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Kelly Bates denies ever hearing of "Quiverful"


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In the responses, someone asked if "Quiverfull" families had different rules about holding hands and Kelly replied:



Dear Anna,

We do not know what the quiverful movement is and are not associated with any movement of any sort, so I can’t speak for that group.


What a lying hypocrite! She spells it like they do in QF literature, then recognizes it as a movement, but implies it's a "group." Which is it, Kelly? I can't believe Kelly has the gall to completely deny knowledge of QF or how it works. Even the Duggars admit to knowing what it is, although they're trying to distance themselves from it. As for the bible verse; if anyone knows how to dig through internet archives, the Duggars had it on their website masthead for quite some time c. 2007-8, only changing it when the weekly show started and they began to catch some heat, and these families were BFF's. Puhleeeease....


PS Kelly: IBLP is also a "movement" unless you consider it your "religion."


Her bloomers are definitely on fire.

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I can't believe she would claim not to know what QF is. I actually liked Kelly more than Michelle. Kelly is stupid to think she could fool people.

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I really don't understand why these folks (Duggars and Bates) are so afraid of the QF label. They basically support everything the movement stands for but don't want the name? It doesn't really make sense.

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If they're so ashamed of the lifestyle they lead that they pretend not to even know what it is, why keep living it?

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Yet, I'm sure that if she was asked why they have so many kids, Psalm 127:3 would be quoted.

Nah they would just say their standard because we just luuuuve kids so much!

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I know of a couple of Gothard followers and they would say they aren't in the Quiverful "movement". I don't think that Kelly is being dishonest...I think she is more likely just thinking that the "Quiverful Movement" is a group somewhere kind of like the Mormons or something and she is thinking, "No, I am a Baptist". When you are in the fundie movement the people you are following don't always use the same language. I heard alot of "let God plan your family" but never heard of the "Quiverful Movement" until I was no longer in fundie circles. If you asked her if she was ATI she would say yes...but some of the people may actually never have heard of it as a movement and that would make them nervous. They espouse the same beliefs but she wouldn't even know that. "It ain't in her corner, no how" to coin a Tennesee phrase.

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She doesn't say she's never heard of it. Just that she doesn't know about it, which I take to mean that she's not sure of the rules they would have for courtship. I still think she's trying to distance herself but it's not like she replied with "what is a quiverful"?

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They might think it's a group that is not part of Gothardism, so they shouldn't be affiliated with it, but I have a sneaking suspicion they know of some anti-Quiverful feelings (ie NLQ) and don't want to be associated with that. JMO :evil:

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I think she and the Duggars know full well, they're just doing some damage/image control. It's all about branding and looking like a "normal family" who just happens to have a bunch of kids. They want to appear mainstream so their controversial beliefs are not exposed. Perhaps even fundies are starting to be aware of the critics (not just the online stuff like FJ or NLQ but mainstream stories like that woman who was discussed here who died from an unassisted birth and was shown on Fox News).

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