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Failed Courtship


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New here - well... lurker for a while. Came across this site after being hurt by a woman that left our church. A quiverfull/gothard/12 pillars of biblical womanhood/Paul Washer/family integrated/modesty above Jesus/elitist gossip. She had a whole following in our church and they all left with her. And sadly... I almost drank the kool Aid. Still homeschool, but we do it our way and we have fun! Anyhoo... HI!



So, I came across this other site - commandmentsofmen.blogspot.com. It has a series titled "The Joke Was On Me" on his failed one sided weird courtship with a big Gothard/Fundie family that played music. The man writing is in the music industry. My first thought was "Sarah Maxwell?" This happened around 2007(?) and the **** girl mentioned was mid 20's. I dunno - thought maybe someone more experienced would know how to read between the lines and figure this out.


I did a search for this - forgive me if it has been posted before.



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Guest Anonymous

The author of the Commandments of Men blog posts here as Lewis. I'm pretty sure the woman in question was not Sarah Maxwell. There are people who know the ins and outs of the situation but I'm not one of them.

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I have been really curious who the girl is also. I've wondered if it's anyone we "know". I seriously doubt Lewis would give us any hints since I'm sure he (rightly) wants to protect the girl's privacy.

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I agree "Lewis" wants to protect her, but honestly... a large musical (enough where large ammounts of people would come to hear them), Gothard, homeschool, non-Christmas celebrating family... I am reading back through to find clues. I don't know why it matters, but my curiosity is sometimes bizarre.

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I am by no means a good internet slueth, but was able to figure it out, as were others. I think no one is talking for the sake of her privacy. She is not a "big name" fundy - I had never heard of her or her family before.

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Hi, eyeswideopen. I'd like to hear more about your unfortunate church experience, if you feel like sharing. Glad you didn't drink the kool-aid.

Welcome to FJ!

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Lewis' former fiance is fairly easy to figure out if you do a little Internet searching. I don't want to "out" her, though, because he doesn't. Just poke around and remember she is from a musical family.

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Through minor google sleuthing it is easy... there is even a youtube video of his proposal. I feel for all he went through dealing with the crazies in her family. :(

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Yup, super easy to find the fiancee.

Eyeswideopen, btdt, have the t-shirt. I was in high-school at the time our church had its mass-exodus over those issues. My mom drank the kool-aid, but my dad didn't and refused to leave with them...so my mom stayed. It was one of the few times the kool-aid worked in our favor. ;)

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Through minor google sleuthing it is easy... there is even a youtube video of his proposal. I feel for all he went through dealing with the crazies in her family. :(

Bah, they weren't the only crazy ones in that situation, IMO.

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The author of the Commandments of Men blog posts here as Lewis. I'm pretty sure the woman in question was not Sarah Maxwell. There are people who know the ins and outs of the situation but I'm not one of them.

Well since Lewis writes in his blog "this was the most musically talented family I've ever heard" or something like that, we can be pretty confident that it ISN'T the Maxwells. Ha ha.

I see that he wrote a song for her, and that this spring they played it on their myspace player.

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Haha - not the Maxwells... true true true! Funny!

Anyway, I pretty much figured it out and then got pvt messages (which I can't respond to yet). I feel really bad for everyone involved, to be honest. I hope Lewis finds peace. I've read some of his other postings and can relate to a broken heart. Thank you for the private messages. I can't reply yet... but will when I am allowed.

As for my OWN story - that one has yet to be told. I honestly have a lot to tell, but really need to figure it out as it is a BIG story.


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