : largefamilymothering.wordpress.com/category/christian-livingeducation/ . This particular blogger also did a rant about mid century modern furniture/decor : largefamilymothering.wordpress.com/?s=be+who+you+are.

Not only was the mid century moden post idiotic, did you see the Taryn comment? It was classic:

Matthew 7:13,14(KJV)-â€â€¦broad is the way ,that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in…narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,and few there be that find it.†That Scripture reminds me of Broadway,Hollywood(mid-century started to teach women to wear pants,1 Tim.2:9 and Deut.22:5 KJV), Disney,etc. Christian Light Publications has children's board books with images of a short-haired Jesus(1 Cor.11:14 KJV).I like their Jesus My Shepherd drawing. I don't like the Warner Sallman drawings that became popular in the 1900s. As far as decor-the priority is for our house to be safe(child-friendly) for our grandchildren. KJV Scriptures on the walls because we are Bible Christians and a timeline, map of Long Island,etc. because we are home educators.

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What is wrong with these people that they do not understand that there is no "just" when something is a theory? The concept that all living things are made of cells is also a theory. Scientific theories are observations that we are pretty darn sure of. Why isn't there a wisdom booklet that teaches the difference between hypothesis and theory? Oh yeah....

This website is a black hole of idiocy. On the atheism page:

Indirectly proportional. AKA inversely. SODRT fail.

They fail to understand that there is a difference in the definition of a theory (an idea) and a scientific theory (principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena that are accepted by scientists have been repeatedly tested by experiments). Theory as it is used in common language is actually more resembles a scientific hypothesis. (Hey, I'm just getting this one figured out!)

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Not only was the mid century moden post idiotic, did you see the Taryn comment? It was classic:

Matthew 7:13,14(KJV)-â€â€¦broad is the way ,that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in…narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,and few there be that find it.†That Scripture reminds me of Broadway,Hollywood(mid-century started to teach women to wear pants,1 Tim.2:9 and Deut.22:5 KJV), Disney,etc. Christian Light Publications has children's board books with images of a short-haired Jesus(1 Cor.11:14 KJV).I like their Jesus My Shepherd drawing. I don't like the Warner Sallman drawings that became popular in the 1900s. As far as decor-the priority is for our house to be safe(child-friendly) for our grandchildren. KJV Scriptures on the walls because we are Bible Christians and a timeline, map of Long Island,etc. because we are home educators.

Oh Taryn. You never disappoint.

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Hearing Jim Bob explain to his children that moss was "God's carpet" guarantees the fact that they will never get accepted into any university. Much less MIT. I was shocked that "God's carpet" was the only explanation that he was willing to give. If he was really interested in his children's education they would have gone home and looked up information about mosses and other similar plants. It would have been an excellent opportunity for a home school lesson.

However, according to the Duggar version of homeschool, saying that it was God's Carpet was the equivalent to a lesson. Maybe they went home and did a Wisdom Booklet on accepting what you're told be your parents.

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Abusers rarely admit their intentions outright. Some abusers may not even be explicitly aware of how their controlling actions link to their goals. But they still do it intentionally. That's how abuse works.

It also hurts their prospects for finding a job or starting a business.

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Hearing Jim Bob explain to his children that moss was "God's carpet" guarantees the fact that they will never get accepted into any university. Much less MIT. I was shocked that "God's carpet" was the only explanation that he was willing to give. If he was really interested in his children's education they would have gone home and looked up information about mosses and other similar plants. It would have been an excellent opportunity for a home school lesson.

However, according to the Duggar version of homeschool, saying that it was God's Carpet was the equivalent to a lesson. Maybe they went home and did a Wisdom Booklet on accepting what you're told be your parents.

Per-pen-dic-u-lar.... I rest my case.

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Yes, but if you think of extreme isolation as abuse, the Maxwells are very open about their practice and encourage others to do the same.

So if you think of limiting education as abuse, why wouldn't they hint at that great plan, as well? But there is nothing in their writings that so much as gives a hint about purposefully limiting education.

Abuse takes many different forms. Are you suggesting that the Duggars aren't abusive? I thought everyone on this board realized how abusive both Michelle and Jim Bob are.

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I thought everyone on this board realized how abusive both Michelle and Jim Bob are.

I didn't realize that Group Think was a requirement of membership on this board.

But where did I say anything about the Duggars?

Hearing Jim Bob explain to his children that moss was "God's carpet" guarantees the fact that they will never get accepted into any university. Much less MIT.

Lol, I don't know about that. I'm sure that I've answered my children's questions like "Why is it raining?" with "It's God giving the trees and flowers a drink of water.". But my son still got into MIT.

(Just yesterday my four year old asked me, "Why is it snowing?" and I answered with "Because God hates me.", but I don't think she heard me.)

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Hearing Jim Bob explain to his children that moss was "God's carpet" guarantees the fact that they will never get accepted into any university. Much less MIT. I was shocked that "God's carpet" was the only explanation that he was willing to give. If he was really interested in his children's education they would have gone home and looked up information about mosses and other similar plants. It would have been an excellent opportunity for a home school lesson.

However, according to the Duggar version of homeschool, saying that it was God's Carpet was the equivalent to a lesson. Maybe they went home and did a Wisdom Booklet on accepting what you're told be your parents.

I find that incredibly sad :( Sure, he might have said that as a lighthearted comment and then made an effort to provide more information off-camera, but given his general approach towards education I doubt it.

I wasn't homeschooled, but when I asked my parents questions they always made an effort to answer me and, if they didn't know the answer, they'd help me find it (which sometimes just entailed sending me to the other parent, but still ;) ).

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I understand that people living in the remote reaches of Alaska have all kinds of state support in homeschooling rather than send kids on a 50-mile-one-way commute to a brick-and-mortar [sic] building. Put some energetic, educated parents in that situation and I could imagine an MIT admission or two!

Oh, absolutely--tons of help. Local homeschooling parents as well. My school district allots the same amount for HS students that they would spend on those students were they attending school in the regular building. We get to spend it on anything non-religious (with restrictions: they will pay for my daughter's hip hop class as PE, but they won't cover costumes, tights, and shoes, for example). Non-consumables go back to the district when the last student at home no longer needs them; they go into a resource room where other homeschool parents can borrow anything for as long as they like (except really expensive stuff like microscopes, which must be signed out). The resource room takes donations of any HS material, so if I really wanted to use fundamentalist HS books, I could get some from there. (I am strongly tempted to borrow and lose them, because they stink on ice.)

I know one young man who HSed up to age 14, at which point he began taking college classes at the local campus. Other kids have gone from HS into high school and graduated with honors. With the level of support HS parents receive in Alaska, it can be done.

As for oversight, my local district requires an outline of course material and objectives at the start of the year (3 pages), 3 2-page progress reports with writing and math samples per school year, and the same bubble tests as the classroom students from third grade onward. (The tests are proctored--we don't give them.) I think that's reasonable.

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slightly offtopic: does that blogger understand what "midcentury" means, and that Midcentury Modern is not a new style? There's a resurgence of popularity right now, but I could have furnished my house in entirely Midcentury Modern from Goodwill about 10 years ago, or just by asking my aunts if I could have Grandma's furniture when she died.

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I didn't realize that Group Think was a requirement of membership on this board.

But where did I say anything about the Duggars?

Lol, I don't know about that. I'm sure that I've answered my children's questions like "Why is it raining?" with "It's God giving the trees and flowers a drink of water.". But my son still got into MIT.

(Just yesterday my four year old asked me, "Why is it snowing?" and I answered with "Because God hates me.", but I don't think she heard me.)

Are you trolling? Or do you really think that recognizing factual abuse is somehow Group Think? And have you noticed the name of this board? It's all about the Duggars in some way, but especially any topic that links back to their poor excuse for homeschooling.

Honestly, if you think that the Duggars and the majority of parents we discuss here aren't abusive, then I question your own parent skills.

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