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Berenstain Bears went fundie on us


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It's been a long time since I've read the books so I don't remember Papa turning into a dolt. I need to root through the attic and look for them.

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Generally the ones that are super-religious have a little extra logo on the cover - it's like a lantern or something.

Papa isn't always an idiot, either - he's the mediator in "Messy Room" (although he could have helped before Mama had a Moment over the room), and he helps get the point across in "The Trouble With Boys" (where the boys build a clubhouse and won't let her in).

We have some of them, but only the older ones.

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I loved the Berenstein Bears when I was little...my folks got rid of them after a while (and banned us from reading them at other people's houses) because of the Papa Bear = idiot.

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