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(real) Jewish fundies?


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I have seen many Jewish fundies around where I live, and they especially stand out at amusement parks where Moms are wearing long sleeves, long skirts in very hot weather while the rest of the family gets to go on water slides, etc. Do any of these Jewish women have blogs? Does anyone have any links? Now, I'm talking about "real" Jewish women, not the recent fake kind (like Lina).

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I have seen many Jewish fundies around where I live, and they especially stand out at amusement parks where Moms are wearing long sleeves, long skirts in very hot weather while the rest of the family gets to go on water slides, etc. Do any of these Jewish women have blogs? Does anyone have any links? Now, I'm talking about "real" Jewish women, not the recent fake kind (like Lina).

Yes, many blogs. Aside from our Anna T. (and she's sketchy "jewsih" in my mind...more like a x-ian fundie), here's a blog that I read often. shearim.blogspot.com/ The woman who writes it, I believe is actually modern orthodox, but machmir (or closer to the right on the mod orthodox spectrum). Haven't figured out whether she's just hanging out with the chareidi crew or is seriously flirting with the idea of becoming chareidi/more frum. Interesting blog though, straight from Jerusalem.

I've got major brain fog today....so can't think straight. I know there are more blogs, but maybe, when the fog clears, the memories about the blogs will return.

Enjoy :D

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I have seen many Jewish fundies around where I live, and they especially stand out at amusement parks where Moms are wearing long sleeves, long skirts in very hot weather while the rest of the family gets to go on water slides, etc. Do any of these Jewish women have blogs? Does anyone have any links? Now, I'm talking about "real" Jewish women, not the recent fake kind (like Lina).

Not a blog, but a chat board you might like lurking on is "imamother" over at http://www.imamother.com .

Lots of very right-wing observant (charedi, chassidish, very yeshivish, etc) people posting over there, with observations on various threads coming from that point of view on various topics (you don't have to be a member to read plenty of stuff). As a window into another very alien (to me) world, I find it pretty interesting, particularly some of the school threads and the stuff on just how segregated the sexes need to be.

There are other more "modern" (orthodox, but more... modern) people posting there too, so the discussions can get animated, depending.

Some posters there do have blogs (blogspot, etc) which they mention in their .sig, but many of the more fundie persuasion have a not-so-great relationship with the internet - they will post on imamother, but the idea of having a blog would be something else entirely.

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I would like some Orthodox Jew or similar Jewish blogs as well. I love Jewinthecity, but she doesn;t update much. I also read a few fashion blogs written by Orthodox women which are ok,but one is moving,one hasn;t blogged in months and one is blogging about boring stuff so its not doing it for me.. I also read the blog of one of our members here who is Orthodox, but that is up to her to out herself. :whistle:

Not a blog, but I just watched a documentary on a Hasidic man who was a drug dealer and his life after her can out trying to get back into the community. It showed normal Hasidic life and interviewed some people, talked about modesty, beliefs and Hasidic life as much as if not more than the guy it was supposed to be about. I liked it for info. I didn't know. If anyone wants the link http://documentaryheaven.com/the-hasidic-drugdealer/

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The blogger, Henya, is a Chasidic woman and mother of seven who was born in the Ukraine (lived in the Chernobyl district, IIRC), emigrated to the US and now their family has once again emigrated, this time to Israel. Much of the focus on Chicken Stitches is on knitting and crocheting (man, does she have some wonderful patterns!), but Henya also blogs about Jewish life. She's got posts about preparing for Passover, her kids' Purim costumes, her oldest son's Bar Mitzvah, the birth of a new Torah scroll and so on. One thing I love about Henya is that she says in her profile that she dreams of menopause. I really like this blog.

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I love reading inspiredima.squarespace.com

She's an Orthodox Jew, a crunchy homeschooling mother of triplets, and quite politically liberal from what I can gather. She seems like a really nice, open person and her kids do the coolest homeschooling activities!

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I guess I'm a Jewish fundie . . . we're on the left wing of the Yeshivaish movement. I wear long sleeves and long skirts and a scarf or wig, even in the summer. It doesn't get that hot here. But we're only fundies if you consider "fundy" to mean "anyone on the right wing of their religion." Otherwise Orthodox Judaism has almost nothing in common with Fundamentalist Christianity.

The woman at Penniless Parenting is an Orthodox Jew. So is myshtub.blogspot.com and Aviva at vibrantmoms.com. Amotherinisrael.com is a large Modern Orthodox blog.

Are you sure though that they're staying off of the slides for modesty reasons and not out of preference? After all, you can go down a water slide in a skirt. And there are even skirted bathing suits. And the girls wouldn't normally be doing something that the mothers aren't, if it's a modesty issue.

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I'm Orthodox (wig, long sleeves, etc:)) and while my blog has a lot of crafting content, I also discuss Judaism and details about my life, etc. The url is www.kesehtstarr.com if you're interested. Also, one of my friends has a blog called The Daily Cover (www.thedailycover.com) about hair covering as well. Trying to think of more....

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Danit Schusterman, who runs the Chabad House on Maui, writes jewishhomeschool.blogspot.com. It's mostly about lessons and crafts she creates for her children to teach them the Jewish holidays, and it looks like she will soon be opening up a Jewish day school that uses Montessori methods. I learned about her when she wrote an article for a kosher food magazine about how, for her first Shabbat at the Maui Chabad house, she went all out on the cooking only for every dish she made to be inedible to at least one person. The gluten intolerant couldn't eat her whole-wheat challah or matzah balls, the locavore couldn't eat her chicken, the raw foodists couldn't eat any cooked items, the woman on the Master Cleanse couldn't eat anything and was just there for company . . . Today, she's changed her menu and grows her own vegetables to make the meal as natural and inclusive as possible.

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If you truly want a dose of the Jewish crazy, try Failed Messiah; it's a news blog dedicated to the worst aspects of various ultra-Orthodox communities. The author, a former Chabadnik, clearly has an axe to grind, but he's brought a number of scandals to light.

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Before I forget, when we were talking head coverings a while ago, the BEST headcovering blog is The Style Underground. (I forgot the name of the blog at the time and several people wanted recommendations)The woman is beautiful and she has tons of videos on how to tie tichels and her hats are fabulous. http://thestyleunderground.typepad.com/

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Guest Anonymous
Before I forget, when we were talking head coverings a while ago, the BEST headcovering blog is The Style Underground. (I forgot the name of the blog at the time and several people wanted recommendations)The woman is beautiful and she has tons of videos on how to tie tichels and her hats are fabulous. http://thestyleunderground.typepad.com/

Her instructions are how I learned how to do it! she's fabulous and I have one of her hats and erm, SEVERAL of her scarves. :D

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Sarah, your blog is so awesome. Your posts about Judaism are fascinating, but after reading I'm now determined to start scrapbooking!

If you don't mind me asking, when you say you weren't brought up eating kosher, do you mean you're a convert to Judaism or just that you didn't keep kosher back then?

PS: Huge congratulations to you too! :dance:

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Thanks so much for fixing the links for us. Your blog is just beautiful. I look forward to spending more time there.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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Thanks so much everyone! I was a bit nervous sharing, so that makes me extra appreciative:)

If you don't mind me asking, when you say you weren't brought up eating kosher, do you mean you're a convert to Judaism or just that you didn't keep kosher back then?

Don't mind at all:) I'm not a convert, I became Orthodox when I was older, so I didn't grow up keeping kosher. My family was fairly traditional though, so I've never eaten classically non-kosher foods like cheeseburgers and lobster.

Thanks for all the pregnancy wishes, too! I appreciate all the positive thoughts:)

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