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Christmas Knittiing


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As always, I have decided to knit some Christmas presents in November.  One day I will start earlier.

So far, I'm knitting two cowls for my Mum and sister, but maybe some ankle socks as well.

We'll see how much I get done.

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Oooh do you have a patten for socks I could pinch? 

Every year I say I will start earlier, it never happens! Going to knit the grandbean a scarf, after that I haven’t got any ideas.

Finally finished the advent Calendar I started last year tho Haha! 


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On 13/11/2017 at 5:16 PM, Gemini said:

Oooh do you have a patten for socks I could pinch? 

Every year I say I will start earlier, it never happens! Going to knit the grandbean a scarf, after that I haven’t got any ideas.

Finally finished the advent Calendar I started last year tho Haha! 


Sorry - I just saw this!

I can't attach PDFs, so I'll link to the two patterns I use most often from Ravelry.  One is top down (Nice Ribbed Socks), and I use it all the time, and the other is toe up (Socks On a Plane). Both are really easy.

Hopefully this will work but let me know if not.





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Every year I decide that I will knit or crochet my christmas gifts. I spend lots of time admiring gorgeous patterns that I never make and I've only ever gifted one handmade item. I know I say it every year but this year I really will do it lol

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