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Cheryl Long: Husband Has ALS


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They haven't had their own topic in awhile so I wasn't sure where to post this, hence the new post.  But the Long family has been mentioned in baby and marriage threads recently.  Cheryl Long posted today on Facebook that her husband Terry was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig's disease) in September.  His disease has progressed to moderate levels so he was given 1-2 years life expectancy.  They still have a few minor children at home and finances have always been very, very tight from what I have gathered.  Hope they have had life insurance for him because they won't get any now.  He has been a truck driver but off for the past few months due to shoulder surgery if  I recall correctly.  Sad for the family.  A friend of my family died of ALS just 6 weeks after he was formally diagnosed.  

Edited by Coconut Flan
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3 minutes ago, Tangy Bee said:

Very sad to hear this. Has Cheryl ever done any work outside the home?

Before they married she worked at a restaurant, so that would have been like 30 years ago.  That is where they met.  Recently she has sold some kind of jewelry line through online parties, and also has a booth at a farmers market where she sells baked goods during the summer.  That is all I am aware of.  She will be eligible for social security survivor benefits, but that isn't enough to live on. 

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ALS sucks. You don't lose any cognitive abilities and are aware of the body deteriorating. 

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  • Coconut Flan changed the title to Cheryl Long: Husband Has ALS
  • 10 months later...

I took a gander at their FB page today, and was surprised.  Shorter skirts, jeans, sleeveless dresses and tops- but VERY quick courtships.  No mention of a change in outlook, but I though they were “modern modest”, with an emphasis on the modest.  

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  • 1 year later...

I have followed the Long family for years. Things are definitely different. 
I also follow Haley’s husband’s (Reagan Ramm) Instagram (Andromeda Coast). The most recent post is intriguing, the caption talks about Haley’s childhood abuse…

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve followed them the last few months and it looks like there have been several extended family gatherings as Terry deteriorates….everyone except Haley.

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