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Old Stinking Lowlife post


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So because I'm a total glutton for punishment, I went wading through the sewage that is the Thinking Housewife, and came across this:

http://www.thinkinghousewifeDOTcom/wp/2 ... he-rapper/

I struggle to find the words to describe my feelings about this post, but it definitely starts with about 7 flavors of WTF????

As the mother of an 8-year old girl, I'm quite familiar with Justin Beiber, and have heard the song "Baby" featuring Ludracris more times than I've wanted to. I've never seen the video, so I decided to take a peek. I didn't see anything in that video that I wouldn't want my daughter to see. It all looked pretty standard--bubblegum pop starring too pretty for their own good teenagers participating in tennager-y things like bowling, dancing, etc. Pretty harmless stuff, no? Well not according to TTH:

"The teenybopper gamely attempts to do his thing in the medium of rap, with its throbbing simulation of animalistic copulation. The video is the story of a multiracial utopia in which the white boy progressively dispenses with his whiteness and wins the girl."

"Throbbing simulation of animalistic copulation"? Um, I didn't see anything in that video that I wouldn't want my daughter to see, including the dancing. Also, TTH's statements about Justin Beiber "dispensing with his whiteness" to get the girl and her references to a multiracial utopia get a major side eye from me. First of all, how does one dispense with their whiteness? Oh, I know. TTH probably buys into that whole "acting/talking black/white" bs. Kind of along the lines of Dougie and his jive talk references. And the whole multiracial utopia thing--bitch, that's real life. Of course there is still racism and bigotry in this country (no thanks to people like her), but I see groups of kids all the time that look a lot like the kids in the video in terms of skin color variations. Hell, I see a lot of groups of adults like that. I think TTH also sees it as well, and sees that fewer and fewer people are buying into her racist bs. She sees in this video that the Good Christian White Folk don't have all the power and privilege, and that scares the hell out of her. You know, I think one should be very careful about hanging the racist tag on another, but in TTH's case, I'm more than comfortable labeling her a racist--because she is. She really doesn't even go out of her way to hide it.

But wait, there's more! In the comments section, one James McDonald (presumed headship of Stacey McD) has this to say:

"That’s the same Ludacris who made an obscene and highly-graphic, stomach-turning “song†and video called “Pussy Poppin’.†It’s about the deep and moving subject of black strippers who possess the rare and highly-prized ability to rhythmically thrust their pelvises at a precise frequency which causes their overly-developed fatty bottom-cheeks to slap together, producing a clapping sound. (I apologize for that, but that’s what it’s about.) His newest chart-topper is called “How Low Can You Go.†In this one, black girls in their underwear, who we are meant to presume are underage and having a sleepover, practice the same aforementioned dance move in front of a mirror, while video-taping themselves for Youtube. The mirror becomes a magic portal through which jumps Ludacris and his crew…

So this guy is in a video with the favorite teeny-bopper of millions of ‘tweens? I guess there are no connections to be made between anything anymore. Is this nominalism at work?"

Excusemewhat? :shock:

I hadn't heard of the first song or video, so I checked it out as well. James McD is right, it is pretty graphic. It's not something I'd want either of my children to see at any age, and I don't care to ever see it again. I may even have a problem with how the women are portrayed in the video (another discussion for another time). But James seems desperate to point out at every turn that these are Black women in the video, and also to point out the size of their asses. Why? It's almost like he's implying that all Black women are like that in real life, and that all white women are above such behavior. I also have to wonder how the hell James came upon this video. It would never be played on regular music channels, and I don't even know that it would be played on BET's now defunct late night "uncut" show. His whole comment stinks of racism and a kind of icky sexual fascination--a weird combo.

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Definitely, ThisOlGirl. Reminds me of men back in the day ogling "Hottentot" women, for scientific purposes of course.

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I consider myself pretty well-versed on pop culture and I've never heard of "Pussy Poppin'" So odd Mr. McDonald knows about. Let's face it; these people waste an inordinant amount of time finding stuff to piss them off.

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Wow. I've never heard of this video. I just looked it up and found an uncensored version that I think would qualify as pornography. Now that i know, yes it does bother me that Justin Bieber is associated with this man. I feel like I want to defend the video because the commenter is such a creep with the racism, but the video itself is hard to defend. It's a bunch of partially and fully naked women with the legs spread wide thrusting and gyrating. It's a lot worse than I expected.

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Well, but, I mean, it's Ludacris. Of course his videos are going to be dirty. His songs sure are. But his rap in the Bieber song is clean, and there's nothing inappropriate for kids in the "Baby" video (NTH's opinion notwithstanding) so it doesn't bother me that they did a song together.

I wonder how McD has such encyclopedic knowledge of explicit rap videos when we secular people have never even heard of the songs. You just know he watched the Ludacris song like fifteen times, all in the name of research. Someone should put a Maxwell-style filter on his internet if he's using it to watch prurient material. Jesus would not approve.

And also, it goes without saying, but their racism is both blatant and gross. What does whiteness have to do with a music video about a bunch of kids bowling? Why does everything have to be about race with her?

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Aw, come on now. He is calling himself "Ludacris", after all? What do you expect? :lol:

I'm suprised they haven't found Snoop with Big Time Rush!!

Anyway, why are they even looking at this stuff?

/wanders off to listen "Let Me Ride" by Dr. Dre :whistle:

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