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Do you know any fundies in real life?


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Not necessarily as "famous" bloggers but any fundies that live near you?

My aunt and uncle are Roman Catholics(and I am a recovering Catholic) and they have 10 children. Ranging in ages from 2-17. They don't have a tv, live on a farm and they homeschool all of them.

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Oh God yes--I spent 8 years in the midwest and a loooot of the ppl I went to school with would qualify as funie material. Most of the super conservative ppl where I lived were actually people who were once amish, left that life and then just became "nondenominational" (translation: anyone can preach a sermon).

Prayers circles before school were the norm, and we once prayed on a sick teachers chair. Oh yeah...

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Hi! Long time lurker coming out :)

I have some next door neighbors, living in their three bedroom townhouse, with 7 kids! The oldest is eleven and the youngest is 2 months old, and the mother home schools all the kids. The dads a teacher. All the girls have long hair and wear skirts, except I've seen the mom in sweats, so maybe the little girls just wear skirts 'cause they like to? My mom, knowing my fundie obsession, casually tried to work into a conversation why they had so many kids. She asked them if they planned to have more and they said "oh yeah" but they didn't say anything about religion, and as far as I know they never have. They said they hope the next one is a boy. Both the Mom and the Dad are nice and very friendly, the mom is quite a chatterbox I hear.

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I suspect my aunt is one, since she thinks Harry Potter is leading me to evil and got upset when she heard I was going to the movie (a few years ago when movie 3 came out). She also gives me the christian lit, as well as my mom and grandma who are fundie lite, but they do not dress like it LOL.

I think my best friend's father is a catholic fundie, but I don't think he's the batshit crazy kind of catholic fundie, since he didn't turn me away or convince anyone to shun me when I got knocked up :) Though he was happy I kept the baby, LOL.

I did grow up near a family of hard core fundies... matchy-matchy dresses for mom and kids, no tv, only books were "approved" christian books, etc. I thought she was a bit weird because she always wore those flower print dresses with the collar. She also went to a christian private school my mother considered sending me to and I'm glad she DIDNT. :)

I think that covers all of the fundies I know IRL... :)

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I know a ton. My sister and many people in the homeschool world. The fundies almost always quit talking to me once they figure out I am not religious. The fundie lites still do, because they know I know of all the best homeschool stuff going on.

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My great aunt and cousins who are involved in a fundie cult in Texas that is a weird pseudo-Messianic thing.

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I used to work with a born again christian. She was a whack job. Every conversation eventually turned to god. I would shut her up by saying I was a satanist. This kook would give out scriptures at Halloween!

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I live in Duggar Land and homeschool, so yeah I know a few. BTW, we now have a secular homeschool group in the river valley area. Just in case there are others here ;) You can send me a pm for info. /shameless plug

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I have relatives who are fundie. But they live out of state and pretty much cut off the rest of us who don't follow their beliefs, so it's been years since I've seen or talked to them. the cut off process was quite dramatic and insane as it happened though. Otherwise, thankfully, no.

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Depends on how you define it. I think my definition is a bit more lax than some here, and by my definition I have three friends who are at least more conservative Christians than others. (Two born again, don't believe in evolution, etc., the other actually uses the word 'fundamentalist'.) I know/have met a few others, but not that close.

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Unless buying food from the Amish at the Farmer's Markets in my area, no.

....buuut I did babysit a boy with severe ADHD once, and his mother told me that he used to play with a boy down the street but the boy's mother was a "fundamentalist born-again Christian" (the mother whose son I babysat's words) who believed that because the boy had ADHD he was hyper-sexual and would start molesting her son if she didn't step in and end the friendship. (I was appalled to hear this, as my brother and I both have ADHD.) In fact, one of the reasons I was babysitting him is because his Mom wanted him to have some younger company from time to time after this incident, and a high school babysitter seemed to work, as I would happily play video games with him and take him on bike rides and stuff.

So I guess there are a few fundies where I live, but they're well hidden and usually Amish (who I really like and have a great deal of respect for, to be honest). I suppose there must be SOME though, since Christine O'Donnell ended up on the ballot...

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I don't know any fundies. It's odd since being in my area, you can't swing a cat without hitting 80 churches, there has to be fundies somewhere...

Given that this area is quite rural, I'm sure there's fundies somewhere, they're just very well-hidden.

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Worked with a couple in a previous job -- not a happy experience. Lots of "mean girls" behavior on their part. I've moved on, they're still there, no doubt picking on other people.

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I am currently debating the fundie-ness of neighbors of my parents. They have three kids under the age of 4 and she's pregnant again. They homeschool. They are really involved in their church and go on mission trips, etc. But. They like my parents, and my parents are of the liberal, atheist variety. The husband has drank beer at my parents house. The mom wears pants. So how fundie can they actually be? Fundie-lite?

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Nope. I've never even seen one in real life, as far as i know. That's probably where my fascination comes from.

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Guest Anonymous

I live in the Bible Belt, so I know lots of fundies. My mother and step-father are fundie lite with overtones of fundie crazy. I'd really love to move to a liberal enclave at some point just to know what it's like to *not* be surrounded by them.

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I am currently debating the fundie-ness of neighbors of my parents. They have three kids under the age of 4 and she's pregnant again. They homeschool. They are really involved in their church and go on mission trips, etc. But. They like my parents, and my parents are of the liberal, atheist variety. The husband has drank beer at my parents house. The mom wears pants. So how fundie can they actually be? Fundie-lite?

Sounds like they're not very fundie, if the husband drinks beer. Maybe they want a large family, and don't want to put them through the hell of public school.

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No. Not at all, actually. I know several very devout Christians (both Protestant and Catholic), but no one that is comparable to the fundies we discuss here.

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Nope, not only am I in New England, I am in academia...I actually know very few people who even go to any sort of religious services, except for a few Orthodox Christians. I think I would go mental in a super-religious area...don't know how some of you guys do it.

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I live in the deep south, but I think my definition of fundy must be different from those of others', because I don't think I could throw a rock and hit any. Maybe a good many fundy lites, but then having been raised around beaucoup de Southern Baptists, I always thought it was just a SBC thing. I don't know personally anyone who wears frumpers or procreates like a bunny. I do have one friend whose mom in Ohio is a Young Earther, but she wears slacks and tolerates beer-drinking in her husband, etc., so I don't know how truly fundy she is.

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One of my brothers is a fundie. They do the modest dress, most of the time, homeschool and all of that, they've read all of the books (although my SIL did tell me that Debi Pearl is insane, so they're not THAT fundie, but there was a family drama over sending my neice to ballet class, because of the leotards.)

Another one of my brothers is fundie ultralite. His inlaws are fundie insane, but he hasn't really taken that up and stopped working for their glorified basement church and long time ago. He's softened over the years. His wife was pretty darn fundie last I heard, but I haven't seen them in years, so I have no idea anymore.

The rest of us are a mix and usually try to find something else to do when Fundie brother and fundie ultralite brother start talking religion. I think that most, if not all of us, are Christian, in some form, but we prefer to keep that to ourselves.

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Hi. I'm new. I guess knowing fundies, and reading some blogs, is why I'm here.

While my extended family is evangelical, they are mostly reasonable people. I am still a Christian, but a liberal one. My mother-in-law, on the other hand, has joined a church where a lot of people are associated with "Patrick Henry College" including Mike Farris; a lot of them have megafamilies and homeschool and all that business, although it doesn't seem to me on the surface that they are as extreme as some of these blogger folks, maybe they are. Funny thing is my MIL had 3 kids which was about the top of what she could handle, didn't homeschool, but now she is an elderly widow I guess that sort of thing doesn't apply to her, instead she can be one of the few -- as most of the women in the church are younger wives/mothers--to get on the receiving end of the Biblical injunctions for the church to look after widows, not a bad deal I guess, if you can swing it.

She just told me a few weeks ago that she believes that wives not letting the husband be the head of the household /not submitting etc. is the (or at least a) cause of divorce, because she knows of 2 (!) divorces where the wives were "rebellious." :roll: Also she tried to tell my son that evolution is not real, which pissed me off.

My sister-in-law is also a fundie and she has started some troops of "American Heritage Girls" in her area because apparently the girl scouts are all lesbian abortionists or something which came as a huge surprise for me because I thought it was about camping and stuff.

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