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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 5

happy atheist

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Police Report: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26063


Part 1: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26047

Part 2: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26066

Part 3: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26077

Part 4: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26105


Josh, the oldest Duggar child, admitted to molesting five young girls when he was 14 years old.

It's clear that 4 of his victims were his sisters, who, at the time, ranged in age from 4 - 12.

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No in fact Mike Huckabee nominated the judge that ordered the documents destroyed to Arkansas Judaical system.

Too bad the internet lives forever, Jimmy Bob.

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Will TLC ever release a public statement other than their Facebook one? :think:

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Mullet called transgender people child molesters, which they are not. Her son IS a child molester... Does this woman not realise how stupid she is?!

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I'm going to move this from the other thread

Remember where the Josh owes taxes thing broke and we were digging around in court cases? I remember seeing this http://esearch.co.washington.ar.us/exte ... P%2b7v8%3d but thought nothing of it. Now there is a whole new meaning to it I bet.

If the link doesn't work it's Arkansas Department of Health vs Joshua (Minor) Duggar filed 4/4/2007. I'm clueless about FOIAs and how they work. Buzzard?

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Remember where the Josh owes taxes thing broke and we were digging around in court cases? I remember seeing this http://esearch.co.washington.ar.us/exte ... P%2b7v8%3d but thought nothing of it. Now there is a whole new meaning to it I bet.

If the link doesn't work it's Arkansas Department of Health vs Joshua (Minor) Duggar filed 4/4/2007. I'm clueless about FOIAs and how they work. Buzzard?

Answering this question from GrandmaDuggar in the previous thread.

Juvenile court records are sealed and are not disclosed under FOIA. It has been reported that there was indeed a trial and there was state involvement after the fact. Any findings or delinquency and court recomendations would be sealed as a matter of law.

According to the newspaper, investigators eventually “concluded the statute of limitations had expired, precluding any possible sexual-assault charges.â€

Investigators also filed a “family in need of services†affidavit with Washington County Juvenile Court, the report says.

The sealed Washington County Circuit Court file for “Josh Duggar vs. the Arkansas Department of Human Services,†CV 07-921, was found in 2007 by a Northwest Arkansas Times reporter, who now works for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. A trial in that case took place Aug. 6, 2007, according to notes attached to the file. Sealed cases aren’t supposed to be left in public view, but the Duggar case file had been left in a stack of routine court filings at the circuit clerk’s office. The reporter saw no other information on the case at the time.

The newspaper added that “both Josh and Jim Bob Duggar were asked about the case in 2007, and both declined to comment.â€

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts ... legations/

I think I mentioned this in part 2, but the most interesting part of all of this is that if Boob and Michelle hadnt gone to such lengths to cover this up it would never have been discovered or reportable. Had the case gone to court in 2004 the entire thing would have been sealed. He would have been adjudicated delinquent and received punishment and treatment, as would the victim. Since its unlikely that TLC knew nothing, the series would have gone on just as it did. Only we would have never known the truth and those that did would have been unable to prove it.

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I'm definitely in the camp of not speculating about which girls were involved or analyzing their behavior. I just want of offer another perspective.

I have exactly one memory of my dad doing something inappropriate. I have no idea if it actually happened or it's just a random something that caught in my brain. Just to add another opinion to the mix, the girls may (at this point) think of it as something that didn't even actually happen. A memory that is not reliable. They may be now forced to confront the truth.

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Answering this question from GrandmaDuggar in the previous thread.

Juvenile court records are sealed and are not disclosed under FOIA. It has been reported that there was indeed a trial and there was state involvement after the fact. Any findings or delinquency and court recomendations would be sealed as a matter of law.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts ... legations/

I think I mentioned this in part 2, but the most interesting part of all of this is that if Boob and Michelle hadnt gone to such lengths to cover this up it would never have been discovered or reportable. Had the case gone to court in 2004 the entire thing would have been sealed. He would have been adjudicated delinquent and received punishment and treatment, as would the victim. Since its unlikely that TLC knew nothing, the series would have gone on just as it did. Only we would have never known the truth and those that did would have been unable to prove it.

Impressive connection.

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Whats most interesting about the 2007 case is that, if the SOL had expired, what brought them before the jurisdiction of the court? Is there another case out there??? We will never know.

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Will TLC ever release a public statement other than their Facebook one? :think:

I can't believe they are still mum. It cant have anything to do with the holiday because you know damage control would be working full force. .

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I can't stop thinking of the poster who quoted TLC's response to the honey boo boo scandal (which was a rumor when the show was canceled) and the gentle statement released about thenDuggars. More double standards.

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Mullet called transgender people child molesters, which they are not. Her son IS a child molester... Does this woman not realise how stupid she is?!

Under patriarchy, the patriarch can have his way sexually with any person, male or female, in his household and not suffer any consequences. The heir of the patriarch can have similar privileges. That abuse keeps cropping up in among the "patriarchs" we discuss here is a feature of their belief system, not a bug. In comparison, transgender people completely upend all of the values of patriarchy. They cannot be integrated into this worldview in any way, which is why they are evil, but a firstborn son who molests his sisters can be.

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Remember where the Josh owes taxes thing broke and we were digging around in court cases? I remember seeing this http://esearch.co.washington.ar.us/exte ... P%2b7v8%3d but thought nothing of it. Now there is a whole new meaning to it I bet.

If the link doesn't work it's Arkansas Department of Health vs Joshua (Minor) Duggar filed 4/4/2007. I'm clueless about FOIAs and how they work. Buzzard?

Hmm...so the Duggars are in there quite a few times, though I don't know how these work to really understand what it means. Can anyone explain what the $3,746.20 and $9,908.64 that have Josh and Anna's name on it for 5/12/15 are?

$3,746.20 one: esearch.co.washington.ar.us/external/LandRecords/protected/DocumentDetails.aspx?BaseFileNumb=8R4a1tG7tFk%3d&ImageID=5L4j0caLWHM%3d

$9,908.64 one: esearch.co.washington.ar.us/external/LandRecords/protected/DocumentDetails.aspx?BaseFileNumb=%2fyWk8r%2bSyPs%3d&ImageID=MpySlbcFtvg%3d

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Whats most interesting about the 2007 case is that, if the SOL had expired, what brought them before the jurisdiction of the court? Is there another case out there??? We will never know.

Thanks for the info Buzzard. I thought nothing of it when I saw it months ago. I remember thinking, hmm that's odd, but nothing more. So odd that the Duggars working so hard to hide this is exactly why it is in the light of day today.

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Hmm...so the Duggars are in there quite a few times, though I don't know how these work to really understand what it means. Can anyone explain what the $3,746.20 and $9,908.64 that have Josh and Anna's name on it for 5/12/15 are?

$3,746.20 one: esearch.co.washington.ar.us/external/LandRecords/protected/DocumentDetails.aspx?BaseFileNumb=8R4a1tG7tFk%3d&ImageID=5L4j0caLWHM%3d

$9,908.64 one: esearch.co.washington.ar.us/external/LandRecords/protected/DocumentDetails.aspx?BaseFileNumb=%2fyWk8r%2bSyPs%3d&ImageID=MpySlbcFtvg%3d

They paid off the 12k they owed Arkansas. Arkansas released any liens on 5/12

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I can't believe they are still mum. It cant have anything to do with the holiday because you know damage control would be working full force. .

What are they going to say? They either admit to being hypocrites by saying they've known the whole time. Or they lie and say they never knew.

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Thanks for the info Buzzard. I thought nothing of it when I saw it months ago. I remember thinking, hmm that's odd, but nothing more. So odd that the Duggars working so hard to hide this is exactly why it is in the light of day today.

Whats odd about the 2007 case is that Josh is listed as the Plaintiff. I wonder if he was attempting to get out from under conditions that were imposed upon him. That would explain why the title of the case is publicly viewable since its not an allegation of a delinquent act. The question remains, what brought him to the jurisdiction of the court if the statute had run?

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I have said this many times and I will say this again:

Speculating on which girls were/weren't molested has no point. In my mind, the reason for this is that it likely ALL of them were. He first started molesting them while they were sleeping. Why would he just not touch one of them? Why all of them, except one? Unless he somehow respected them in a way unlike the others? But still, it started while they were sleeping. It's not even a matter of opportunity with that one. Also strange, why would he avoid one of the older ones? He seemed to wanted to touch breasts. Obviously the older girls would have had something resembling breasts, more than an eight year-old. So why avoid one of the older ones? Unless it was pedophilia or about the dominant aspect? It's also possible that because a lot of the abuse happened while they were sleeping, that one of the daughters was unaware that she was ever molested at all. Or perhaps, one of the elder girls, who was old enough to understand the shame and the disturbing nature of what had happened, simply lied. The fact that that conversation includes a lot of other information leads to me believe that the daughter cleverly avoided the subject by talking about cooking and her GED. Very clever. I do that too when I don't want to talk about something.

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Whats odd about the 2007 case is that Josh is listed as the Plaintiff. I wonder if he was attempting to get out from under conditions that were imposed upon him. That would explain why the title of the case is publicly viewable since its not an allegation of a delinquent act. The question remains, what brought him to the jurisdiction of the court if the statute had run?

Could he have pentioned the court because he thought he had completed the steps early? Like someone who has been sentenced to attend so many AA meetings by a certain date can go in early if they've met the requirement?

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Whats most interesting about the 2007 case is that, if the SOL had expired, what brought them before the jurisdiction of the court? Is there another case out there??? We will never know.

I firmly believe there are more than 5 victims, and some may be boys.

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Could he have pentioned the court because he thought he had completed the steps early? Like someone who has been sentenced to attend so many AA meetings by a certain date can go in early if they've met the requirement?

Certainly, but that would imply that he was under some form of court order. The question remains - why and what order? Unless he releases that information that is not something that is obtainable.

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Under patriarchy, the patriarch can have his way sexually with any person, male or female, in his household and not suffer any consequences. The heir of the patriarch can have similar privileges. That abuse keeps cropping up in among the "patriarchs" we discuss here is a feature of their belief system, not a bug. In comparison, transgender people completely upend all of the values of patriarchy. They cannot be integrated into this worldview in any way, which is why they are evil, but a firstborn son who molests his sisters can be.

Yes, Josh himself has said that gays and transgendered people are a danger to children's safety. So which one is Josh?

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Certainly, but that would imply that he was under some form of court order. The question remains - why and what order? Unless he releases that information that is not something that is obtainable.

Maybe he actually told the truth when he said he and the victims received therapy. Court order therapy not just ALERT and JTTH.

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