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Tell me again why it's the gays we need to fear?

chaotic life

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Between the bomb at the Boston marathon, the article on Mother Jones about the Campbells, and now this I think I have officially lost all faith in humanity.

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I actually felt nauseated reading about this horrible woman. :?

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We need to fear the gays as opposed to this creature because we have established without a shadow of a doubt that the one thing that God can simpling NOT forgive us for practicing, and the only basis we will be judged, is consenual sex between adults.

We have established that God will forgive pedophilia as long as there is regret one second before the Final Lights Out.

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This is why I am so suspicious of people who are anti gay!

I can kind of understand people having a slightly xenophobic fear of homosexuals, because thats a fear of the unknown, not a hatred. I can even give people who think its wrong but keep that opinion to themselves a pass. But when you start to campaign against homosexuals, you are probably hiding something & also are a complete asshat. Or in this case finding fault with consenting adults, whilst you do revolting things to your own child.

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From the article:

Lisa Biron, a New Hampshire lawyer who worked with an anti-gay Christian-right organization, has been found guilty of child pornography after she videotaped her own daughter having sex with two men on several occasions.
In November, Biron was arrested by the FBI and accused of eight felony counts after she videotaped a 14-year-old girl having sex with men. Later, the girl was identified as Biron's daughter.
Biron also videotaped herself having sex with her daughter.

A 14-year-old cannot legally consent to sexual activity with adults. The girl was raped, and her mother and those men should be on trial for that too. I don't understand why Biron is "only" being charged with child pornography.

It is not fucking hard to understand that children cannot "have sex" with adults, yet I see this shit in news stories all the damn time. This situation is disgusting, and the way it's reported here feeds into rape culture tropes.

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Perhaps it was a plea bargain and the child pornography charge carries the stiffer sentencing? I don't know. I don't disagree with you at all. However, I do know that 90% of criminal cases in this nation are settled in a plea bargain.

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We need to fear the gays as opposed to this creature because we have established without a shadow of a doubt that the one thing that God can simpling NOT forgive us for practicing, and the only basis we will be judged, is consenual sex between adults.

We have established that God will forgive pedophilia as long as there is regret one second before the Final Lights Out.

That's one thing that bothers me to no end about christianity. Evil, sleazy people can be saved by the skin of their teeth, but upstanding people be damned!!!

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I can't imagine how this child feels, knowing she's been betrayed in the worst possible way by the one person who should have been looking out for her. It probably would have been less painful if the pig that gave birth to her had just abandoned her completely. Yeah fundies, tell me how it's every woman's destiny and responsibility to be a mother.

I have no doubt that all this animal has to do is admit that she's sinned because, of course, she's only human but she truly accepts Jesus and repents times eleventy and blah blah blah and she'll be welcomed back into the fold with open arms. So. Much. Hate.

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Because it's not gay if it's incest....right?

What a horrible piece of shit. Her minimum sentence is 25 years but I sincerely hope she never comes out of prison alive.

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