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Rose McGowan talks about the Children of God cult


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McGowan's father realized he had to leave when he was asked to draw cartoon literature that advocated child-adult sexual relationships. Soon after, Rose, her father, and some siblings left the cult in the middle of the night. They hid in a stone house, and avoided the cult members who came looking for them. "I remember a man trying to break in with a hammer," McGowan said. The Children of God sect has since been renamed The Family International and has "renounced its advocacy of sexual sharing" and adult-minor sexual relationships.


Eventually, McGowan settled with her father in Washington, where they worked on their relationship. "We became really close when he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis at age 60," she said. Her father died in 2008. Today, she is close with her siblings, who she describes as "the most together, offbeat, funny, regular-ish people." Her mom is also happily married.


But McGowan has no illusions that things could have ended very differently. "As strong as I like to think I've always been, I'm sure I could have been broken. I know I got out by the skin of my teeth."


For the full article, pick up the September 5, 2011 issue of People magazine.

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I feel like this might explain a lot about Rose McGowan. Seriously, what a terrifying experience for a young child. Or anyone, really.

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I've always wanted to her to talk more about this. I've always been curious. River Phoenix was raised in it as well. I'll be reading this for sure.

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