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Sparkling Adventures in Child Neglect - "Gayby" is Born!

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Like every other passing fancy in Lauren's life, the dreads have served their purpose and now they are gone, I guess.

Are any of her rats still around?

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To take this view, you have to completely ignore the biological reality that for the baby, whoever gestates him/her is their mother, in every way that matters. Honestly, for infant adoption and surrogacy to even remotely be considered acceptable, you have to ignore everything we've learned in the last 50+ years about fetus' and newborns and their connections to their mother. Babies separated from their mothers undergo a kind of PTSD and a complete re-wiring of their brains to cause their stress reactions to change.

Adoptees (and I suspect children of surrogates, although as far as I'm aware there aren't any studies since the first generation are just becoming adults) are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population, far more likely to be addicts, far more likely to be in psychiatric treatment, even more likely to be murderers. Being separated from your mother is a trauma on a MASSIVE scale for a baby. Are there some who are outwardly seemingly unaffected? Of course, but even they start realising that they are affected when they get together with a group of fellow adoptees or "children" of surrogacy and discover that what they thought were just personality quirks or a problem with them is actually something they all share.

We know it's harmful to take puppies and kittens from their mothers, but we completely ignore/like to pretend that human babies aren't also affected by it when it's convenient for adults. IMO, and the opinion of many of the now adults who were adopted or created through surrogacy, both are about fulfilling adult desires at the expense of children. Surrogacy should be banned and adoption should be limited to situations where there truly is no other choice (none of this adopters fighting fathers for their own children bs) and even then, the practice of falsifying birth certificates needs to stop. Children have a right to know who they come from if they want to. Birth certificates should contain factual information about whose egg and sperm the child was created from. And if we aren't banning surrogacy, those certificates should have whose egg, whose sperm and whose uterus.

I just wanted to clarify that my position has nothing to do with them being gay, I'd be equally disgusted if it were a hetero couple. I have been equally disgusted by a female adopter having "birth" pictures taken in a birth pool with a baby she adopted. It completely ignores the trauma the baby is going through.

Hell, yes. Children are not property and babies have certain needs and biological expectations immediately after birth. Sometimes their health makes it so those expectations can't be fulfilled, but if at all possible they should be. There is a reason hospitals stopped taking babies away for hours right after birth unless absolutely necessary; they discovered it's harmful. Someone else wanting to hold the baby because it's "theirs" isn't actually a good reason, it's an incredibly adult-centric view with no regard for the child's needs.

I love this post! Kudos

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Like every other passing fancy in Lauren's life, the dreads have served their purpose and now they are gone, I guess.

Are any of her rats still around?

I think all of the rats died while in Hellena's care.

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Lauren, Please please come back and dazzle us with your sparkling ways. My snarking soul has such a dark Duggar cloud over it and I need your wackadoddle ways to combat it. you will always be my gateway fundie.



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Was just coming here to say that she's finally posted to FB after like 9 months, but I see you've already got it :-). And in my haste, I totally didn't even notice the haircut...

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Whoa, that's interesting, to say the least. She does look good but I wonder what was behind it. What happened to authenticity?

Perhaps there came to be too many inhabitants in the hair and she had no other choice. Although, I wouldn't expect her to spin it that way.

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Maybe she's emerged from the post-partum depression a lot of us suspected she might've had. She's definitely one to make dramatic changes to signify a new season of life.

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Her hair looks really nice like that. Lauren has been authentic now for, what, like 5 years? Maybe it's time for her to morph into something else. Maybe that something else will involve some stability for her kids. One can hope.

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Like every other passing fancy in Lauren's life, the dreads have served their purpose and now they are gone, I guess.

Are any of her rats still around?

I wonder if the girls are still around. Lauren has been very quiet for a very long time. Now the new hairdo? It is not beyond the realm of possibility that she has farmed them out somewhere.

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I think she has found her base - that part of the Yarra Ranges is beautiful. The girls look happy anyway.

They do - though I only found one pic of two of them:


Lauren's caption for photo: My prototype plant protector (an attempt to grow something without also feeding the local wallabies and possums) has been hijacked as a cubby.

The place they're staying looks good. Here's hoping the girls have a real bath or shower and beds.

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Dreads are a sort of secret handshake, true. I wouldn't say they make you more or less "authentic". When I started allowing my hair to dread, I had more than one "family member" offer me a brush and say that I really didn't want to go that route. They are a pain. They pinch and tug on your scalp and require regular separating from each other, which can be painful. They are by no means required to be rainbow. Hopefully it was her choice to get rid of thrm, and not forced upon her like it was me. That shit was traumatic even if they are uncomfortable.

In Lauren-speak authentic doesn't mean authentic, it means conforming to her exact ideas of what she thinks you should be like, which she hopes are exactly the same as the rules for being a hippy. For Lauren, following the rules to the letter is of utmost importance.

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now I am just waiting with bated breath for the inevitable dump of posts on her blog. come ooooon Lauren! that kitchen looks nice. I'm happy they seem to be staying somewhere permanently.

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now I am just waiting with bated breath for the inevitable dump of posts on her blog. come ooooon Lauren! that kitchen looks nice. I'm happy they seem to be staying somewhere permanently.

There's no way she will be dark for long.

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I think she has found her base - that part of the Yarra Ranges is beautiful. The girls look happy anyway.

How do you know she's in the Yarra Ranges (almost my neighbourhood!)?

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Where are you reading this and getting the photos? Does Lauren post it on FB privately?

No, the pic with the kids was on her public instagram.

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