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Bagel Jesus


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This guy lives in my hometown. He takes all the leftover bagels from his work and distributes them to the homeless on the streets of Buffalo. I think the name Bagel Jesus is a little pretentious, but to each their own. At least he is doing something that I think Jesus would actually do.


not breaking the link because his facebook page is public.

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At least this guy is actually acting in a way Jesus would.

Jesus would not be okay with some of the things Christians do in his name, like bigotry and child abuse.

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I'm glad that someone is helping the homeless in my former hometown. I actually miss Buffalo sometimes, especially the WINGS! Every time I go visit my parents I have to get some.

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Darn it, I thought this was going to be another case seeing the image of Jesus in weird places. But this is better.

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Darn it, I thought this was going to be another case seeing the image of Jesus in weird places. But this is better.

So did I. :lol: He is acting more Christian than most Christians.

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I love his about info.


he delivers you from hunger


One day, a long time ago, a certain mild mannered (and incredibly handsome) employee at a certain bakery would bring a few bagels for family and friends, and toss the rest, one day he decided to say "fuck it, why not grab all of them, n toss it ina big ass garbage bag and hand dem bitches out like im kwanzaa claus!" . . .

thats pretty much how it went, THE END (for now)"

He was on an episode of judge joe brown. He and his friend spilled bong water on a laptop(LOL). But, Joe ran in favor of the plaintiff so the laptop situation has been taken care of.

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That's great.

Although I must say that the thread title made me expect something more like this:



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I see the Titanic sketch of Rose lying on the couch that Jack made, if you turn your head sideways.

Ok, real question here. If you really believe that the LORD OUR GOD has appeared to you personally through a miraculous event to send a message... on your toast... shouldnt you eat it? Isnt it "give us this day our daily bread?" So didnt the LORD appear on the bread, that which was gifted to you for your use as nourishment, to further your faith AND nourishment? Wasting the bread by putting it in a bag is a FU JEBUS moment. After all, he put all that effort into appearing on your bread... :think:

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I love his about info.


he delivers you from hunger


One day, a long time ago, a certain mild mannered (and incredibly handsome) employee at a certain bakery would bring a few bagels for family and friends, and toss the rest, one day he decided to say "fuck it, why not grab all of them, n toss it ina big ass garbage bag and hand dem bitches out like im kwanzaa claus!" . . .

thats pretty much how it went, THE END (for now)"

He was on an episode of judge joe brown. He and his friend spilled bong water on a laptop(LOL). But, Joe ran in favor of the plaintiff so the laptop situation has been taken care of.

I love Judge Joe Brown because I'm klassy like that, and I have totally seen that episode!! It was hysterical, if I recall correctly, as are all episodes involving drugs/paraphernalia.

When I was in college I had my own Bagel Jesus in the form of a neighbor that worked at Panera. Every night, he would clear out all of the leftover stuff, stuff it into bags, and bring it home. The eight of us that lived in one corner of the apartment building would divvy everything up and eat like kings! (I think they donate some of their stuff now or something, though.)

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Sadly many shops around here would fire any employe for taking the leftovers to give out... many just throw them out or pour bleach or something on them to make them inedible then pitch them... thinking it would stop theft.

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Buffalo wasn't coined the City of Good Neighbors for no reason. Remember when Extreme Home Makeover came to Buffalo? It ended up being a two part episode. They redid tons of stuff there because the city raised so much extra money and they got so many volunteers. For a poor city that's dying out, people are pretty generous.

http://voices.yahoo.com/extreme-makeove ... 90262.html

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I was truly expecting to see someone saying they found Jesus in a bagel.

Kind of an odd name but it's good that he's helping people out. Definately something Jesus would do.

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Buffalo wasn't coined the City of Good Neighbors for no reason. Remember when Extreme Home Makeover came to Buffalo? It ended up being a two part episode. They redid tons of stuff there because the city raised so much extra money and they got so many volunteers. For a poor city that's dying out, people are pretty generous.

http://voices.yahoo.com/extreme-makeove ... 90262.html

Yes. The year I lived there, a public school was holding a book drive. My closest friends and I decided that we would pool the money we'd usually spend on holiday gifts for each other and put it toward some charitable cause, and we decided on the book drive. I went to used bookstores so our money would go farther, and a number of bookstore owners matched our contributions. Salt of the earth folks.

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This guy lives in my hometown. He takes all the leftover bagels from his work and distributes them to the homeless on the streets of Buffalo. I think the name Bagel Jesus is a little pretentious, but to each their own. At least he is doing something that I think Jesus would actually do.


not breaking the link because his facebook page is public.

Yay for Buffalo (my dad is from there) and yay for Christians actually acting in a Christ-like way. :)

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