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Bethany wrote a little family approved post about her new fiancee Danny. Can I just say a. she's had a crush on him, idec what they say about not noticing boys and b.) almost a freaking year from when he asked permisson until when he got it? Captain Brett has got to be one of the crazier fundie fathers.

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Yup, I'd say Cap'n Bret fits the power-crazed mold pretty darn well. That also means that the entire time he was talking with the production crew, he knew there was someone interested in courting already... wonder if he held out so that it would coincide with filming...

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Yup, I'd say Cap'n Bret fits the power-crazed mold pretty darn well. That also means that the entire time he was talking with the production crew, he knew there was someone interested in courting already... wonder if he held out so that it would coincide with filming...

I'm going to go out on a limb as say probably. :P He seems the type.

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Cap'n may have held on to his power for an extra year, but it looks like the wedding will be in late January! (as mentioned on the blog for the M's New Years Ball).

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Cap'n may have held on to his power for an extra year, but it looks like the wedding will be in late January! (as mentioned on the blog for the M's New Years Ball).

Where was this posted?!!

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I don't want to post the url because I don't want them to shut down yet another source of info (though I suspect they HAVE to know about us, come on) but if you google the name of the farm and new year's ball it should be one of the first results. EDIT: Since the name of the farm is fairly rare, that's why I'm not mentioning it by name - especially since a google bot is currently viewing the forum. But if you don't know the name of the farm, PM me or I'll come up with some silly charades clue, like "second two syllables is the first name of an actress with the last name Birch, and the first two syllables would be the first two in California, with an a instead of an i."

Wait, there you go.

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Ummm....is Kressant pregnant again? She looks a little full through the middle.

It's nice to see a picture with Michael smiling. Kressant is usually all smiley in pictures, but Michael less so.

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I wonder about Kressant myself, but she just had the most recent baby in... what... April? May? And she's had four in as many years? It can't be easy taking off those pounds. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to find a pic that shows that Rachel is far along.

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I'm surprised Kressant isn't yet (publicly) pregnant again.

I really expected announcements about her newest blessing, as well as Kelly Bradrick's, for the holidays.

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I'm surprised Kressant isn't yet (publicly) pregnant again.

I really expected announcements about her newest blessing, as well as Kelly Bradrick's, for the holidays.

I thought the same about Kelly Badrick.. but maybe the trouble with her last baby made the baby-factory stop..

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I thought the same about Kelly Badrick.. but maybe the trouble with her last baby made the baby-factory stop..

Let's hope so! Kelly is going to die one of these times. Back to back births, especially when you have c-sections and complications pre and post delivery are NOT healthy for a woman. I get that women are easily replaceable in fundie-world but come on! Peter (and Kelly for that matter) need to think about the 4 kids she already has. Not every woman is set up to be a breeding factory.

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Well.. I think Peter would rather see his wife day (while fullfilling their "mission" on earth) than to be the looser with only (!) 4 kids.. remember, children are like trophies!

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