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Alabama, Two Other States Defund Planned Parenthood


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Alabama, Louisiana, and New Hampshire have all voted to defund Planned Parenthood. I don't know anything about New Hampshire, but I've lived in the South all my life, so I feel confident in saying that cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood in Alabama in Louisiana will have dire consequences for women who were already suffering from a lack of good medical services.

http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/06/politics/ ... index.html (Link not broken because its CNN)

What's really disingenous about the latest Planned Parenthood panic is that many of the Senate Republicans who voted to defund it earlier this week because of the selling fetal tissue thing had voted for fetal tissue research in the past. I guess they were for it before they were against it. :roll:

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Fuck you, Gov. Bentley (Alabama)! You just broke a handful of the teachings of Christ, and as a doctor you broke the Hypocratic Oath. I'm ashamed that you are my Governor! Again, fuck you!

The loss of funding will definitely have dire consequences for women. There is no doubt about it. I don't know how many people know this, but Gov. Robert Bentley of Alabama was a physician.

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Hmm, Alabama and Louisiana. Let's see…abstinence only sex education, defunding Planned Parenthood… I guess the astronomically high birthrates to unwed mothers are just going to get more astronomical while aid and support to said mothers and children plummet even further. Way to go, fuckwits!

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All of this Planned Parenthood bashing enrages me. Abortions are 3% of their budget and those aren't covered by anyone's taxes -- though they should be, because every woman deserves autonomy over her own body. Planned Parenthood helps so many people-- women and men without anywhere else to go. I'm worried that the hype and faux concern will be especially terrible as we approach the elections. The politicians will shout and holler, and the poor will suffer the consequences.

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Of course the states where teenage pregnancy is high and I'm sure the std rate is high too. So much for being pro life. Defunding pp only puts low income women at risk. Not abolish abortion.

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One of my friends had a lump in her breast that was discovered at PP and she was able to get it removed. PP probably saved her life and these assholes only care about the unborn (and once they're born, they wanna deny the baby health services if the mother is poor). Fuck them.

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One of my friends had a lump in her breast that was discovered at PP and she was able to get it removed. PP probably saved her life and these assholes only care about the unborn (and once they're born, they wanna deny the baby health services if the mother is poor). Fuck them.

I had a friend whose ovarian cyst (which kinda wanted to burst) was spotted by them -- after her trip to the ER. They provide such valuable services for so many people without other options. Seriously, defunding Planned Parenthood= :evil:

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Last week I heard on the radio about some anti-planned parenthood film that showed proof of illegally harvesting baby organs and selling them on the black market and all kinds of heinous unimaginable things. The speakers were quite well spoken and the whole thing sounded rather convincing if still in the "can't possibly be true" category.

Then the next day or so I read on the Fox News site that the govt had completed its investigation of planned parenthood and found that there was no wrong doing.

I feel confident that if Fox News tells me that Planned Parenthood is innocent, that Planned Parenthood is probably innocent. It must have KILLED them to report the allegations of organ harvesting and other evil was false.

However, the situation reveals how facts and opinion have become interchangeable. It has become possible for lobbyists to actually convince politicians and voters that a fact is not a fact its just an opinion or lie put forth by the other team.

So there we go. An America where science is only an opinion governed by ideology and Trump is going to become President. God forbid!

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Fuck you, Gov. Bentley (Alabama)! You just broke a handful of the teachings of Christ, and as a doctor you broke the Hypocratic Oath. I'm ashamed that you are my Governor! Again, fuck you!

The loss of funding will definitely have dire consequences for women. There is no doubt about it. I don't know how many people know this, but Gov. Robert Bentley of Alabama was a physician.

And probably a piss poor one as well. As part of his budget cuts, he's reduced the number of mental health hospitals. So what are they doing with the residents? Some have been shuffled to other hospitals in the state. Others have been driven elsewhere and abandoned. I know someone who worked at one of the now-defunct hospitals (this one was primarily for criminally insane). Two residents were driven to the Georgia border and dropped off at a rest area just over the border. One, a mentally ill serial rapist, was taken to Birmingham and left at a homeless shelter. He lasted less than a week, and is now in prison (for life) for raping a 15 year old.

Bentley is one of the nastiest people I can imagine. Seriously.

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I know. Bentley is far from the good Christian doctor turned governor people believe he is.

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