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JostieFlicks... Made by Homeskoolers and it shows!


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http://www.youtube.com/user/JostieFlick ... UeygVI_O3Y

OMG someone needs to take the camera away from these kids! This is nothing short of AWFUL! The worst part is that the fundies are eating this shit up! They have quite a few videos up. They're all horrible.

http://www.youtube.com/user/JostieFlick ... 8TVl_KZ1cc

"A suitors tale"

http://www.youtube.com/user/JostieFlick ... fA0ZXlWXBE

"How to catch a man"

Can someone tell me what racial group she's trying to make fun of with the accent???

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Um, in the two seconds I watched it, maybe Northeastern US?

I thought she was attempting Jersey but it doesnt come even close. I think its a racial thing.

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Um, in the two seconds I watched it, maybe Northeastern US?

I thought Fargo or Duluth. I could only watch a few seconds though.

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I thought she was attempting Jersey but it doesnt come even close. I think its a racial thing.

Yeah, I'm from Jersey and I've NEVER heard anyone who sounds like that! I didn't know who in the hell she was trying to impersonate, though on second thought it sounds like a poor Marlee Matlin impersonation.

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