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Megyn Kelly Strikes Again - Benham Edition


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Because the eleventy billion interviews and specials she gave the Duggars wasnt enough, now she's letting the Benham brothers explain why they are being targeted for being good christians by some ebil gayz.  

What is it with her and these uber misogynists? 


This aired last night, 12/1.  I'm sure there will be follow ups

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I'd like to talk to the Benham Brothers and the rest of their friends and ask them where in the Bible it says they should agitate against LGBT persons being guaranteed the same rights to housing and employment that I, a straight white woman, have? Or where Jesus said to go to the legislature and get them to pass laws against LGBT people?  Jesus said that his followers should be about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, and I would think that ensuring LGBT people couldn't be discriminated against in housing and employment would go a bit towards doing what Jesus said to do.

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20 minutes ago, mirele said:

I'd like to talk to the Benham Brothers and the rest of their friends and ask them where in the Bible it says they should agitate against LGBT persons being guaranteed the same rights to housing and employment that I, a straight white woman, have? Or where Jesus said to go to the legislature and get them to pass laws against LGBT people?  Jesus said that his followers should be about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, and I would think that ensuring LGBT people couldn't be discriminated against in housing and employment would go a bit towards doing what Jesus said to do.

Yup.  I can't wrap my head around why christians simply cannot model their behavior after Jesus, who they claim to worship.  Seems they gravitate towards religion because they need to live by a set of rules and if those rules say that homosexuals be damned, then fuck 'em, apparently.  Also, aren't they essentially "blessed" for being persecuted?  Can't miss that opportunity for a blessing!  God is a scapegoat to justify their hatred.

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