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Curious what Lina will do next


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Okay, so Lina and TT are getting married in 2 weeks. I'm curious what she will do after that. Will she sit at home, cleaning and reorganizing the one-bedroom apartment they will probably be living in? Will she bake bread from scratch and cook a delicious kosher meal every night (I do wonder right now if her parents supply her groceries, as cooking a meal from scratch every night can get a little expensive)? Will they immediately try to start a family and if so, how will they afford all of this? She doesn't work and even if she hasn't accumulated any debt, she still requires food, clothing and the basics. Will TT suddenly provide all of that for her? I am praying for Lina, but I'm curious what she really plans to do... because guess what, I'm a cook, a homemaker, and an excellent wife... and I work full-time.

ETA: riffle-fixin'

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She will probably keep living with her parents and he will probably leave and do whatever it is he does. Maybe he will go back to his parents. They can meet every third day in Chik-Fil-A and Whataburger parking lots (can't go inside, not kosher!) and hold hands. If they miss more than their allotted 12 days in a month, maybe they can also rub noses together...

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She's going to do Tony's laundry.

Seriously, that's one of the things she's excited about doing after she gets married. It's right up there with having the same last name and getting to drive his car.

Is it just me, or does Lina seem entirely too emotionally immature to be getting married? I was 25 when I got married, but I feel like I had a much stronger grip on what real marriage entails than Lina does.

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Have my Love's underwear in the washer right now. I'm so blessed.

Seriously, I actually *DO* enjoy doing laundry (for both of us) but she seems incredibly immature-- sounds like she's planning a Barbie marriage. In one of her comments a few posts ago she mentioned something about 'once we're married I'll have no more reasons to be sad.' (paraphrase) She's in for a rude awakening...

Someone should ask her she plans to separate for 12 days/month even while she's pregnant in order to have the joy of reunion each month "just like your wedding night!" That sounds like a co-opt Lina would make...

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I find it interesting that she occasionally comments on Anna T's blog, but I guess it makes sense.

Yeah they're really the perfect pair. Anna is a weirdly Christian Jew and Lina is a weirdly Jewish Christian.

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You know, atfer being married several years I think 12 days with no touch would be a relief.

In her new post she makes it sound like they are already living together. She talks about how he has to go to a friends house for the night. Are they both living with her parents?

I doubt they'll keep with the 12 days apart thing. She sounds like she's horny as hell. I guess it doesn't matter - she seems to be making this all up as she goes along anyway.

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She's going to do Tony's laundry.

Seriously, that's one of the things she's excited about doing after she gets married. It's right up there with having the same last name and getting to drive his car.

Is it just me, or does Lina seem entirely too emotionally immature to be getting married? I was 25 when I got married, but I feel like I had a much stronger grip on what real marriage entails than Lina does.

She reminds me of how Autumn was before her child-marriage. I just hope that TT turns out to be less of an arsehole than Autumn's ex husband.

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