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Fundies? On MY Campus?


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Actually, it does because this is an extremely liberal area. This sort of thing is a rarity. I just happen to know the area and can picture the places where this might have occurred and picture the student body's reaction to it.

When my dad went out with the Gideons, they were careful to stay on the perimeters of the campus, near parking lots as students entered the campus.

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The reason my location claims that I live in Berkeley is that it makes it much more difficult to connect "lawfulevil at FreeJinger" with my actual information*. I'm in the Bay Area often enough that a fellow denizen of the Hive assuming that I live in Berkeley wouldn't make any difference, as far as doing lunch or JingerCon NorCal or whatever.

I plan to live in Davis in the fairly near future, so using that instead would be no good.

I actually live an hour and a half further east on I-80. As you know, the political climate thataway is considerably different.

*I'd like to prevent, as much as possible, someone torturing my pets or carving "BABY KILLING SLUT" into my car. Or worse.

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Though frankly, I'm a little annoyed about having to publicly explain myself, as I presume that you have not ACTUALLY established a residence in the Wood of the Suicides.

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I just remembered that I have a photo of some weird cowboy Christians that came to my campus one day when I was a freshman in college! We had a once-a-semester guy named Preacher Gary, too, but he was kind of boring unless you were in the mood for an argument laced with circular logic.

"All that matters ...hell... awaits you!" in case you can't read it. W.T.F.?


ETA: OMG! How did I miss the tool-y wide stance on that chick?!

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I went to class today, only to discover massive amounts of chalk all over the sidewalks denouncing pro-choicers and abortion, with millions of tiny hearts all over the place "each standing for a life that was ended too early." :roll: Oh, and let's not forget the shaming of women who've had abortions. That was all over the place too.

God, I can't wait to escape the deep South.

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The reason my location claims that I live in Berkeley is that it makes it much more difficult to connect "lawfulevil at FreeJinger" with my actual information*. I'm in the Bay Area often enough that a fellow denizen of the Hive assuming that I live in Berkeley wouldn't make any difference, as far as doing lunch or JingerCon NorCal or whatever.

I plan to live in Davis in the fairly near future, so using that instead would be no good.

I actually live an hour and a half further east on I-80. As you know, the political climate thataway is considerably different.

*I'd like to prevent, as much as possible, someone torturing my pets or carving "BABY KILLING SLUT" into my car. Or worse.

My apologies. I'm a little more open about my locale and I just figured even a poster on FJ would be virtually impossible to find on a large college campus. If you're on the other side of Davis on 80, you have my sympathies. Gorgeous country, heinous people...for the most part...the hardcore outdoosy types and winter sports enthusiasts are typically anything but fundie.

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I've been at a conference in DC for the past week (and am now visiting some extremely right-wing relatives by marriage, yay).

Last week in DC outside of the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro station I finally saw some horrible graphic abortion photos, this was some group of African-American people going on about white racism (so far, fairly normal stuff, so I listened for a further 5 seconds or so) but then launching into some rants about how Jesus is the answer and abortion is the latest extermination effort. Main point being, they had a bunch of VERY graphic photos of abortion remains with large labels saying "abortion = Klan Parenthood" on 'em.

I'm not sure what group they were from, but they did not seem to be "normal" Christian fundies, they were going on and on about the 12 tribes of Israel and were wearing large tunic sort of costumes almost like something out of "Dragon Ball" but with giant stars of David on the back, and saying something (I could not understand very well) about how the current Jewish people aren't the real tribe, or some kinda thing. I did not stick around to hear the whole thing, I had to catch a train.

As for "the other side of Davis on 80" isn't that where the original Prairie Muffin, "Carmon Friedrich" is from? Never been there myself but it seems the interior of California has quite a few...

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That 'Injustice' poster is messed up.

So the progression is... animal abuse, Emmit Till, slavery, the Holocaust, Croatian ethnic cleansing, and then... legal, safe, medical procedure.

Crikey! Usually when they do this, the anti-choicers only fuck over one unspeakably painful history at a time. This is like an orgy!

That, and the fact that quite a lot of people DO condemn PETA for their fucked up, misogynistic .... oh wait, this crowd probably likes those. (Thinking of the women in cages with body paint ads, as well as the one that shows a woman's bikini line and says "fur trim is so unattractive")

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Here in Toronto, anti-abortion nuts tend to get shouted down pretty quickly. Thankfully, we haven't had any infiltrate my campus yet, but we do have some Mens' Rights activists that occasionally show up to preach the evils of feminism.

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My university has a few fundies who set up on the street outside the Student Union- it's a public university in a city, so as long as they aren't in the building hassling students it's legal. They tend to get a lot of opposition from the students even though the student body as a whole are pretty heavily Christian. I remember one particular incident in which I was eating lunch on the patio with a friend while on of them was going on and on about how women should act and dress and attempting to cite Bible verses. My friend pulled out her Bible and flipped to each verse he mentioned. She discovered that the fundie had either completely gotten the verse wrong or had strongly misinterpreted it (not a surprise).

There was also an anti-abortion man who would set up a booth on the main route to the football stadium each Saturday with pictures of supposedly aborted fetuses. I never got close enough to really look at any of the images, so I can't say whether or not they were similar to the ones posted in this thread.

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These stories are horrible. My campus had a few religious people, but nothing like this. (I'm in Australia.)

I would put up opposing posters. Nothing major I'd probably just stick some silly things up in loos saying how abortion needs to be allowed. It would make me feel better.

I'm not particularly disturbed by gory images, I think it's offensive (especially because a lot of the so-called "abortions" are either photoshops or miscarriages) but it wouldn't bother me. And sometimes I think it is a way to get the truth out. I don't really mind when PETA does it, because a lot of people eat from factory farms every day but are ignorant about it. I don't think this is the same though.

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Guest Anonymous

I've never seen any anti-abortion nuts on my campus. Once, though, I was leaving through a side entrance and I saw an anti-abortion guy in the middle of a residential street. He had a bunch of those laminated foetus pictures and a sign that read: 'Women deserve better than this.' Considering the weird, out-of-the-way, place he had chosen, I always figured that he had positioned himself at the minimum of a mandatory distance he had to be away from something else. It could have been our school or it could have been a local clinic (though I don't know any in the area).

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We had some guy named Brother Jed here at WIU a few times, the students usually just mock him incessantly. He loves to get into arguments, but nobody here indulges him in debate. They usually just take turns standing behind him and pretending to hump him as he yells about the drinking and fornicating on campus.

There was a big explosion one year, because he started screaming at a woman who he deemed to be dressed inappropriately. She started bawling right there, and a group of the guys from one of the local frat houses recognized her as a woman with intellectual/developmental disabilities. They do a lot of volunteer work with the Arc and Mosaic, so they knew her and were PISSED. They lit into him and his whole crowd for picking on her, and ran him out of town. I haven't seen him since then. I normally don't have a lot of nice things to say about the Greek system on campus, but I was really happy to see those guys stand up for her.

Brother Jed has been around for a long time - he used to visit my campus in the mid-80's. At that time, he traveled with Sister Cindy (whom I assumed was his wife). My school had an organized event every Wed in front of the student union, where people would gather and anyone could get on the podium and speak (people could demonstrate at any time, but there was more of an audience during this event). Jed and Cindy would show up occasionally, and tell us that we were all going to hell. She would talk about how she used to be a disco queen until she found religion. It was quite funny, and people loved to argue with her, since they were so entertaining.

Damn, I can't believe that I remember them so well.

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Brother Jed has been around for a long time - he used to visit my campus in the mid-80's. At that time, he traveled with Sister Cindy (whom I assumed was his wife). My school had an organized event every Wed in front of the student union, where people would gather and anyone could get on the podium and speak (people could demonstrate at any time, but there was more of an audience during this event). Jed and Cindy would show up occasionally, and tell us that we were all going to hell. She would talk about how she used to be a disco queen until she found religion. It was quite funny, and people loved to argue with her, since they were so entertaining.

Damn, I can't believe that I remember them so well.

I decided to google him, and he goes from campus to campus doing 'confrontational ministry'. Here are some links about him:




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My campus mainly church personnel passing out bibles and trying to convert you all over campus. On a monday morning about 100 anti abortion signs appeared in central campus. They stayed up for a week, my friend and I were going to get up early one morning and rip them all out but they disappeared the morning after.

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Jesus, they just give out free ice cream here...

I've always wondered what it would be like if this guy showed up, since I've seen his show before. I don't know anyone who's actually seen him in person.

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Brother Jed has been around for a long time - he used to visit my campus in the mid-80's. At that time, he traveled with Sister Cindy (whom I assumed was his wife). My school had an organized event every Wed in front of the student union, where people would gather and anyone could get on the podium and speak (people could demonstrate at any time, but there was more of an audience during this event). Jed and Cindy would show up occasionally, and tell us that we were all going to hell. She would talk about how she used to be a disco queen until she found religion. It was quite funny, and people loved to argue with her, since they were so entertaining.

Damn, I can't believe that I remember them so well.

Brother Jed shows up at our campus once in awhile, also. Sister Cindy no longer shows up, something about her being "shamed" at multiple campuses for daring to preach to men. :lol: Last time a fundie showed up, a crowd gathered... and mocked him. One guy brought his guitar to "accompany" the fundie, then next thing you know, he's completely mocking him.

We have the anti-abortion nuts who chalk the stupid little hearts, the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" (five of them in town at last count) that put their bullshit fliers up all over the place.

And yet our SSA fliers are ripped down within minutes of them going up. :roll:

It's very frustrating that these people are allowed to come on campus, say horrible things, berate students and they are legally protected. I was on campus prior to the semester starting a few years ago, but the dorms were moving in. I had my three year old son with me, as I just needed to grab a textbook. One of these assholes is standing in the middle of the commons, yelling at people. He points at me, calls me a whore and some other unsavory things. The only thing that kept me out of jail was the fact that I had my three year old son with me. :evil:

We have a large fountain in the middle of campus, which is flush with the ground (one big main spew with lots of little ones shooting into it), and it is shut off at various times for various reasons. The grounds crew has been known to *ahem* turn the fountain on when one of the nutballs is standing in the middle. :dance:

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I remember they used to have garbage like that at my high school, but it was never anything as bad as those posters. That post-mortem picture of Emmett Till. Seriously? You have a lot more self control than I do because I would have probably went nuts on them. I was only at community college for a semester in upstate NY, so I have no clue if they allowed any of this there or not.

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I've posted before about how the satire page of the student run newspaper took pictures of one of those fundies, and said that the fundie suddenly came out of the closet when he saw a gay male couple kissing.

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