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OK Democrat adds "Every Sperm Is Sacred" to Personhood Bill


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That's great!

I like this comment, from a man, under the article:

OMG, when will the insanity of the GOP end? That is a rhetorical question. Yet, I know MY life certainly begins anew with each ejaculation.

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I for one support this. Some people feel that religion should be legislated. I believe that my favorite movies should be. And Legally Blonde is right near the top. I give you, this quote:

"I have to wonder if the defendant kept a thorough record of each sperm emission made throughout his life?...unless the defendant attempted to contact every single one-night- stand to determine if a child resulted in those unions -- then he has no parental claim whatsoever over this child. Why this sperm? Why now? '

And For that matter, all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg could be termed reckless

abandonment."--Elle Woods

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Also, wouldn't it then have to also have "Every egg is sacred" added to be equitable and not discriminatory? And if so, wouldn't every woman become a murderer when she has her first period and any subsequent ones?

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I want to gay-marry that Senator.

I want to Poly-whatever gay marry that senator. Brava, Senator Johnson! (heh)

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Every time I start to worry about the state of American politics you lovely people show me something like this. It really brightens my day, especially as up here Harper seems bound and determined to give Canada the worst reputation he possibly can.


ETA Riffle

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Great article! I'm laughing at one of the comments about Republicans: "That's why they're always talking about small government. They need it just small enough to fit in a woman's uterus."

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