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Just a mid-20s scientist blowing off steam by micromanaging Sims and making it as "real" as possible with-in the confines of the game - trying my first quiver-full fundie #family!

Entries in this blog

Edens Year 23: Exodus' Exodus

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue!  Year 23, 2032, was a big year for the Edens! Well, for some Edens. First up, Elsie, our auxiliary Eden. Even though she's still nervous about alcohol she took a class on Mixology and received a promotion for her efforts! She is now head caterer. Yay! She also went out with some coworkers and acquaintances after work. Despite the Woman In Overalls From the Vet's Office being real cute, Elsie didn't make any big connections, but was still happy she pu



Edens Year 21 & 22: Moving Up and Moving Out!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! We last left the Edens celebrating 3 new additions to the family - Psalm Eden (#16) through birth, Brie Johnson (2nd child of Elsie) through adoption, and Maya (...Rudolph?) through courtship to Exodus Eden. It was a busy year, and life hasn't slowed down yet! Let's visit the Johnsons first. Elsie was still working in her catering role, which actually gave her time to spend with the children before work. She and Romano even worked on a (ga



Edens Year 20: Love and Missioncations

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! We've now followed the Edens for two decades, and the f*n is only multiplying.  As the Edens continue to expand rapidly, they rejoiced that God their pastor changed his mind about bunkbeds! They are allowed again (I found a mod that worked with the updates). Behold the truly space-efficient boys and girls dorms.  It's a good thing there are a lot of teenagers ruling the roost now, as the littler Edens are out of control. The girls in particular



Edens Years 18 & 19: Still Here, Still Counting!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! As always, its been a while since I've updated. If anyone is reading this, here's a recap:  Eva Johnson married Adam Eden when they were both 20 (in Jan of 2010). Adam is a manager for Hobby Lobby; Eva is a Manager of her Home. They immediately moved into a 3-bed, 2-bath home in the suburbs and started procreating for the Lord. Due to various types of expansions they now have 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 14 children: Genesis (g) 10



Edens Year 17: Adam lies, Elsie thrives

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! SO much happened in Year 16/2025, that this year was naturally a bit slower - at least for the Edens.  Adam and Eva have now turned 35, which means their Try For A Baby % success rate has gone down to 50% per day (4 months Sim Time) vs the former 70%. However, Adam and Eva can't keep their hands off each other so naturally Blessing #15 (!!!!!!!1!!!1!!) was on its way soon enough (and how)!  Which was really a shame, as things at the Edens



Edens Year 16: The One in Which A Lot Happens (Like, a Lot)

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! This one's a doozy. So much happened! Let's start off slow. In March, Romano Tobias Johnson turned 4 years old! Elsie threw a birthday party over at her house with some of her favorite Edens. She made tator tot casserole, naturally, and made sure not to defraud her cousins by offering any alcoholic drinks or f*n of any kind.  Still, there was birthday cake, and after blowing out the candles... Romano aged into a handsome little schoo



Edens Year 15: Cracks in the Foundation?

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! It's been the longest time away because I moved apartments and got two new headships (husband and PUPPERS, a 10 lb white fluff named Princess Peach). Anyways, let's recap: Eva Johnson married Adam Eden when they were both 19 (in Jan of 2010). They immediately moved into a 3-bed, 2-bath home in the suburbs and started procreating for the Lord. Due to various types of expansions they now have 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 11 children: Genesis (g) 10/10



Edens Year 14: Genesis' Nervous Breakdown

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! It's been another long time away, as the Sims 4 Seasons update messed with my game (and also I got married!). But we're back! And it's starting to get crazy.  First, let's have an update on Elsie! She actually had a great year and was promoted to caterer! Yay! Now she works 3pm-11pm which works SO much better than overnights for her single-mom life. Elsie continues to live a less-fundie lifestyle, and during one of Romano's naps, even googled herself and



Edens Year 13: Elsie Johnson, Sad But Free

Wow! Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue after a long time away! Grad school was pretty crazy for me this spring but it's so good to be back! A LOT has happened in year 13 for the Edens.  It started with Judges's birthday. Genesis, now a fully-fledged sister mom, made his cake (of course).  Judges was an inquisitive toddler and now he is a little bookworm! Let's see if he keeps to the approved texts!  (P.S. The first time I wrote this section I called Judges (#7) Samuel (#9). The k



Edens Year 12: Expansions/Free Elsie!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! This one is a doozy.  First of all, managing a home of 11-12 Edens has gotten a little crazy for Eva (and me!!!!). And as the Edens are so blessed by the Lord, the baby-making train shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. To help Eva keep sweet, the Edens grifted $7000 for a home expansion. Priorities- a third bathroom/second laundry room with second tub for the little ones, and a school room. As a result of the expansion, the boys and girls dormitories w



Edens Year 11: The Return of the Sister-Mom

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! We've been away for a while, but now we're back with an eventful year 11 in the Eden saga.  Leviticus began 2020 in a "bear phase" which is SEVERELY testing his fundie parents. (Though at least it's not a "unicorn phase" or something) Here, Eva experiences the trials of a large family as she tries to feed and dress her brood in time for church. It takes a good 2 hours plus one bear-less Leviticus in tears.  Ah what a beautiful Sunday at True Be



Edens Year 10: The Sinful Nature of 1st-Graders (and a Recap)

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! I'll be honest...it was a rough year. Fortunately this means there were no dentist visits involved, but yeah the Eden facade is beginning to crack.  Since it's year 10 though, let's first have a little recap of where the Edens have been. To start, Eva Johnson married Adam Eden in January of 2010 when they were both 20 years old. Adam works for the blessed company Hobby Lobby, and has been regional manager for the last 5ish years. Eva is manager of her hom



Edens Year 9 Part 2: Mourning Their Down-the-Street Sister

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! I had a lovely weekend with future MIL, even though I did rather miss the Edens! But honestly...there wasn't that much to miss. Following the wedding, the Edens saw Elsie a. lot. And most of the time it was because Elsie invited them! Perhaps doing life with her #bestfriend was not as perfect as Elsie had predicted. She still has her job though, and no little Tobiaseseses on the way 6 months into marriage, so both mainstream and fundie families are watchi



Edens Year 9 Part 1: Elsie's Wedding!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! It was the start of 2018 and year 8 had ended with some truly shocking events. Baby Judges (#7) was born in October, and in December dear Elsie got engaged! Which of course means a wedding in March 2018!  But first.. Wow they really waste no time, do they? Ok so baby #8 is on its way, and Genesis, all of 7 years old, is the one comforting her siblings in the middle of the night because her parents are more worried about Counting On. What a



Edens Year 8: All About Elsie, a Very Special Episode

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! No one's life is as exciting as Elsie's right now, so this "episode" will be mainly about her. Elsie took to wearing her courtship proposal clothes following that fateful night, because they seemed lucky Providential and made Elsie feel like a pretty princess she was bringing attention to her countenance.  As Elsie had joined the family when Leviticus was the baby, she was his mom has always shared a special bond with him. On his 4th birthday, she was the



Edens Year 7: a Half-Dozen Little Edens!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! We ended Year 6 with a number of burning questions and I have answers for you on all fronts! Firstly, Exodus is actually a pretty great little dude without the smugness I feared. He is diligent in his homeschooling, shares a particularly precious bond with Leviticus, and is upstanding in his walk with the Lord (whew! Had to throw Jesus in there). He is also learning how to workout from his father, who couldn't bear to witness the End Times in Spandex at t



Edens Year 6: The Fickle Getting-to-Know-You Season of Life

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! A lot has happened since we last checked in with the Edens! Here is the history of the family so far (pictured below, and ages based on time of day children born and the corresponding month in my realistic aging plan):  Adam Eden (age 21) marries Eva Johnson (age 20) Jan 2010 Genesis (girl, purple) born Oct 2010 (That's right - honeymoon baby! *smiles*) Exodus (boy, green) born Sept 2011 (11 month gap) Leviticus (boy, orange) born Nov 2012



Edens Year 5: A Dining Room Table and a Courting Bench?

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! Year 5 started off with a large expansion for the kids' rooms in expectation of a large expansion of the family. Notice the Heaven-Bound theme to keep little minds thinking about where they go when they die *smile* Elsie started a barista job at the family church like her sister before her, because she clearly wasn't doing enough to earn her keep, and Genesis turned 4!! As a child and no longer a toddler, she got right down to covering he



Edens Year 4: Calling In Reinforcement!

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! At the beginning of Year 4, Eva practiced her crazy-eyed fundie love stare... and Exodus expressed his dismay at having a new brother. Which was really too bad because, as you may have guessed, the Edens cannot stay un-pregnant for very long. Congratulations Exodus! The Lord has opened your mother's womb again and you're going to have an even newer sibling soon! Everyone was SO excited! Especially Adam.  Although the Edens coul



Edens Year 3: The Year with No Stove

So it's been 2 years and 2.3 kids and year 3 started with this... Another fire! Clearly Eva should never bake again. Although no humans were hurt, the stove and neighboring counter were completely burnt, and there was no money to replace them. The Edens got very sick of autumn salad and BLTs, but in general year three was pretty good to them. While Eva put the kids to bed and did all the chores, Adam stayed up late writing reports on how Hobby Lobby was doing the Lord's work, (such as



Edens Year Two: Blessed?

Welcome back to 66 Goodbook Avenue! We left off with baby girl Genesis (#1) entering the world and a lot has happened since we last checked in. After the birth, Adam and Eva wasted no time getting back down to the romance... Which of course meant Blessing #2 was soon on its way! Wait...already?!?! Yes already! What a blessed couple you are. Speaking of which, Eva published her second major blog piece "Blessed: God is so good y'all" which continues to bring in modest income



Year One- Meet the Edens! (or Honeymoon Baby: How to be favored by God)

Welcome to 66 Goodbook Avenue! Thanks to the power of Jesus the Sims 4 gallery, our newlywed fundie couple is able to use almost allll their money to move into this beautiful "3/2 Starter Home." A few modifications had to be made (like expanding the upstairs bathroom and demolishing a closed-door computer den...the horror) but now it is move-in ready for a young couple and any blessings the Lord may give them.  And here's our fundie newlyweds. Meet Adam and Eva Eden. Adam's aspi



An Intro to the Crazy

Hi everyone! Even though I don't think many people will read this, I'm super excited and super nervous to make my first "blog." I've been entertained and inspired by @singsingsing, @AlwaysExcited, @mango_fandango and others, and want to make my first sims quiverful family. But I'm also a type-A scientist and want my game to be as realistic as possible. It's a virtual experiment, if you will, of the infamous laundry room breakdown, and finding a breaking point for my poor mother Sim. So here goes



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      Sorry about that friends. Miscommunication happened. Should be all good now. 
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      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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