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Does anyone suspect that the Botkin boys


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secretly hold jobs? Like, being a barista at Star*ucks or bagging groceries at the supermarket jobs?

Especially for David and Ben I don't know how you can expect to hold down a household and have almost no income.

Even if they're making a few thou from the marriage seminar, that's enough for a few months and then you have to cook up another scheme.

I bet there's something else going on there.

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Yes - I've always wondered about this. And what does Isaac do with all his time???

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Do you think their dad gives them money? I think the leave-and-cleave is a Gothard line, and I don't see Daddy Botkin letting his kids live an average lifestyle, because he has to keep up the image. Maybe he justifies it by thinking of it as giving them their inheritance early, because I think this happened in at least one Bible story.

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